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H.B. 30

This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 12:21 PM by kholt. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 9:38 AM by kholt. -->              1     





Sponsor: David Clark

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill creates a Rate Committee to review the fees collected by internal service funds
             10      within the Department of Administrative Services.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    moves the current rate committee from the Division of Information Technology
             14      Services to the general provisions of the Administrative Services Code;
             15          .    changes the membership of the Rate Committee;
             16          .    clarifies the duties of the Rate Committee; and
             17          .    clarifies the responsibilities of the divisions within the Department of
             18      Administrative Services to conduct a market analysis of fees charged by July 1,
             19      2005, and periodically thereafter, and to submit the market analysis and proposed
             20      fee schedules to the Rate Committee.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          63A-2-103, as last amended by Chapter 11, Laws of Utah 1998

             28          63A-4-102, as renumbered and amended by Chapter 212, Laws of Utah 1993
             29          63A-5-204, as last amended by Chapters 23 and 231, Laws of Utah 2000
             30          63A-6-105, as last amended by Chapters 16 and 209, Laws of Utah 2003
             31          63A-9-401, as last amended by Chapter 5, Laws of Utah 2003
             32      ENACTS:
             33          63A-1-114, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 63A-1-114 is enacted to read:
             37          63A-1-114. Rate Committee -- Membership -- Duties.
             38          (1) (a) There is created a Rate Committee which shall consist of:
             39          (i) the director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget, or a designee;
             40          (ii) the executive directors of three state agencies that use services and pay rates to one
             41      of the department internal service funds, or their designee, appointed by the governor for a
             42      two-year term;
             43          (iii) the executive director of the Department of Administrative Services, or a designee;
             44          (iv) the director of the Division of Finance, or a designee; and
             45          (v) the chief information officer.
             46          (b) (i) The committee shall elect a chair from its members.
             47          (ii) Members of the committee who are state government employees and who do not
             48      receive salary, per diem, or expenses from their agency for their service on the committee shall
             49      receive no compensation, benefits, per diem, or expenses for the members' service on the
             50      committee.
             51          (c) The Department of Administrative Services shall provide staff services to the
             52      committee.
             53          (2) (a) The internal service funds managed by the following divisions shall submit to
             54      the committee a proposed h RATE AND h fee schedule for services rendered by the divisions to an
             54a      executive
             55      branch entity or an entity that subscribes to services rendered by the division, the:
             56          (i) Division of Facilities and Construction Management;
             57          (ii) Division of Fleet Operations;
             58          (iii) Division of Purchasing and General Services;

             59          (iv) Division of Information Technology Services; and
             60          (v) Division of Risk Management.
             61          (b) The committee shall:
             62          (i) conduct meetings in accordance with Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public
             63      Meetings;
             64          (ii) review the proposed h RATE AND h fee schedules and may approve, increase, or
             64a      decrease the h RATE AND h fee;
             65          (iii) recommend a proposed h RATE AND h fee schedule for each internal service fund to:
             66          (A) the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget; and
             67          (B) the legislative appropriations subcommittees that, in accordance with Section
             68      63-38-3.5 , approve the internal service fund agency's rates, fees, and budget; and
             69          (iv) review and approve, increase or decrease an interim rate, fee, or amount when an
             70      internal service fund agency begins a new service or introduces a new product between annual
             71      general sessions of the Legislature.
             72          (c) The committee may in accordance with Subsection 63-38-3.5 (4) decrease a rate,
             73      fee, or amount that has been approved by the Legislature.
             74          Section 2. Section 63A-2-103 is amended to read:
             75           63A-2-103. General services provided -- Subscription by state departments, state
             76      agencies, and certain local governmental entities -- Fee schedule.
             77          (1) (a) The director of the Division of Purchasing and General Services shall operate,
             78      manage, and maintain:
             79          (i) a central mailing service; and
             80          (ii) an electronic central store system for procuring goods and services.
             81          (b) The director may establish microfilming, duplicating, printing, addressograph, and
             82      other central services.
             83          (2) (a) Each state department and agency shall subscribe to all of the services described
             84      in Subsection (1), unless the director delegates the director's authority to a department or
             85      agency under Section 63A-2-104 .
             86          (b) An institution of higher education, school district, or political subdivision of the
             87      state may subscribe to one or more of the services described in Subsection (1).
             88          (3) [(a)] The director shall:
             89          (a) prescribe a schedule of fees to be charged for all services provided by the division

