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S.B. 149






Sponsor: Leonard M. Blackham

             6      This act modifies the State Financing Consolidation Act provisions by defining additional
             7      terms, clarifying the scope of the act, modifying certain responsibilities and processes
             8      established by the act, and making technical corrections.
             9      This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
             10      AMENDS:
             11          63-65-2, as last amended by Chapter 270, Laws of Utah 1998
             12          63-65-3, as last amended by Chapter 135, Laws of Utah 1997
             13          63-65-4, as last amended by Chapter 175, Laws of Utah 2001
             14          63-65-5, as repealed and reenacted by Chapter 164, Laws of Utah 1989
             15          63-65-6, as enacted by Chapter 164, Laws of Utah 1989
             16          63-65-7, as enacted by Chapter 164, Laws of Utah 1989
             17          63-65-8, as last amended by Chapter 259, Laws of Utah 1991
             18          63-65-9, as enacted by Chapter 164, Laws of Utah 1989
             19      ENACTS:
             20          63-65-8.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             21          63-65-8.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             22      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             23          Section 1. Section 63-65-2 is amended to read:
             24           63-65-2. Definitions.
             25          As used in this chapter:
             26          (1) "Agency bonds" means any bond, note, contract, or other evidence of indebtedness
             27      representing loans or grants made by an authorizing [agencies] agency.

             28          (2) "Authorized official" means the state treasurer or other person authorized by a bond
             29      document to perform the required action.
             30          [(2)] (3) "Authorizing agency" means the board, person, or unit with legal
             31      responsibility for administering and managing revolving loan funds.
             32          (4) "Bond document" means:
             33          (a) a resolution of the commission; or
             34          (b) an indenture or other similar document authorized by the commission that
             35      authorizes and secures outstanding revenue bonds from time to time.
             36          (5) "Commission" means the State Bonding Commission created in Section
             37      63B-1-201 .
             38          [(3)] (6) "Revenue bonds" means any special fund revenue bonds issued [by the state
             39      treasurer on behalf of the state pursuant to Section 63-65-8 ] under this chapter.
             40          [(4)] (7) "Revolving Loan Funds" means:
             41          (a) the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund, created in Section
             42      73-10-24 ;
             43          (b) the Water Resources Construction Fund, created in Section 73-10-8 ;
             44          (c) the Water Resources Cities Water Loan Fund, created in Section 73-10-22 ;
             45          (d) the Clean Fuel Conversion Funds, created in Title [9] 63, Chapter [1] 34, Part [7] 2,
             46      Clean Fuels Conversion Program Act;
             47          (e) the Water Development Security [Account] Fund and its subaccounts created in
             48      Section 73-10c-5 ;
             49          (f) the Agriculture Resource Development Fund, created in Section 4-18-6 ;
             50          (g) the Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund, created in Section 4-19-4 ;
             51          (h) the Permanent Community Impact Fund, created in Section 9-4-303 ;
             52          (i) the Petroleum Storage Tank Loan Fund, created in Section 19-6-405.3 ; and
             53          (j) the Transportation Infrastructure Loan Fund, created in Section 72-2-202 .
             54          Section 2. Section 63-65-3 is amended to read:
             55           63-65-3. Investment officer -- Powers and duties.
             56          (1) There is created within the Office of the State Treasurer an investment banking
             57      officer to advise, counsel, and render technical assistance to authorizing agencies in the
             58      management of state loan and grant programs.

