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February 6, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT:    Rep. James A. Ferrin, Chair
        Rep. Eric K. Hutchings, Vice Chair
        Rep. Doug Aagard
        Rep. Ron Bigelow
        Rep. DeMar “Bud” Bowman
        Rep. Don E. Bush
        Rep. Neil A. Hansen
        Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson
        Rep. Roz McGee
        Rep. Merlynn T. Newbold
        Rep. Loraine T. Pace    
STAFF PRESENT:    John Cannon, Policy Analyst
        John Fellows, Associate General Counsel
        Sylvia Newton, Committee Secretary

VISITORS:        List filed with committee minutes.

Rep. Ferrin called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Bush moved to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2003 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Bigelow, Rep. Bowman, Rep. McGee, Rep. Newbold, and Rep. Hutchings absent for the vote.

H.B. 223    Changing State Song (D. Love)

Rep. Love introduced H.B. 223 and explained it to the committee.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Trudy Henderson, teacher, Cook Elementary School, Syracuse

A group of 4th grade children from Cook Elementary School sang “Utah, This is the Place,” the proposed new state song.

MOTION:    Rep. Hansen moved to pass H.B. 223 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Bigelow voting in opposition to the motion and Rep. Hendrickson absent for the vote.

Rep. Ferrin relinquished the chair to Rep. Hutchings.

H.B. 110    Charter School Capital Facilities Loans (J. Ferrin)

Rep. Ferrin introduced H.B. 110 and explained it to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Ferrin moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 1, Line 12:    After " loans" insert " and interest buy-down grants"

2.    Page 2, Line 58:    After "loans" insert "and interest buy-down grants"

3.     Page 3, Line 62:    After "loan" insert "and the amount of each interest buy-down grant"

4.    Page 3, Line 67:    After "loans" insert " and interest buy-down grants"

5.    Page 4, Line 91:    After "loans" insert "and interest buy-down grants"

6.    Page 5, Line 150:    After "loans" insert "and interest buy-down grants"

The motion to amend the bill passed unanimously with Rep. Hendrickson absent for the vote.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Gary Doxey, Governor's Office
        Ellen Wallace, Utah School Boards Association
        Nathan Rathbun, Utah Charter Schools Association

MOTION:    Rep. Bush moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. McGee voting in opposition to the motion and Rep. Hendrickson absent for the vote.

H.B. 99    Certification of Candidates for Political Offices (N. Hansen)

Rep. Hansen introduced H.B. 99 and explained it to the committee.

Spoke in opposition to the bill:    Terry Trease, citizen

Spoke to the bill:    Lloyd Carr, Carr Printing Company

MOTION:    Rep. Hendrickson moved to pass the bill out favorably.

MOTION:    Rep. Bigelow moved to proceed to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed with Rep. Hansen and Rep. Hendrickson voting in opposition to the motion.

        Rep. Aagard and Rep. Ferrin were absent for the vote.

H.B. 150    Poll Watcher and Preservation of Election Date Amendments (J. M. Philpot)

Rep. Philpot introduced H.B. 150 and explained it to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Pace moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 3, Line 65:    After "counting" insert "." and delete the rest of the line.

2.    Page 3, Line 65:    After line 65 insert:
        "(b) The county clerk shall allow a counting poll watcher to stand close enough to the counting process to observe the count without interfering with the counting process."

3.    Page 3, Line 66:    Delete "(b)" and insert "(c)"

The motion to amend the bill passed unanimously with Rep. Aagard and Rep. Ferrin absent for the vote.

Spoke to the bill:    Olene Walker, Lieutenant Governor    
            Dahnelle Burton-Lee, Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office
            Nick Flores, Salt Lake County, Chief Deputy Clerk

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Dana Dickson, citizen
                Terry Trease, citizen

MOTION:    Rep. Pace moved to pass the bill out favorably.

MOTION:    Rep. Hendrickson moved to proceed to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed with Rep. Bush and Rep. Newbold voting in opposition to the motion.
        Rep. Aagard and Rep. Ferrin were absent for the vote.
MOTION:    Rep. Newbold moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m.


                        Rep. James A. Ferrin, Chair