             90      to any department or agency after [receiving prior approval of the fee schedule from the: (i)
             91      director of the Division of Finance; and] the director:
             92          (i) submits the proposed h RATE, h fees h OR OTHER AMOUNTS FOR SERVICES
             92a      PROVIDED BY THE DIVISION'S INTERNAL SERVICE FUND h to the Rate Committee established in
             92b      Section 63A-1-114 ;
             93      and
             94          (ii) obtains the approval of the Legislature, as required by [Section ] Sections
             95      63-38-3.2 [.] and 63-38-3.5 ;
             96          (b) [When] when practicable, [the director of the Division of Purchasing and General
             97      Services shall] ensure that the fees are approximately equal to the cost of providing the
             98      services[.]; and
             99          (c) conduct a market analysis by July 1, 2005, and periodically thereafter of fees, which
             100      analysis shall include comparison of the division's rates with the fees of other public or private
             101      sector providers where comparable services and rates are reasonably available.
             102          Section 3. Section 63A-4-102 is amended to read:
             103           63A-4-102. Risk manager -- Powers.
             104          (1) The risk manager may:
             105          (a) enter into contracts;
             106          (b) purchase insurance;
             107          (c) adjust, settle, and pay claims;
             108          (d) pay expenses and costs;
             109          (e) study the risks of all state agencies and properties;
             110          (f) issue certificates of coverage to state agencies for any risks covered by Risk
             111      Management Fund;
             112          (g) make recommendations about risk management and risk reduction strategies to
             113      state agencies;
             114          (h) in consultation with the attorney general, prescribe insurance and liability
             115      provisions to be included in all state contracts;
             116          (i) review agency building construction, major remodeling plans, agency program
             117      plans, and make recommendations to the agency about needed changes to address risk
             118      considerations;
             119          (j) attend agency planning and management meetings when necessary;
             120          (k) review any proposed legislation and communicate with legislators and legislative

             121      committees about the liability or risk management issues connected with any legislation; and
             122          (l) solicit any needed information about agency plans, agency programs, or agency
             123      risks necessary to perform his responsibilities under this part.
             124          (2) (a) The risk manager may expend monies from the Risk Management Fund to
             125      procure and provide coverage to all state agencies and their indemnified employees, except
             126      those agencies or employees specifically exempted by statute.
             127          (b) The risk manager shall apportion the costs of that coverage according to the
             128      requirements of this part.
             129          (3) Before charging a h RATE, h fee h , OR OTHER AMOUNT h to an executive branch
             129a      agency, or to a subscriber of services
             130      other than an executive branch agency, the director shall:
             131          (a) submit the proposed h RATES, h fees h , OR OTHER AMOUNT h and cost analysis to the
             131a      Rate Committee established in
             132      Section 63A-1-114 ; and
             133          (b) obtain the approval of the Legislature as required by Section 63-38-3.5 .
             134          (4) The director shall conduct a market analysis by July 1, 2005, and periodically
             135      thereafter, of proposed h RATES AND h fees, which analysis shall include a comparison of the
             135a      division's rates h AND FEES h
             136      with the fees of other public or private sector providers where comparable services and rates
             137      are reasonably available.
             138          Section 4. Section 63A-5-204 is amended to read:
             139           63A-5-204. Specific powers and duties of director.
             140          (1) As used in this section, "capitol hill facilities" and "capitol hill grounds" have the
             141      same meaning as provided in Section 63C-9-102 .
             142          (2) (a) The director shall:
             143          (i) recommend rules to the executive director for the use and management of facilities
             144      and grounds owned or occupied by the state for the use of its departments and agencies;
             145          (ii) supervise and control the allocation of space, in accordance with legislative
             146      directive through annual appropriations acts or other specific legislation, to the various
             147      departments, commissions, institutions, and agencies in all buildings or space owned, leased, or
             148      rented by or to the state, except capitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds and except as
             149      otherwise provided by law;
             150          (iii) comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63A, Chapter 5, Part 3,

