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FEBRUARY 4, 2003, 8:00 A.M.


    Members Present:        Sen. Carlene M. Walker, Chair
    Sen. Beverly Ann Evans    Sen. Patrice Arent
                     Sen. Dan Eastman
                    Sen. Beverly Evans    
                     Sen. Karen Hale
    Members Excused:        Sen. Bill Hickman
                     Sen. Peter Knudson
    Staff Present:             Richard North, Policy Analyst
                     Nadine Woodhead, Secretary
    Chair Walker called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.

     MOTION: Sen. Arent moved to approve the minutes of January 31, 2003.

     The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Evans absent for the vote.

1.     S. B. 129 State and Local Agencies Criteria in Awarding Bills (J. Evans)

    Sen. Evans explained the bill.

    Ken Nye, State Division of Facilities and Construction Management, spoke to the bill.

    Todd Bingham, President, Associated Builders and Contractors; John Njord, Utah Department of Transportation; Arnold West, General Contractor, Arnell-West Incorporated; Rich Thorn,
    President, Associated General Contractors, and Dave Wilson, Utah Building Trades, spoke against the bill.

    Jim Paull, Sheet-metal Contractors of Utah; Clyde Rydalch, President, National Electrical Contractors Association, and Bill Tibbitts, Attorney, Crossroads Urban Center, spoke for the bill.

    Sen. J. Evans proposed the following amendment:
    1. Page 2, Line 47:    After "costing" delete "$100,000 and insert "$250,000"
    2. Page 2, Line 54:    After "costing" delete "$100,000 and insert "$250,000"
    3. Page 3, Line 63:    After "costing" delete "$100,000 and insert "$250,000"

     MOTION: Sen. Hale moved to adopt the amendment.

Sen. Eastman moved to amend as follows:

    1. Page 2, Line 47:    After "costing" delete "$100,000 and insert "$500,000"

    2. Page 2, Line 54:    After "costing" delete "$100,000 and insert "$500,000"

    3. Page 3, Line 63:    After "costing" delete "$100,000 and insert "$500,000"

    The bill was held with no vote.

2.     S. B. 56 Waiver of Governmental Immunity by Governmental Entities (J. Evans)

    Sen. Evans explained the bill.

    Phillip Gonzales, Citizen, spoke for the bill. Brent Burnett, Utah Attorney General Office, spoke to the bill.

    Sen. J. Evans requested to hold the bill until a fiscal note is attached.

     MOTION: Sen. Hale moved to hold the bill.

     The motion passed unanimously.

    Sen. Beverly Evans assumed the chair.

3.     H. B. 62 Emergency Response Costs (B. Goodfellow)

    Rep. Goodfellow explained the bill.

    Kal Farr, Law Enforcement Legislative Committee; Ken McGuire, Chief of Police, West Jordan City; Jodi Hoffman, Utah League of Cities and Towns, and Bonnie Fernandez, Citizen; spoke for the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Arent moved to pass the bill with a favorable recommendation.

     The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Walker absent for the vote.

4.     H. B. 187 Campaign Contribution Restrictions (N. Hansen)

    Rep. Hansen explained the bill.

    Gary Doxey, General Counsel, Governor, spoke against the bill. Cassie Dippo, Common Cause, spoke for the bill.

     MOTION: Sen Arent moved to pass the bill with a favorable recommendation.

     SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Sen. Eastman moved to hold the bill for further study.

     The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Walker absent for the vote.

5.     H. B. 82 Initiatives - One Subject Requirement (J. M. Philpot)

    The bill was held at request of the sponsor.

     MOTION: Sen. Hale moved to adjourn.
     The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Walker absent for the vote.     

    Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.


Sen. Carlene Walker, Committee Chair