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Members Present Sen. Beverly Ann Evans, Chair
Sen. Scott K. Jenkins
Sen. Thomas Hatch
Sen. Parley Hellewell
Sen. Scott K. Jenkins
Sen. Bill Wright
Members Excused: Sen. Leonard M. Blackham
Sen. Gene Davis
Staff Present: J Brian Allred, Policy Analyst
Norda Shepard, Secretary
Public Speakers Present: Elwood P. Powell, President, Utah State Rifle Association
Ken Wallentine, President Elect, Utah Peace Officers Association
Leonard Wojcyk, Board of Directors, Utah Shooting Sports Council
Kal Farr, Chief of Police Association
Sid Groll, Director, Peace Officers Standards and Training
Dan Fallows, Department of Public Safety
Krista Dunn, Murray City Council
List of Visitors on File:
The meeting was called to order by Acting Chair Hellewell at 4:11 p..m.
1. Approval of Minutes
MOTION: Sen. Julander moved to approve the minutes of 2-17-03.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Evans absent at the time of the vote.
The motion passed unanimously.
2. S.B. 190 Expansion of Uses of Publicly Funded Shooting Ranges (B. Wright)
Sen. Wright presented the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Wright moved to adopt the following amendments to S.B. 190 Expansion of Uses of Publicly Funded Shooting Ranges (B. Wright):
1. Page 1, Line 6: After " require" insert " certain"
2. Page 1, Line 18: Delete line 18
3. Page 1, Line 19: At the beginning of line 19 delete "(b)" and insert "(a)" and after shooting range" insert ", as defined in Section 47-3-1," and after
"that is not" delete "a" and insert "located on a state" and after "military" delete "range" and insert "installation"
4. Page 1, Line 20: At the beginning of line 20 delete "(c)" and insert "(b)"
5. Page 1, Line 22: At the beginning of line 22 delete "(d)" and insert "(c)"
6. Page 1, Line 24: Delete line 24
7. Page 1, Line 25: After "(2) Each" delete "shooting" and insert "nonmilitary"
8. Page 2, Line 29: After "use of a" delete "shooting" and insert "nonmilitary"
9. Page 2, Line 30: After making the delete shooting and insert nonmilitary
10. Page 2, Line 31: After "established by" delete the colon
11. Page 2, Lines 32-33: Delete lines 32 and 33
12. Page 2, Line 34: At the beginning of line 34 delete "(ii) for a nonmilitary range,"
13. Page 2, Line 37: After "for a" delete "shooting" and insert "nonmilitary"
14. Page 2, Line 39: After "of the" delete "shooting" and insert "nonmilitary"
15. Page 2, Line 40: After "(ii) for a" delete "shooting" and insert "nonmilitary"
16. Page 2, Lines 42-43: Delete lines 42 and 43
17. Page 2, Line 44: At the beginning of line 44 delete "(5)" and insert "(4)" and after "use of a" delete "shooting" and insert "nonmilitary" and after "public" delete the colon
18. Page 2, Line 45: Delete line 45
19. Page 2, Line 46: At the beginning of line 46 delete "(b)" and after "established" delete "for a nonmilitary range"
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Evans absent at the time of the vote.
Sen. Hellewell turned the chair to Chair Evans.
Elwood P. Powell, President, Utah State Rifle Association, and Leonard Wojcyk, Utah Shooting Sports Council spoke in support. Ken Wallentine, Utah Peace Officers Association; Kal Farr, Chief of Police Association; Sid Groll, Director, Peace Officers Standards and Training; Dan Fallows, Department of Public Safety, and Krista Dunn, Murray City Council voiced concerns.
MOTION: Sen. Hatch moved to adopt the following amendments to S.B. 190 Expansion of Uses of Publicly Funded Shooting Ranges (B. Wright):
Page 2, Line 29: After cover delete the remainder of Line 29
Page 2, Line 30: Before costs delete and supply
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Julander absent at the time of the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Wright moved to pass S.B. 190 Expansion of Uses of Publicly Funded Shooting Ranges (B. Wright) out with a favorable recommendation as amended.
The motion passed with Sen. Hatch, Sen. Hellewell, Sen. Jenkins, and Sen. Wright voting in favor and Sen. Evans voting in opposition, with Sen. Julander absent at the time of the vote.
Sen. Jenkins explained his vote, stating he would vote to pass the bill out but would do it with the hope that figures would be available before it comes to the floor on the additional cost of liability insurance.
MOTION: Sen. Wright moved to adjourn.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Julander absent at the time of the vote.
Chair Evans adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m.
Minutes were reported by Norda Shepard, Secretary
Beverly Ann Evans, Committee Chair