             59          (2) This officer shall:
             60          (a) work cooperatively with the staff and boards of authorizing agencies as an advisor
             61      on technical financial aspects concerning loan and grant programs authorized by law;
             62          (b) coordinate procedures for the closing of and assist authorizing agencies in closing
             63      all loans and grants of funds or other subsidy agreements;
             64          (c) analyze, in conjunction with the appropriate authorizing agency, the financial
             65      feasibility and economic and capital efficiency of projects of applicants to authorizing agencies
             66      for loans and grants, review financing options, and make recommendations to each authorizing
             67      agency regarding terms of loans or grants and levels of state subsidy in accordance with the
             68      financial feasibility of the project and the efficiency of available state capital;
             69          (d) coordinate and consolidate, to the extent possible, all financial and legal analysis of
             70      financing plans and closings of loans and grants made by each authorizing agency; and
             71          (e) provide an annual report of his activities to the state treasurer, the governor, the
             72      Division of Finance, and the boards of each authorizing agency.
             73          (3) The analysis under Subsection (2)(c) shall include[, but is not limited to,]
             74      consideration of the following criteria:
             75          (a) a demonstration of need based on the applicant's overall financial profile, including
             76      [but not limited to,] overlapping debt, tax levies, user rates, fees, charges, assessments, and
             77      other revenue and obligations existing within the community as a whole;
             78          (b) the ability of the applicant to obtain financing from other, [(]preferably private[)],
             79      sources on terms and conditions reasonably affordable;
             80          (c) the availability and advisability of financing methods such as loans, grants, interest
             81      buy down arrangements, bond insurance, loan or bond guarantees, or any other appropriate
             82      method;
             83          (d) the economic and efficiency of capital advantages enuring to the authorizing agency
             84      if the financing plan is adopted;
             85          (e) a demonstration of local public support for the financing plan; and
             86          (f) availability of other funds and financing methods under law.
             87          (4) Each authorizing agency shall consult with and cooperate with the officer and shall
             88      consider his recommendations before proceeding to fund a project, but the final decision as to
             89      the appropriate financing plan shall rest with the board of the authorizing agency according to

             90      their legal authority existing at the time.
             91          Section 3. Section 63-65-4 is amended to read:
             92           63-65-4. Custodial officer -- Powers and duties.
             93          (1) There is created within the Division of Finance an officer responsible for the care,
             94      custody, safekeeping, collection, and accounting of all bonds, notes, contracts, trust documents,
             95      and other evidences of indebtedness owned or administered by:
             96          (a) the state or any of its agencies; and
             97          (b) revolving loan funds except the:
             98          (i) Agriculture Resource Development Fund, created in Section 4-18-6 ;
             99          (ii) Utah Rural Rehabilitation Fund, created in Section 4-19-4 ;
             100          (iii) Petroleum Storage Tank Loan Fund, created in Section 19-6-405.3 ; and
             101          (iv) Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund, created in Section 9-4-702 .
             102          (2) (a) Each authorizing agency shall deliver to this officer for his care, custody,
             103      safekeeping, collection, and accounting all bonds, notes, contracts, trust documents, and other
             104      evidences of indebtedness owned or administered by:
             105          (i) the state or any of its agencies; and
             106          (ii) revolving loan funds.
             107          (b) This officer shall:
             108          (i) establish systems, programs, and facilities for the care, custody, safekeeping,
             109      collection, and accounting for the bonds, notes, contracts, trust documents, and other evidences
             110      of indebtedness submitted to him under this Subsection (2); and
             111          (ii) shall make available updated reports to each authorizing agency as to the status of
             112      loans under their authority.
             113          (3) The officer described in Section 63-65-3 shall deliver to this officer for his care,
             114      custody, safekeeping, collection, and accounting all bonds, notes, contracts, trust documents,
             115      and other evidences of indebtedness closed as provided in Subsection 63-65-3 (2)(b).
             116          Section 4. Section 63-65-5 is amended to read:
             117           63-65-5. State treasurer may sell, assign, or liquidate agency bonds -- Marketing
             118      plan required.
             119          (1) [Authorizing] One or more authorizing agencies may from time to time request the
             120      state treasurer to[: (a)] sell, assign, or [pledge] liquidate agency bonds on behalf of the

