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Room 405 State Capitol
January 27, 2003

Members Present:    Rep. Katherine M. Bryson, Chair
            Rep. Brent D. Parker, Vice Chair
            Rep. J. Stuart Adams
            Rep. Jackie Biskupski
            Rep. Craig W. Buttars
            Rep. David Clark
            Rep. Stephen D. Clark
            Rep. Carl W. Duckworth
            Rep. Jim Dunnigan            
            Rep. Neil A Hansen
            Rep. Todd E. Kiser
            Rep. Mike Morley

Members Absent:    Rep. Ben C. Ferry
Staff Present:    Ms. Mary Catherine Perry, Policy Analyst
            Ms. Linda Error, Committee Secretary

Visitors:        List of visitors filed with committee minutes

Vice Chair Parker called the meeting to order at 8:08 a.m.

MOTION:    Rep. D. Clark moved to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2003 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Adams, Rep. Buttars, Rep. S. Clark and Rep. Morley absent for the vote.

H.B. 203    Residential Mortgage Regulatory Commission (G. Snow)

Rep. Snow introduced the bill.

MOTION:    Rep. Dunnigan moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Buttars and Rep. S. Clark absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Morley moved that H.B. 203 be placed on the consent calendar. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Buttars and Rep. S. Clark absent for the vote.

Page 2

H.B. 90    Equipment Dealer Warranty Reimbursement Act (D. Peterson)

Rep. Peterson introduced the bill, assisted by Paul McPherson, Farr West Dealers Association.

MOTION:    Rep. Adams moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.     Page 2, line 31:    After “catalog” insert “or invoice

2.     Page 4, line 95:    Delete “section” and insert “chapter

        The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Buttars and Rep. S. Clark absent for the vote.

Spoke to the bill:    Cap Ferry, representing manufacturers of farm equipment

MOTION:    Rep. Morley moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.     Page 3, line 75:    After “plus” insert “normal and customary

SUBSTITUTE MOTION:    Rep. S. Clark moved to go to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed, with Rep. Buttars, Rep. D. Clark, Rep. Dunnigan and Rep.Morley voting in opposition.

S.B. 78    Repeal of Trading Stamps Regulation (S. Jenkins)        

Sen. Jenkins introduced the bill.

MOTION:     Rep. S. Clark moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Buttars absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. D. Clark moved that S.B. 78 be placed on the consent calendar. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Buttars absent for the vote.

H.B. 189    Lending Law Amendments (W. Harper)

This bill was not discussed at the meeting.

MOTION:    Rep. Hansen moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Buttars absent for the vote.

Vice Chair Parker adjourned the meeting at 9:03 a.m.

Rep. Katherine Bryson, Chair