             151      Division of Facilities Construction and Management Leasing;

             152          (iv) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), acquire, as authorized by the Legislature
             153      through the appropriations act or other specific legislation, and hold title to, in the name of the
             154      division, all real property, buildings, fixtures, or appurtenances owned by the state or any of its
             155      agencies;
             156          (v) adopt and use a common seal, of a form and design determined by the director, and
             157      of which courts shall take judicial notice;
             158          (vi) file a description and impression of the seal with the Division of Archives;
             159          (vii) collect and maintain all deeds, abstracts of title, and all other documents
             160      evidencing title to or interest in property belonging to the state or any of its departments, except
             161      institutions of higher education and the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
             162          (viii) report all properties acquired by the state, except those acquired by institutions of
             163      higher education, to the director of the Division of Finance for inclusion in the state's financial
             164      records; [and]
             165          (ix) before charging a h RATE, h fee h , OR OTHER AMOUNT FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY
             165a      THE DIVISION'S INTERNAL SERVICE FUND h to an executive branch agency, or to a subscriber of
             165b      services
             166      other than an executive branch agency:
             167          (A) submit the proposed h RATES, h fees and cost analysis to the Rate Committee
             167a      established in
             168      Section 63A-1-114 ; and
             169          (B) obtain the approval of the Legislature as required by Section 63-38-3.5 ;
             170          (x) conduct a market analysis by July 1, 2005, and periodically thereafter, of proposed
             171      h RATES AND h fees, which analysis shall include a comparison of the division's rates
             171a      h AND FEES h with the fees of other
             172      public or private sector providers where comparable services and rates are reasonably
             173      available; and
             174          [(ix)] (xi) take all other action necessary for carrying out the purposes of this chapter.
             175          (b) Legislative approval is not required for acquisitions by the division that cost less
             176      than $250,000.
             177          (3) (a) The director shall direct or delegate maintenance and operations, preventive
             178      maintenance, and facilities inspection programs and activities for any department, commission,
             179      institution, or agency, except:
             180          (i) the State Capitol Preservation Board; and
             181          (ii) state institutions of higher education.
             182          (b) The director may choose to delegate responsibility for these functions only when

             183      the director determines that:
             184          (i) the department or agency has requested the responsibility;
             185          (ii) the department or agency has the necessary resources and skills to comply with
             186      facility maintenance standards approved by the State Building Board; and
             187          (iii) the delegation would result in net cost savings to the state as a whole.
             188          (c) The State Capitol Preservation Board and state institutions of higher education are
             189      exempt from Division of Facilities Construction and Management oversight.
             190          (d) Each state institution of higher education shall comply with the facility
             191      maintenance standards approved by the State Building Board.
             192          (e) Except for the State Capitol Preservation Board, agencies and institutions that are
             193      exempt from division oversight shall annually report their compliance with the facility
             194      maintenance standards to the division in the format required by the division.
             195          (f) The division shall:
             196          (i) prescribe a standard format for reporting compliance with the facility maintenance
             197      standards;
             198          (ii) report agency and institution compliance or noncompliance with the standards to
             199      the Legislature; and
             200          (iii) conduct periodic audits of exempt agencies and institutions to ensure that they are
             201      complying with the standards.
             202          (4) (a) In making any allocations of space under Subsection (2), the director shall:
             203          (i) conduct studies to determine the actual needs of each department, commission,
             204      institution, or agency; and
             205          (ii) comply with the restrictions contained in this Subsection (4).
             206          (b) The supervision and control of the legislative area is reserved to the Legislature.
             207          (c) The supervision and control of the judicial area is reserved to the judiciary for trial
             208      courts only.
             209          (d) The director may not supervise or control the allocation of space for entities in the
             210      public and higher education systems.
             211          (e) The supervision and control of capitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds is
             212      reserved to the State Capitol Preservation Board.
             213          (5) The director may:

             214          (a) hire or otherwise procure assistance and services, professional, skilled, or
             215      otherwise, that are necessary to carry out the director's responsibilities, and may expend funds
             216      provided for that purpose either through annual operating budget appropriations or from
             217      nonlapsing project funds;
             218          (b) sue and be sued in the name of the division; and
             219          (c) hold, buy, lease, and acquire by exchange or otherwise, as authorized by the
             220      Legislature, whatever real or personal property that is necessary for the discharge of the
             221      director's duties.
             222          (6) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (2)(a)(iv), the following entities may
             223      hold title to any real property, buildings, fixtures, and appurtenances held by them for purposes
             224      other than administration that are under their control and management:
             225          (a) the Office of Trust Administrator;
             226          (b) the Department of Transportation;
             227          (c) the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands;
             228          (d) the Department of Natural Resources;
             229          (e) the Utah National Guard;
             230          (f) any area vocational center or other institution administered by the State Board of
             231      Education; and
             232          (g) any institution of higher education.
             233          (7) The director shall ensure that any firm performing testing and inspection work
             234      governed by the American Society for Testing Materials Standard E-329 on public buildings
             235      under the director's supervision shall:
             236          (a) fully comply with the American Society for Testing Materials standard
             237      specifications for agencies engaged in the testing and inspection of materials known as ASTM
             238      E-329; and
             239          (b) carry a minimum of $1,000,000 of errors and omissions insurance.
             240          (8) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(a)(iii) and (iv), the School and Institutional Trust
             241      Lands Administration may hold title to any real property, buildings, fixtures, and appurtenances
             242      held by it that are under its control.
             243          Section 5. Section 63A-6-105 is amended to read:
             244           63A-6-105. Duties of director -- Fees -- Rate Committee -- Advisory committee.

