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H.B. 209 Enrolled






Sponsor: Stephen D. Clark

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill modifies provisions of the Utah Construction Trades Licensing Act related to
                  the Construction Services Commission.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    modifies the functions of the Construction Services Commission to include making
                  rules for examination requirements and the administration of examinations to
                  licensee applicants;
                      .    increases the commission's membership from seven to nine members; and
                      .    makes certain technical changes.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      58-55-103, as enacted by Chapter 241, Laws of Utah 2002
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 58-55-103 is amended to read:
                       58-55-103. Construction Services Commission created -- Functions --
                  Appointment -- Qualifications and terms of members -- Vacancies -- Expenses _

                      (1) (a) There is created within the division the Construction Services Commission.
                      (b) The commission shall:
                      [(a)] (i) with the concurrence of the director, make reasonable rules under Title 63,
                  Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to administer and enforce this chapter which
                  are consistent with this chapter including:
                      [(i)] (A) licensing of various licensees;
                      [(ii)] (B) examination requirements and administration of the examinations, to include
                  approving and establishing a passing score for applicant examinations;
                      [(iii)] (C) standards of supervision for students or persons in training to become qualified
                  to obtain a license in the trade they represent; and
                      [(iv)] (D) standards of conduct for various licensees;
                      [(b)] (ii) approve or disapprove fees adopted by the division under Section 63-38-3.2 ;
                      [(c)] (iii) except where the boards conduct them, conduct all administrative hearings not
                  delegated to an administrative law judge relating to the licensing of any applicant;
                      [(d)] (iv) except as otherwise provided in Sections 38-11-207 and 58-55-503 , with the
                  concurrence of the director, impose sanctions against licensees and certificate holders with the
                  same authority as the division under Section 58-1-401 ;
                      [(e)] (v) advise the director on the administration and enforcement of any matters
                  affecting the division and the construction industry;
                      [(f)] (vi) advise the director on matters affecting the division budget;
                      [(g)] (vii) advise and assist trade associations in conducting construction trade seminars
                  and industry education and promotion; and
                      [(h)] (viii) perform other duties as provided by this chapter.
                      (2) (a) Initially the commission shall be comprised of the five members of the Contractors
                  Licensing Board and two of the three chair persons from the Plumbers Licensing Board, the
                  Alarm System Security and Licensing Board, and the Electricians Licensing Board.
                      (b) The terms of office of the commission members who are serving on the Contractors

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                  Licensing Board shall continue as they serve on the commission. [The]
                      (c) Beginning July 1, 2004, the commission shall be comprised of [seven] nine members
                  appointed by the executive director with the approval of the governor from the following groups:
                      [(a)] (i) one member shall be a licensed general engineering contractor;
                      [(b)] (ii) one member shall be a licensed general building contractor;
                      [(c)] (iii) two members shall be licensed residential and small commercial contractors;
                      [(d) two] (iv) three members shall be [two of] the three chair persons from the Plumbers
                  Licensing Board, the Alarm System Security and Licensing Board, and the Electricians Licensing
                  Board[, with the contingency that they will rotate in succession every two years among the three
                  chair persons]; and
                      [(e) one member] (v) two members shall be from the general public, provided, however
                  that the certified public accountant on the Contractors Licensing Board will continue to serve
                  until the current term expires, after which [this one member] both members under this Subsection
                  (2)(c)(v) shall be appointed from the general public.
                      (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of current commission members
                  expire, the [governor] executive director with the approval of the governor shall appoint each
                  new member or reappointed member to a four-year term ending June 30.
                      (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the [governor] executive
                  director with the approval of the governor shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment,
                  adjust the length of terms to stagger the terms of commission members so that approximately
                  [one-half] 1/2 of the commission members are appointed every two years.
                      (c) A commission member may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
                      (4) The commission shall elect annually one of its members as chair, for a term of one
                      (5) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
                  appointed for the unexpired term.
                      (6) (a) Members [shall] may not receive [no] compensation or benefits for their services,
                  but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of the members' official duties

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                  at the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
                      (b) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
                      (7) (a) The commission shall meet at least monthly unless the director determines
                      (b) The director may call additional meetings at the director's discretion, upon the request
                  of the chair, or upon the written request of [three] four or more commission members.
                      (8) (a) [Four] Five members constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
                      (b) If a quorum is present when a vote is taken, the affirmative vote of commission
                  members present is the act of the commission.
                      (9) The commission shall comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 13,
                  Chapter 1, Department of Commerce, and Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative Procedures Act,
                  in all of its adjudicative proceedings.

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