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Room 223 - State Capitol Building

January 30, 2003

    Rep. Ben C. Ferry, Chair
        Rep. J. Stuart Adams, Vice Chair    
        Rep. Chad E. Bennion
        Rep. Katherine M. Bryson
        Rep. Scott Daniels
        Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson
        Rep. Eric K. Hutchings
        Rep. M. Susan Lawrence
        Rep. Dana C. Love
        Rep. Rosalind J. McGee
        Rep. J. Morgan Philpot
        Rep. Mike Thompson        
MEMBERS ABSENT:    Rep. Greg J. Curtis

STAFF:    Jerry D. Howe, Policy Analyst
        Cherri White, Committee Secretary            

VISITORS:    List of visitors on file            

    Representative Ferry called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m. and called for a motion to approved the revised minutes of January 23, 2003.

MOTION:    Representative McGee moved to approve the revised minutes of January 23, 2003. The motion passed unanimously with Representatives Daniels and Hutchings absent for the vote.

S.B. 13    DUI Plea Restrictions (D. C. Buttars)

    The Senator Buttars and Representative Bowman explained the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Representative Philpot moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously, with Representative Hutchings absent for the vote.

Chair Ferry relinquished the chair to Representative Adams at 8:15 a.m.

MOTION:    Representative Thompson moved that the committee allow Representative Hutchings to register and affirmative vote on S.B. 13. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Ferry absent for the vote.

H.B. 57    Expansion of Protective Order (L. Shurtliff)

    Representative Shurtliff introduced the bill with assistance of Reed Richards, Chairman, State Victims

MOTION:    Representative Daniels moved to amend:

1.     Page 1, Line 25:    After “felony” delete “, or protective order violation,

The motion passed unanimously with Representative Ferry absent for the vote.

    Speaking in opposition to the bill was Brian Lamano, FOCUS Group.

MOTION:    Representative Hendricks moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Ferry absent for the vote.

H.B. 88    Payment of Reward upon Arrest and Conviction (D. Love)

    Representative Love indicated that the bill was not ready to be acted upon, however, she would appreciate the committees views on the current provisions. Assisting Representative Love in the presentation of the bill, and answering questions from the committee was Susan Allred, Legislative Research and General Counsel.

    Speaking to the bill was Rick Schwimmer, Administrative Office of the Courts.

    Speaking in favor of the bill was Mark Sessions, Detective, Syracuse Police Department.

MOTION:    Representative Philpot moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously with Representatives Bennion, Bryson, McGee, Thompson, and Ferry absent for the vote. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 a.m.

___________________________________        ____________________________________
Rep. Ben C. Ferry, Chair                 Rep. J. Stuart Adams, Vice Chair