             245          (1) The director shall:
             246          (a) at the lowest practical cost, manage the delivery of efficient and cost-effective
             247      information technology and telecommunication services for:
             248          (i) all executive branch agencies; and
             249          (ii) entities that subscribe to the services in accordance with Section 63A-6-106 ; and
             250          (b) provide priority service to public safety agencies.
             251          (2) The director may negotiate the purchase, lease, or rental of private or public
             252      information technology or telecommunication services or facilities.
             253          (3) Where practical, efficient, and economically beneficial, the director shall use
             254      existing private and public information technology or telecommunication resources.
             255          (4) (a) In accordance with Section 63D-1a-303 , the director shall provide the chief
             256      information officer a written analysis of any agency information technology plan provided to
             257      the division.
             258          (b) In accordance with Section 63D-1a-307 , the division shall submit the division's
             259      agency information technology plan for approval by the chief information officer.
             260          (5) (a) In accordance with this Subsection (5), the director shall prescribe a schedule of
             261      fees for all services rendered by the division to:
             262          (i) an executive branch entity; or
             263          (ii) an entity that subscribes to services rendered by the division in accordance with
             264      Section 63A-6-106 .
             265          (b) Each fee included in the schedule of fees required by Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
             266          (i) equitable; and
             267          (ii) sufficient to recover all the costs of operation, including the cost of capital
             268      equipment and facilities.
             269          (c) Before charging a fee to an executive branch agency, or to a subscriber of services
             270      other than an executive branch agency, the director shall [obtain approval of the schedule of
             271      fees described in Subsection (5)(a) from the Rate Committee created in Subsection (5)(d).]:
             272          (i) submit the proposed h RATES, h fees and cost analysis to the Rate Committee
             272a      established in
             273      Section 63A-1-114 ; and
             274          (ii) obtain the approval of the Legislature as required by Section 63-38-3.5 .
             275          (d) The director shall conduct a market analysis by July 1, 2005, and periodically

             276      thereafter, of proposed h RATES AND h fees, which analysis shall include a comparison of the
             276a      division's rates
             277      with the fees of other public or private sector providers where comparable services and rates
             278      are reasonably available.
             279          [(d) (i) There is created a Rate Committee which shall consist of:]
             280          [(A) the executive director;]
             281          [(B) the director of the Division of Finance;]
             282          [(C) the director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget;]
             283          [(D) the chief information officer;]
             284          [(E) a representative of executive branch agencies:]
             285          [(I) appointed by the Rate Committee; and]
             286          [(II) nominated by the governor; and]
             287          [(F) a representative of the executive branch agencies' administrative services
             288      managers:]
             289          [(I) appointed by the Rate Committee; and]
             290          [(II) nominated by the agencies' administrative services managers coordination group.]
             291          [(ii) In appointing the agency representatives listed in Subsections (5)(d)(i)(E) and (F),
             292      the Rate Committee shall appoint:]
             293          [(A) (I) one representative from a large agency; and]
             294          [(II) one representative from a small agency; and]
             295          [(B) the representatives described in Subsection (5)(d)(ii)(A) to four-year terms of
             296      office, except that initially one of the appointments shall be for a two-year term in order to
             297      stagger the appointments.]
             298          [(iii) In the event of a vacancy for any reason for a representative described in
             299      Subsection (5)(d)(i)(E) or (F), the entity responsible for nominating the person who is vacating
             300      the position shall provide new nominations to the Rate Committee to fill the unexpired term.]
             301          [(e) Before charging a fee to a subscriber of services other than an executive branch
             302      agency, the director shall provide a copy of the schedule of fees to the commission at least 60
             303      days before the day on which the fee is charged.]
             304          [(f) When modifying a fee, the director shall attempt to provide sufficient notice to the
             305      entities that will be charged the modified fee so that the entities may reflect those fee changes
             306      in the entities' budgets.]

