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Second Substitute S.B. 134

Senator Paula F. Julander proposes the following substitute bill:





Sponsor: Paula F. Julander

             6      This act amends provisions related to Health Insurance. The act requires health
             7      insurance policies and health maintenance contracts to provide coverage for preventative
             8      health care services. The act requires coverage for the cost of bone density measurement
             9      and prescriptive osteoporosis treatment, prostate cancer screening, breast cancer
             10      screening, cervical cancer screening, colorectal cancer screening, and prescriptive
             11      contraceptives. This act provides a religious exemption for coverage of prescriptive
             12      contraceptives.
             13      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             14      ENACTS:
             15          31A-22-630.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             16      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             17          Section 1. Section 31A-22-630.5 is enacted to read:
             18          31A-22-630.5. Preventative health care coverage.
             19          (1) A health insurance policy or health maintenance contract shall provide coverage,
             20      with consultation from the physician and the patient, for the following preventative health care:
             21          (a) bone density measurements, drugs, and devices approved by the Food and Drug
             22      Administration or the United States Government or generic equivalents as approved as
             23      substitutes;
             24          (b) (i) mammography screening for occult breast cancer as follows:
             25          (A) upon the recommendation of a physician, a mammogram at any age for covered

             26      persons having a prior history of breast cancer or who have a first degree relative with a prior
             27      history of breast cancer;
             28          (B) a single base-line mammogram for covered persons aged 35 through 39;
             29          (C) a mammogram every two years or more frequently upon the recommendation of a
             30      physician, for covered persons aged 40 through 49; and
             31          (D) an annual mammogram for covered persons aged 50 and older; and
             32          (ii) for purposes of this Subsection (1)(b), mammography screening means an X-ray
             33      examination of the breast using dedicated equipment, including X-ray tube, filter, compression
             34      device, screens, films, and cassettes, with an average glandular radiation dose less than 0.5 rem
             35      per view per breast;
             36          (c) (i) annual cervical cytology screening for cervical cancer and its precursor states for
             37      women aged 18 and older; and
             38          (ii) for purposes of this Subsection (1)(c), cervical cytology screening shall include an
             39      annual pelvic examination, collection and preparation of a Pap smear, and laboratory and
             40      diagnostic services provided in connection with examining and evaluating the Pap smear;
             41          (d) (i) prostate cancer screening for men age 50 or older or earlier for men at high risk
             42      for prostate cancer, as recommended by a physician; and
             43          (ii) for purposes of Subsection (1)(d), prostate cancer screening shall include a blood
             44      test for prostate specific antigen and a digital rectal exam; and
             45          (e) (i) colorectal cancer screening for a person age 50 or older, or earlier for a person at
             46      high risk for colorectal cancer, as recommended by a physician; and
             47          (ii) for purposes of Subsection (e)(i), colorectal cancer screening shall include:
             48          (A) an annual fecal occult blood test; and
             49          (B) a flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years; or
             50          (C) a colonoscopy every ten years.
             51          (2) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (2):
             52          (i) "contraceptive article" means:
             53          (A) any prescription drug, medicine, mixture, preparation, instrument, article, or device
             54      of any nature that is:
             55          (I) approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration to prevent a pregnancy; and
             56          (II) prescribed by a licensed health care provider for use to prevent a pregnancy; or

             57          (B) any hormonal compound that is taken orally and that is approved by the federal
             58      Food and Drug Administration for use to prevent a pregnancy;
             59          (ii) "contraceptive article" does not include any drug, medicine, mixture, preparation,
             60      instrument, article, or device of any nature that is prescribed by a licensed health care
             61      professional for use in terminating a pregnancy.
             62          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), a health insurance policy or health
             63      maintenance contract which provides coverage for outpatient prescription drugs shall cover to
             64      the same extent and subject to the same policy terms:
             65          (i) contraceptive articles; and
             66          (ii) outpatient services for contraceptive articles.
             67          (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a religious employer may
             68      request a health insurance policy or health maintenance contract without coverage for
             69      prescriptive contraceptive articles or methods that are contrary to the religious employer's
             70      religious tenets. If requested, a health insurance policy or health maintenance contract shall be
             71      provided without coverage for contraceptive articles or methods. This Subsection (2) shall not
             72      be construed to deny an enrollee coverage of, and timely access to, prescriptive contraceptive
             73      articles or methods.
             74          (i) For purposes of this Subsection (2), a "religious employer" is an entity for which
             75      each of the following is true:
             76          (A) the inculcation of religious values is the purpose of the entity;
             77          (B) the entity primarily employs persons who share the religious tenets of the entity;
             78          (C) the entity serves primarily persons who share the religious tenets of the entity; and
             79          (D) the entity is a nonprofit organization as described in Section 6033(a)(2)(A)i or iii,
             80      of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
             81          (ii) Every religious employer that invokes the exemption provided under this
             82      Subsection (2)(c) shall provide written notice to prospective enrollees prior to enrollment with
             83      the plan, listing the contraceptive articles or methods the employer refuses to cover for
             84      religious reasons.
             85          (d) Nothing in this Subsection (2) shall be construed to:
             86          (i) exclude coverage for prescriptive contraceptive articles or methods ordered by a
             87      health care provider with prescriptive authority for reasons other than contraceptive purposes,

             88      such as decreasing the risk of ovarian cancer or eliminating symptoms of menopause, or for
             89      prescription contraception that is necessary to preserve the life or health of an enrollee;
             90          (ii) deny or restrict in any way any existing right or benefit provided under law or by
             91      contract; or
             92          (iii) require an individual or group health insurance policy or health maintenance
             93      contract to cover experimental or investigational treatments.
             94          (3) (a) Subsections (1) and (2) of this section do not prevent an insurance policy or
             95      health maintenance contract from imposing cost-sharing measures for health benefits relating
             96      to the coverage required in Subsections (1) and (2), if cost-sharing measures are not greater
             97      than those imposed on any other medical condition or for any other drug or device covered
             98      under the policy.
             99          (b) For purposes of this Subsection (3), cost-sharing measures include imposing a
             100      deductible or coinsurance requirements.

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