             121      authorizing agencies as provided in Section 63-65-6 [; or].
             122          [(b) issue revenue bonds on behalf of the state, as provided in Section 63-65-8 , for the
             123      purpose of providing funds to purchase agency bonds from the authorizing agencies under
             124      Section 63-65-7 .]
             125          (2) (a) Agency bonds shall be sold, assigned, transferred, or [pledged by authorizing
             126      agencies to or] liquidated by the state treasurer pursuant to a [plan or plans of] marketing plan
             127      provided by the state treasurer under Section 63-65-6 [or 63-65-7 , as the case may be. The plan
             128      or plans of marketing shall be approved in writing by the governor and the appropriate
             129      authorizing agency or agencies].
             130          (b) The governor or the governor's designee and the appropriate authorizing agency
             131      shall approve the marketing plan, in writing.
             132          Section 5. Section 63-65-6 is amended to read:
             133           63-65-6. Marketing plan and related agreements -- Use of proceeds of liquidation
             134      of agency bonds -- Report to Division of Finance -- Special funds -- Limitation on
             135      liability.
             136          (1) (a) [Prior to] Before the liquidation of any agency bonds pursuant to the request of
             137      an authorizing agency as provided in Section 63-65-5 , the state treasurer shall provide a written
             138      [plan of] marketing plan to the governor or the governor's designee and the appropriate
             139      authorizing agency or agencies for written approval.
             140          (b) The marketing plan [of marketing] may provide for:
             141          (i) the terms and conditions under which the agency bonds may be sold, assigned, or
             142      [pledged] liquidated by the state treasurer;
             143          (ii) the particular agency bonds to be sold, assigned, or [pledged] liquidated, or a
             144      maximum par amount of agency bonds to be sold, assigned, or [pledged] liquidated;
             145          (iii) the price or a range of prices of the agency bonds to be sold, assigned, or [pledged]
             146      liquidated, which may be at, above, or below par, as the state treasurer determines in the [plan
             147      of] marketing plan;
             148          (iv) the terms and conditions of agreements entered into by the state treasurer on behalf
             149      of the state with financial and other institutions for financial advisory services, trustee services,
             150      insurance, letters of credit, reimbursement agreements, tender agreements, put agreements,
             151      repurchase agreements, and indexing and tender agent agreements to facilitate the [plan of]

             152      marketing plan or to secure or provide liquidity to support any agreement, obligation, or
             153      contract entered into by the state treasurer on behalf of the state in connection with the sale,
             154      assignment, or [pledge] liquidation of the agency bonds and any repurchase, remarketing, or
             155      other [pledge] liquidation of the agency bonds and any insurance, repurchase, remarketing,
             156      tender, put, letter of credit, or agreement, obligation, or contract entered in connection with
             157      them, including payment of fees, charges, or other amounts coming due under agreements
             158      entered into with financial or other institutions by the state treasurer, from the proceeds of any
             159      sale, [pledge,] assignment, or other [hypothecation] liquidation of agency bonds, and from any
             160      investment earnings on such proceeds, and no other state money may be used for this purpose;
             161          (v) the application of the proceeds received from the sale, assignment, or [pledge]
             162      liquidation of agency bonds, and any investment earnings on them; and
             163          (vi) all other details relating to the sale, assignment, or [pledge] liquidation of agency
             164      bonds and any related, attached, or accompanying insurance, tender, put, repurchase,
             165      remarketing, letter of credit, or other agreement, obligation, or contract deemed necessary or
             166      appropriate by the state treasurer.
             167          [(b)] (c) The state treasurer, on behalf of the state, may enter into the agreements
             168      contemplated in the [plan of] marketing plan.
             169          (2) (a) After the payment of, or provision for payment of, the fees, charges, or other
             170      amounts[,] pursuant to Subsection (1), the state treasurer shall deliver the proceeds of the sale,
             171      [pledge,] assignment, or other [hypothecation] liquidation of agency bonds under this section
             172      [shall be delivered by the state treasurer] to the appropriate authorizing agency [for application
             173      as then authorized under] to be applied as authorized by the law creating or authorizing the
             174      loan or grant program of [each] the authorizing agency.
             175          (b) (i) The marketing plan [of marketing] may provide that if any agreement,
             176      obligation, or contract entered into by the state treasurer on behalf of the state with respect to
             177      the sale, repurchase, [pledge,] remarketing, tender, put, assignment, or other [hypothecation]
             178      liquidation of the agency bonds remains outstanding under the [plan of] marketing plan, the
             179      proceeds, and investment earnings on them, may be pledged, escrowed, held in trust, or
             180      otherwise held in reserve by the state treasurer to secure these agreements, obligations, or
             181      contracts of the state treasurer entered into on behalf of the state.
             182          (ii) Any [such] obligations of the state treasurer entered into on behalf of the state