             307          (6) (a) The director shall create advisory committees composed of representatives of
             308      user agencies.
             309          (b) Those advisory committees may recommend policies and practices for the efficient
             310      and effective operation of the division.
             311          Section 6. Section 63A-9-401 is amended to read:
             312           63A-9-401. Division -- Duties.
             313          (1) The division shall:
             314          (a) perform all administrative duties and functions related to management of state
             315      vehicles;
             316          (b) coordinate all purchases of state vehicles;
             317          (c) establish one or more fleet automation and information systems for state vehicles;
             318          (d) make rules establishing requirements for:
             319          (i) maintenance operations for state vehicles;
             320          (ii) use requirements for state vehicles;
             321          (iii) fleet safety and loss prevention programs;
             322          (iv) preventative maintenance programs;
             323          (v) procurement of state vehicles, including vehicle standards, alternative fuel vehicle
             324      requirements, short-term lease programs, equipment installation, and warranty recovery
             325      programs;
             326          (vi) fuel management programs;
             327          (vii) cost management programs;
             328          (viii) business and personal use practices, including commute standards;
             329          (ix) cost recovery and billing procedures;
             330          (x) disposal of state vehicles;
             331          (xi) reassignment of state vehicles and reallocation of vehicles throughout the fleet;
             332          (xii) standard use and rate structures for state vehicles; and
             333          (xiii) insurance and risk management requirements;
             334          (e) establish a parts inventory;
             335          (f) create and administer a fuel dispensing services program that meets the
             336      requirements of Subsection (2);
             337          (g) emphasize customer service when dealing with agencies and agency employees;

             338      [and]
             339          (h) conduct an annual audit of all state vehicles for compliance with division
             340      requirements[.];
             341          (i) before charging a h RATE, h fee h , OR OTHER AMOUNT h to an executive branch
             341a      agency, or to a subscriber of services
             342      other than an executive branch agency:
             343          (A) submit the proposed h RATES, h fees and cost analysis to the Rate Committee
             343a      established in
             344      Section 63A-1-114 ; and
             345          (B) obtain the approval of the Legislature as required by Section 63-38-3.5 ; and
             346          (j) conduct a market analysis by July 1, 2005, and periodically thereafter, of proposed
             347      h RATES AND h fees, which analysis shall include a comparison of the division's rates
             347a      h AND FEES h with the fees of other
             348      public or private sector providers where comparable services and rates are reasonably available.
             349          (2) The division shall operate a fuel dispensing services program in a manner that:
             350          (a) reduces the risk of environmental damage and subsequent liability for leaks
             351      involving state-owned underground storage tanks;
             352          (b) eliminates fuel site duplication and reduces overall costs associated with fuel
             353      dispensing;
             354          (c) provides efficient fuel management and efficient and accurate accounting of
             355      fuel-related expenses;
             356          (d) where practicable, privatizes portions of the state's fuel dispensing system;
             357          (e) provides central planning for fuel contingencies;
             358          (f) establishes fuel dispensing sites that meet geographical distribution needs and that
             359      reflect usage patterns;
             360          (g) where practicable, uses alternative sources of energy; and
             361          (h) provides safe, accessible fuel supplies in an emergency.
             362          (3) The division shall:
             363          (a) ensure that the state and each of its agencies comply with state and federal law and
             364      state and federal rules and regulations governing underground storage tanks;
             365          (b) coordinate the installation of new state-owned underground storage tanks and the
             366      upgrading or retrofitting of existing underground storage tanks; and
             367          (c) ensure that counties, municipalities, school districts, and special districts
             368      subscribing to services provided by the division sign a contract that:

             369          (i) establishes the duties and responsibilities of the parties;
             370          (ii) establishes the cost for the services; and
             371          (iii) defines the liability of the parties.
             372          (4) The executive director of the Department of Administrative Services may make
             373      rules governing fuel dispensing according to the procedures and requirements of Title 63,
             374      Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             375          (5) (a) (i) Each state agency and each higher education institution shall subscribe to the
             376      fuel dispensing services provided by the division.
             377          (ii) A state agency may not provide or subscribe to any other fuel dispensing services,
             378      systems, or products other than those provided by the division.
             379          (b) Counties, municipalities, school districts, special districts, and federal agencies may
             380      subscribe to the fuel dispensing services provided by the division if:
             381          (i) the county or municipal legislative body, the school district, or the special district
             382      board recommends that the county, municipality, school district, or special district subscribe to
             383      the fuel dispensing services of the division; and
             384          (ii) the division approves participation in the program by that government unit.
             385          (6) The director, with the approval of the executive director, may delegate functions to
             386      institutions of higher education, by contract or other means authorized by law, if:
             387          (a) the agency or institution of higher education has requested the authority;
             388          (b) in the judgment of the director, the state agency or institution has the necessary
             389      resources and skills to perform the delegated responsibilities; and
             390          (c) the delegation of authority is in the best interest of the state and the function
             391      delegated is accomplished according to provisions contained in law or rule.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-25-03 12:16 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Mixed Membership Committee Note
    as of 12-10-03 1:29 PM

The Utah Technology Commission recommended this bill.
    Membership:        8 legislators    5 non-legislators
    Legislative Vote:    7 voting for    0 voting against    1 absent

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