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S.B. 165
5 This act modifies provisions relating to the information the Senate receives regarding
6 gubernatorial judicial appointees.
7 This act affects sections of Utah Code Annotated 1953 as follows:
9 67-1-2, as last amended by Chapter 196, Laws of Utah 1992
10 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
11 Section 1. Section 67-1-2 is amended to read:
12 67-1-2. Sending list of gubernatorial nominees to Senate and to Office of
13 Legislative Research and General Counsel.
14 (1) Unless waived by a majority of the president of the Senate, the Senate majority
15 leader, and the Senate minority leader, 15 days before any Senate session to confirm any
16 gubernatorial [
17 each member of the Senate and to the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel:
18 (a) a list of each nominee for an office or position made by the governor in accordance
19 with the Utah Constitution and state law; and
20 (b) any information that may support or provide biographical information about the
21 nominee, including resumes and curriculum vitae.
22 (2) When the governor makes a judicial appointment, the governor shall immediately
23 provide to the president of the Senate and the Office of Legislative Research and General
24 Counsel:
25 (a) the name of the judicial appointee;
26 (b) the judicial appointee's resume, a complete file of all application materials, and any
27 other related documents, including written reports about, or the results of any internal
28 investigations into, the character, ability, health, fitness, temperament, or experience of the
29 appointee, except for personal notes made by the governor or his staff; and
30 (c) the name, address, and telephone number of each person who gave information to
31 the governor or his staff about the judicial appointee.
32 [
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-30-03 11:07 AM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.