             183      under Subsection (2)(b)(i) shall be limited solely to [such] those proceeds and the investment
             184      earnings on them.
             185          (c) No holder or beneficiary of any put, tender, repurchase, remarketing, or other
             186      similar rights under such agreements, obligations, or contracts of the state treasurer entered into
             187      on behalf of the state has any rights against the state, the state treasurer or any state agency, or
             188      funds of the state, the state treasurer, or any state agency, other than those expressly set forth in
             189      the agreement or contract embodying [such] those rights, consistent with the marketing plan [of
             190      marketing] and the limitation set forth in this Subsection (2).
             191          (3) (a) (i) The state treasurer may establish more than one [plan of] marketing plan
             192      under this section.
             193          (ii) Agency bonds may be combined in any combination and sold, pledged, assigned, or
             194      otherwise [hypothecated] liquidated in any amounts, at any time, and from time to time as
             195      provided in the applicable marketing plan [of marketing].
             196          (b) The state treasurer may, by order, set forth the sale price, form, manner of
             197      execution, payment, manner of sale, [pledge,] assignment, or other [hypothecation] liquidation,
             198      and all details of agreements or contracts entered into in connection with them, including the
             199      application of any proceeds and the investment earnings on them, consistent with the [plan of]
             200      marketing plan and this section.
             201          (c) The state treasurer shall make a verified return to the Division of Finance
             202      immediately upon completion of each transaction of:
             203          (i) the amount of agency bonds involved;
             204          (ii) the amounts received in each transaction entered into under this section; and
             205          (iii) a brief description of any pledge or other restriction on the proceeds of the
             206      transaction or the investment earnings on the proceeds.
             207          (4) The state treasurer may:
             208          (a) create any funds necessary to carry out the purposes of this section[. The state
             209      treasurer may];
             210          (b) invest all money held in those funds in accordance with Title 51, Chapter 7, State
             211      Money Management Act [of 1974], and in accordance with any agreement of the state,
             212      pursuant to the [plan of] marketing plan, with respect to the investment and application of the
             213      money[. Money]; and

             214          (c) invest money held in the funds [may be invested] in obligations of any state,
             215      territory, or possession of the United States, or of any of the political subdivisions of any state,
             216      territory, or possession of the United States, or of the District of Columbia, described in
             217      Section 103, Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
             218          (5) The limitations contained in this section with respect to the liability of the state or
             219      its agencies may not be construed to limit or alter the obligations of political subdivisions on
             220      the bonds in the hands of the holders of them in any manner.
             221          Section 6. Section 63-65-7 is amended to read:
             222           63-65-7. Pledge of agency bonds to pay revenue bonds -- Contents of financing
             223      agreements -- Use of monies received by authorizing agencies.
             224          [(1) Authorizing agencies may sell, assign, transfer, or pledge to the state treasurer, and
             225      the state treasurer may acquire from authorizing agencies, agency bonds pursuant to the request
             226      of an authorizing agency as provided in Section 63-65-5 .]
             227          [(2) (a) Prior to the acquisition of agency bonds, the state treasurer shall provide a
             228      written plan of marketing to the governor and the appropriate authorizing agency or agencies
             229      for written approval. The plan of marketing shall specify:]
             230          [(i) the agency bonds that may be acquired by the state treasurer;]
             231          [(ii) the purchase price for the agency bonds or the manner in which the purchase price
             232      may subsequently be determined by the state treasurer; and]
             233          [(iii) the source or sources of funds from which the state treasurer shall pay the
             234      purchase price of the agency bonds, including the proceeds of revenue bonds issued by the state
             235      treasurer under Section 63-65-8 .]
             236          [(b) The plan of marketing may include other provisions the state treasurer deems
             237      necessary or appropriate.]
             238          [(c) The state treasurer may prepare more than one plan of marketing. Each plan of
             239      marketing may include agency bonds of more than one authorizing agency.]
             240          [(3) Following the approval of the plan of marketing, the state treasurer may]
             241          (1) With the approval of the relevant authorizing agency, the State Bonding
             242      Commission may pledge, assign, or otherwise transfer any agency bonds, any monies payable
             243      on or with respect to them, any legally available monies or other security administered by an
             244      authorizing agency, or any combination of bonds, monies, or other security to provide for the

