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Room 225 - State Capitol Building

February 13, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Rep. David N. Cox, Chair
                    Rep. Peggy Wallace, Vice Chair
                    Rep. Jeff Alexander
                    Rep. Gregory H. Hughes
                    Rep. Brent H. Goodfellow
                    Rep. Dana C. Love
                    Rep. Steven R. Mascaro
                    Rep. Karen W. Morgan
                    Rep. LaWanna Shurtliff                           

STAFF PRESENT:            Ms. Jami Momberger, Policy Analyst
                    Ms. Linda Error, House Secretary
VISITORS:              List of visitors filed with committee report

Vice Chair Wallace called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m.

Rep. Shurtliff moved to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2003 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Hughes, Rep. Morgan, and Rep. Cox absent for the vote.

H.B. 232    Utah College of Applied Technology Amendments (R. Bigelow)

Rep. Bigelow explained the bill.

MOTION:    Rep. Shurtliff moved to amend the bill as follows:

1. Page 12, Line 344            After “information” delete “obtained from the State Board of Education and college campuses

        The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Hughes, Rep. Morgan, and Rep. Cox absent for the vote.

Spoke for the bill:    Cecelia Foxley, Commissioner of Higher Education, Chairman, State Board of Regents
            Robert Brems, Regional President, Utah College of Applied Technology at Orem

Spoke for the bill:    Tom Bingham, President, Utah Manufacturer's Association
            Mike Bouwhuis, Regional President, Utah College of Applied Technology at Kaysville
            Brent Wallace, Regional President, Utah College of Applied Technology at Ogden
            Pamela Atkinson, Vice Chair, Board of Regents

MOTION:    Rep. Alexander moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 7, Line 207:    After "means" insert ": (a)"

2.    Page 7, Line 209:    After "mastered" delete "." insert "; and (b) students have the flexibility to begin or end study at any time, progress through course material at their own pace, and demonstrate competency when knowledge and skills have been mastered. If competency is demonstrated in a program of study, a credential, certificate, diploma, or degree may be awarded."

3.    Page 16, Line 475:    After line 475 insert:
        "(5) Each campus shall be recognized as a college campus of the Utah College of Applied Technology, and regional affiliation shall be retained and recognized through local designations such as "Bridgerland Applied Technology College: A Utah College of Applied Technology Campus."

4.    Page 16, Line 488:    After "president" insert ", in cooperation with the campus board of directors"

        Rep. Mascaro requested a division on the motion to amend. Rep. Mascaro withdrew the request.

        The motion to amend passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Shurtliff moved to amend the bill as follows:        

1.     Page 16, Line 485:    After “president” insert “,in cooperation with the campus board of directors,”    

        The motion to amend passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Mascaro moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Cox moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion pass unanimously.

Vice Chair Wallace adjourned the meeting at 9:57 a.m.

                             Rep. David N.Cox, Chair