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February 14, 2003
Rep. Calvin G. Bird
Rep. Don E. Bush
Rep. David Clark
Rep. John Dougall
Rep. Jim Dunnigan
Rep. Brad King
Rep. Todd E. Kiser
Rep. Rebecca Lockhart
Rep. Ty McCartney
Rep. Karen W. Morgan
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Rep. Bradley A. Winn, Vice-Chair
MEMBERS ABSENT: Rep. Jeff Alexander
STAFF PRESENT: Benjamin N. Christensen, Policy Analyst
Betty M. Bushman, House Secretary
OTHERS PRESENT: (List of visitors on file)
Chair Murray called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
MOTION: Representative Bush moved to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2003 committee meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Clark, Representative King, Representative Kiser, Representative McCartney, and Representative Morgan absent for the vote.
H.B. 310 Transportation Planning Task Force (J. Dougall)
Representative Dougall explained the bill to the committee.
David Miles, Utah Department of Transportation, spoke to the bill.
Gary Herbert, Utah Association of Counties; Craig Peterson, CRS Consulting Engineers; and Sam Klemm, Wasatch Front Regional Council, spoke in support of the bill.
MOTION: Representative King moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Representative McCartney absent for the vote.
H.B. 242 Protection of Rights-of-Way - Gates on County Roads (M. Noel)
Representative Noel presented the bill to the committee with proposed amendments.
MOTION: Representative Dougall moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 2, Lines 35-36: Delete "for the period of time specified in Section 72-5-104"
2. Page 2, Line 37: Delete "Section" and insert "Sections 72-5-105 or"
The motion passed unanimously with Representative McCartney absent for the vote..
Representative Noel explained the bill to the committee.
Wayne Jones, Executive Director - Power Sport Dealers Association, and Wes Quinton, Vice President - Utah Farm Bureau, spoke in support of the bill.
MOTION: Representative Morgan moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
H.B. 280 Motor Vehicle Accidents - Access to Police Reports (L. Christensen)
Representative Christensen explained the bill to the committee.
Chris Purcell, State Farm Insurance, answered questions of committee members regarding the bill.
Joel Campbell, Utah Press Association, expressed concerns with the bill.
MOTION: Representative Dunnigan moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 1, Line 10: After line 10 insert " This act requires the Department of Public Safety and the responsible law enforcement agency employing the investigating peace officer to charge a fee for disclosing an accident report or any of its accompanying data."
2. Page 3, Line 84: After line 84 insert
"(6) The department and the responsible law enforcement agency employing the investigating peace officer shall charge a fee determined by the department under Section 63-38-3.2 for disclosing an accident report or an accident report and any of its accompanying data under this section."
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Representative King moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page 1, Line 10: After line 10 insert " This act requires the Department of Public Safety and the responsible law enforcement agency employing the investigating peace officer to charge a fee for the cost incurred for disclosing an accident report or any of its accompanying data."
2. Page 3, Line 84: After line 84 insert
"(6) The department and the responsible law enforcement agency employing the investigating peace officer shall charge a fee determined by the department under Section 63-38-3.2 for the cost incurred for disclosing an accident report or an accident report and any of its accompanying data under this section."
The motion passed unanimously with Representative Morgan absent for the vote.
MOTION: Representative Dunnigan moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Morgan absent for the vote.
MOTION: Representative Bird moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Representative Morgan absent for the vote.
Chair Murray adjourned the meeting at 9:59 a.m.
Representative Joseph G. Murray
Committee Chair