             245      payment of revenue bonds issued under Section 63-65-8 and the payment of any amounts due
             246      under agreements and contracts described in Subsection 63-65-8 (9).
             247          (2) (a) Before issuing revenue bonds under Section 63-65-8 , the commission shall enter
             248      into a [purchase] financing agreement with the appropriate authorizing agency or agencies.
             249          (b) This agreement shall specify:
             250          [(a) the] (i) any agency bonds, monies, or other security to be [purchased] pledged by
             251      the [state treasurer] commission to provide for the payment of the revenue bonds;
             252          [(b)] (ii) the [purchase price of] amount to be paid to the order of the authorizing
             253      agency or agencies for the agency bonds[;], monies, or other security; and
             254          [(c) the terms of sale of the agency bonds from the authorizing agency or agencies to
             255      the state treasurer; and]
             256          [(d)] (iii) other [details with respect to the purchase of the agency bonds] matters that
             257      the [state treasurer deems] commission considers necessary or appropriate.
             258          [(4)] (3) The [purchase price for agency bonds paid to] amounts received by each
             259      authorizing agency from the proceeds of the revenue bonds, together with all amounts paid to
             260      the authorizing agencies pursuant to Subsection 63-65-8 (10), shall be applied by the
             261      authorizing agency as [then] authorized [under] by the law creating or authorizing the loan or
             262      grant program of [each] the authorizing agency.
             263          Section 7. Section 63-65-8 is amended to read:
             264           63-65-8. Commission may authorize revenue bonds -- Contents of bond document
             265      -- Special and reserve funds -- Limitation on liability -- Restoration of monies in reserve
             266      funds -- Payment of bonds and other technical requirements -- Refunding -- Report to
             267      Division of Finance.
             268          (1) (a) In order to provide authorizing agencies with an alternative method of
             269      liquidating agency bonds[, thereby] and, by doing so, providing authorizing agencies with
             270      additional funds to further the purposes of authorizing agencies, the [state treasurer]
             271      commission may authorize the issuance of revenue bonds from time to time [issue revenue
             272      bonds on behalf of] by the state [for the purpose of generating funds necessary to purchase the
             273      agency bonds identified in the plan of marketing provided by the state treasurer pursuant to
             274      Section 63-65-7 ].
             275          (b) These revenue bonds shall be payable solely from a special fund established by the

             276      state treasurer as provided in Subsection (4).
             277          (c) Revenue bonds may be sold at public or private sale and may be issued in one or
             278      more series.
             279          (2) Revenue bonds may be authorized, issued, and sold by the [state treasurer]
             280      commission on behalf of the state at a time or times and in a manner set forth in a [written
             281      order of the state treasurer with respect to each issue of revenue bonds. A copy of this order
             282      shall be filed in the office of the governor prior to the issuance of the revenue bonds by the
             283      state treasurer. The state treasurer shall determine and set forth in the order with respect to each
             284      issue of revenue bonds] bond document that provides for:
             285          (a) the terms and conditions of sale, including price, whether at, below or above face
             286      value;
             287          (b) interest rates, including a variable rate;
             288          (c) authorized denomination;
             289          (d) maturity dates;
             290          (e) form;
             291          (f) manner of execution;
             292          (g) manner of authentication;
             293          (h) place and medium of payment;
             294          (i) redemption terms;
             295          (j) authorized signatures of public officials; and
             296          (k) other provisions and details considered necessary or appropriate.
             297          [(3) The aggregate face amount of each issue of revenue bonds may not exceed the
             298      outstanding principal balance of the agency bonds purchased with the proceeds of the revenue
             299      bonds plus an amount sufficient to:]
             300          (3) To the extent set forth in the resolution, the proceeds of revenue bonds may be used
             301      for the purposes set forth in Subsection (1) and to:
             302          (a) provide for any necessary or desirable reserve fund as provided for in Subsection
             303      (5); and
             304          (b) pay fees, charges, and other amounts related to the issuance and sale of the revenue
             305      bonds.
             306          (4) (a) As provided in the [order of the state treasurer] bond document, the principal of,

             307      premium, if any, and interest on, any issue of revenue bonds is payable solely from and
             308      secured by [a] one or more special [fund] funds consisting of:
             309          (i) the pledge and assignment [by the state treasurer of all] of any agency bonds,
             310      including all amounts payable on or with respect to them, [purchased by the state treasurer with
             311      the proceeds of sale of that issue of revenue bonds] and other monies and security, as provided
             312      for in an agreement entered into under Subsection 63-65-7 (2);
             313          (ii) amounts on deposit in the reserve fund, if any, established [with respect to each
             314      respective issue of revenue bonds pursuant to] under Subsection (5);
             315          (iii) amounts available pursuant to any security device or credit enhancement device
             316      that the [state treasurer may utilize] commission authorizes for the purpose of improving the
             317      marketability of the revenue bonds; and
             318          (iv) other amounts available [to the state treasurer] and pledged by the [state treasurer]
             319      commission to secure payment of that issue of revenue bonds.
             320          (b) [Purchasers] Owners of revenue bonds do not have recourse against the general
             321      funds or general credit of the state or its political subdivisions or agencies, but this limitation
             322      does not limit or alter the obligations of political subdivisions on agency bonds in any manner.
             323          (c) Revenue bonds do not constitute nor give rise to a general obligation or liability of,
             324      or constitute a charge or lien against, the general credit or taxing power of the state or its
             325      political subdivisions or agencies, including any authorizing agency.
             326          (d) Revenue bonds shall contain on their face a statement that:
             327          (i) [the state treasurer is obligated to pay] the revenue bonds are payable solely from
             328      the sources set forth in this Subsection (4) and specified in the [order of the state treasurer]
             329      bond document with respect to the revenue bonds;
             330          (ii) neither the state nor any political subdivision of the state is obligated to pay the
             331      revenue bonds; and
             332          (iii) neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the state or any of its political
             333      subdivisions is pledged to the payment of principal or redemption price of, or premium, if any,
             334      or interest on the revenue bonds.
             335          (e) Revenue bonds do not constitute debt of the state within the meaning of Utah
             336      Constitution Article XIII, Sec. [2 (11)] 5 (3) or Article XIV, Sec. 1[, Utah Constitution].
             337          (5) (a) The [state treasurer] commission may establish a reserve fund with respect to

             338      any issue of revenue bonds.
             339          (b) If a reserve fund is established, the [order of the state treasurer pursuant to which]
             340      bond document relating to that issue of revenue bonds is issued shall specify:
             341          (i) the minimum amount that is required to be on deposit in the reserve fund;
             342          (ii) the amount of sale proceeds from the sale of that issue of revenue bonds that shall
             343      be deposited in the reserve fund; and
             344          (iii) the manner in which any deficiency in the reserve fund shall be replenished.
             345          [(b)] (c) (i) On or before the first day of December of each year, the state treasurer shall
             346      certify to the governor and the director of the Division of Finance the amount [or amounts], if
             347      any, that may be required to restore all reserve funds established to the minimum amount
             348      specified by the state treasurer with respect to each reserve fund.
             349          (ii) The governor may request an appropriation from the Legislature [an appropriation
             350      of the amount or amounts so] equal to the certified amount in order to restore each reserve fund
             351      to the specified minimum amount.
             352          (6) (a) (i) The [state treasurer] commission may provide in the [order] bond document
             353      that any signature of a public official authorized to sign revenue bonds may be by the facsimile
             354      signature of [such] that official imprinted, engraved, stamped, or otherwise placed on the
             355      revenue bonds.
             356          (ii) If all signatures of public officials on the revenue bonds are facsimile signatures,
             357      the [order] bond document shall provide for a manual authenticating signature on the revenue
             358      bonds by or on behalf of a designated authenticating agent.
             359          (iii) If an official ceases to hold office before delivery of the revenue bonds signed by
             360      [such] that official, the signature or facsimile signature of the official [shall be] is valid and
             361      sufficient for all purposes.
             362          (b) A facsimile of the seal of the state [treasurer] may be imprinted, engraved, stamped,
             363      or otherwise placed on the revenue bonds.
             364          (7) (a) The [state treasurer] commission may provide in the [order] bond document for
             365      the replacement of lost, destroyed, stolen, or mutilated revenue bonds or for the exchange of
             366      revenue bonds after issuance for revenue bonds of smaller or larger denominations.
             367          (b) Revenue bonds in changed denominations shall:
             368          (i) be exchanged for the original revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amounts and

             369      in a manner that prevents the duplication of interest; and
             370          (ii) bear interest at the same rate, be of the same series, mature on the same date, and
             371      be as nearly as practicable in the same form as the original revenue bonds.
             372          (8) (a) (i) Revenue bonds may be registered as to both principal and interest or may be
             373      in a book entry form under which the right to principal and interest may be transferred only
             374      through a book entry.
             375          (ii) The [state treasurer] commission may provide for the services and payment for
             376      [such] the services of one or more financial institutions, other entities or persons, or nominees,
             377      within or outside the state, for:
             378          [(i)] (A) authentication;
             379          [(ii)] (B) registration;
             380          [(iii)] (C) transfer, including record, bookkeeping, or book entry functions;
             381          [(iv)] (D) exchange; and
             382          [(v)] (E) payment.
             383          (b) The records of ownership, registration, transfer, and exchange of the revenue
             384      bonds, and of persons to whom payment with respect to them is made, are classified as private
             385      or protected as defined in Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management
             386      Act.
             387          (c) The revenue bonds and any evidences of participation interests in the revenue bonds
             388      may be issued, executed, authenticated, registered, transferred, exchanged, and otherwise made
             389      to comply with Title 15, Chapter 7, Registered Public Obligations Act, or any other act of the
             390      Legislature relating to the registration of obligations enacted to meet the requirements of
             391      Section 149 (a), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or any comparable predecessor or successor
             392      provision, and applicable regulations.
             393          [(9) The state treasurer may, on behalf of the state, enter into]
             394          (9) (a) The commission may authorize the execution and delivery of whatever
             395      agreements and contracts [as] that the [state treasurer] commission considers necessary and
             396      appropriate in connection with the issuance of revenue bonds.
             397          (b) These agreements and contracts may include agreements and contracts with
             398      financial and other institutions for financial advisory services, trustee services, insurance,
             399      letters of credit, reimbursement agreements, tender agreements, put agreements, repurchase

             400      agreements, and indexing and tender agent agreements to:
             401          [(a)] (i) facilitate the sale of the revenue bonds; or
             402          [(b)] (ii) secure or provide liquidity to support any agreement, obligation, or contract
             403      entered into by [the state treasurer] an authorized officer on behalf of the state in connection
             404      with:
             405          [(i)] (A) the issuance and sale of the revenue bonds;
             406          [(ii)] (B) any repurchase, remarketing, or other pledge of the revenue bonds; and
             407          [(iii)] (C) any insurance, repurchase, remarketing, tender, put, letter of credit, or
             408      agreement, obligation, or contract entered into in connection with them, including payment of
             409      fees, charges, or other amounts coming due under agreements entered into with financial or
             410      other institutions [by the state treasurer] on behalf of the state.
             411          (10) When all revenue bonds of an issue have been paid, or provision for their payment
             412      has been made, there shall be transferred to the appropriate authorizing agency or agencies, in
             413      the amounts and in the manner that the [state treasurer] commission considers fair and
             414      equitable, and to the extent not required to secure payment of the revenue bonds and related
             415      fees, charges, and other amounts:
             416          (a) all amounts remaining on deposit in any reserve fund established with respect to the
             417      issue of revenue bonds; and
             418          (b) all other amounts and all agency bonds held by the [state treasurer] commission and
             419      any trustee and pledged to the payment of the revenue bonds.
             420          (11) (a) The state treasurer or the commission may create any funds and accounts
             421      necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
             422          (b) (i) The state treasurer shall administer and maintain those funds and accounts.
             423          (ii) The state treasurer may invest all [moneys] monies held in those funds and
             424      accounts in accordance with Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act [of 1974], and
             425      in accordance with the [resolution] bond document or any other agreement entered into [by the]
             426      on behalf of the state [treasurer] as authorized by the [resolution] bond document.
             427          (iii) The commission may not approve the bond document or other agreement with
             428      respect to the investment and application of these [moneys] monies unless the state treasurer
             429      has affirmatively approved any investment provisions contained in the bond document or other
             430      agreement.

             431          (c) All income from the [moneys] monies invested in a fund or account created under
             432      this Subsection (11) shall accrue to the benefit of the fund or account and shall be used for the
             433      purpose [or purposes] for which the fund or account was established.
             434          (12) (a) The [state treasurer may issue] commission may authorize the issuance of
             435      refunding revenue bonds of the state in accordance with Title 11, Chapter 27, Utah Refunding
             436      Bond Act, for the purpose of refunding any revenue bonds.
             437          (b) The state is considered a "public body" and the [state treasurer] commission its
             438      "governing body" for purposes of that act.
             439          (13) (a) [The state treasurer may not issue any revenue bond] Revenue bonds may not
             440      be issued under this section until [he] an authorized official finds and certifies that all
             441      conditions precedent to the issuance of the revenue bond have been satisfied.
             442          (b) A recital on any revenue bond of a finding and certification conclusively establishes
             443      the completion and satisfaction of all conditions of this section.
             444          (14) Revenue bonds, interest paid on revenue bonds, and any income from revenue
             445      bonds is not taxable within this state for any purpose, except for the corporate franchise tax.
             446          (15) (a) Revenue bonds are legal investments for all state trust funds, insurance
             447      companies, banks, trust companies, and the State School Fund.
             448          (b) Revenue bonds may also be used as collateral to secure legal obligations.
             449          (16) Immediately upon the issuance of each issue of revenue bonds, [the state
             450      treasurer] an authorized official shall make a verified return to the Division of Finance of:
             451          (a) the aggregate principal amount of revenue bonds issued;
             452          (b) the amount of proceeds of sale of revenue bonds received by the state [treasurer];
             453          (c) the [purchase price] amount paid to the authorizing agency or agencies for the
             454      agency bonds;
             455          (d) the total amount of all fees and expenses relating to the issuance of the revenue
             456      bonds;
             457          (e) the amount of sale proceeds of the revenue bonds used to pay fees and expenses;
             458      and
             459          (f) the amount of sale proceeds of the revenue bonds deposited in the reserve fund
             460      established with respect to the issue of revenue bonds, if any.
             461          Section 8. Section 63-65-8.1 is enacted to read:

             462          63-65-8.1. Tax status -- Exemption.
             463          The revenue bonds issued under this chapter, any interest paid on the revenue bonds,
             464      and any income from the bonds is not taxable in Utah for any purpose, except for the corporate
             465      franchise tax.
             466          Section 9. Section 63-65-8.2 is enacted to read:
             467          63-65-8.2. Publication of resolution or notice -- Limitation on actions to contest
             468      legality.
             469          (1) The commission may either:
             470          (a) publish once in a newspaper having general circulation in Utah any resolution
             471      adopted by it; or
             472          (b) in lieu of publishing the entire resolution, publish a notice of revenue bonds to be
             473      issued, titled as such, containing:
             474          (i) the purpose of the revenue bond issue;
             475          (ii) the maximum principal amount that may be issued;
             476          (iii) the maximum number of years over which the revenue bonds may mature;
             477          (iv) the maximum interest rate that the revenue bonds may bear, if any;
             478          (v) the maximum discount from par, expressed as a percentage of principal amount, at
             479      which the revenue bonds may be sold; and
             480          (vi) that a copy of the resolution or other bond document may be examined at the office
             481      of the state treasurer during regular business hours for at least 30 days after the publication of
             482      the notice.
             483          (2) For 30 days after the date of publication, any interested person may contest:
             484          (a) the legality of the resolution or other bond document;
             485          (b) any of the revenue bonds authorized under it; or
             486          (c) any of the provisions made for the repayment of the revenue bonds.
             487          (3) After 30 days, a person may not, for any cause, contest:
             488          (a) the legality of the resolution or other bond document;
             489          (b) any of the revenue bonds authorized under the resolution or other bond document;
             490      or
             491          (c) any of the provisions made for the security and repayment of the revenue bonds.
             492          Section 10. Section 63-65-9 is amended to read:

             493           63-65-9. Payment of expenses.
             494          (1) All expenses incurred by the state [treasurer] under this chapter may be paid:
             495          (a) in the case of expenses incurred under Section 63-65-6 , from the proceeds of [sale]
             496      the liquidation of agency bonds; and
             497          (b) in the case of expenses incurred under Section [ 63-65-7 ] 63-65-8 , from the
             498      proceeds of sale of revenue bonds [or agency bonds].
             499          (2) [Any] (a) Any expenses incurred by the state [treasurer] under this chapter [and]
             500      that are not paid [out of] from the proceeds of [sale] the liquidation of agency bonds or the
             501      issuance of state revenue bonds shall be [charged to the earnings derived] paid from the
             502      revolving funds of the authorizing agencies [as provided under this chapter and recorded as
             503      dedicated credits to the state treasurer].
             504          (b) These expenses are not a charge to or an appropriation from the General Fund.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-13-03 3:25 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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