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H.B. 214 Enrolled







Sponsor: James R. Gowans

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill clarifies the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration's authority to
                  make administrative rules.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    clarifies that the term "rule" or its derivations shall be used to describe actions taken
                  by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration that meet the
                  requirements for rulemaking.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      53C-1-201, as last amended by Chapter 192, Laws of Utah 2003
                      53C-1-303, as last amended by Chapter 126, Laws of Utah 1997
                      53C-2-201, as last amended by Chapter 299, Laws of Utah 1995
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 53C-1-201 is amended to read:
                       53C-1-201. Creation of administration -- Purpose -- Director.

                      (1) (a) There is established within state government the School and Institutional Trust
                  Lands Administration.
                      (b) The administration shall manage all school and institutional trust lands and assets
                  within the state, except as otherwise provided in Title 53C, Chapter 3 [of this title], Deposit and
                  Allocation of Revenue from Trust Lands, and Section 51-7-12 .
                      (2) The administration is an independent state agency and not a division of any other
                      (3) (a) It is subject to the usual legislative and executive department controls except as
                      (i) (A) the director may make rules as approved by the board that allow the administration
                  to classify a business proposal submitted to the administration as protected under Section
                  63-2-304 , for as long as is necessary to evaluate the proposals;
                      (B) the administration shall return the proposal to the party who submitted the proposal,
                  and incur no further duties under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
                  Management Act, if the administration determines not to proceed with the proposal;
                      (C) the administration shall classify the proposal pursuant to law if it decides to proceed
                  with the proposal; and
                      (D) Section 63-2-403 does not apply during the review period;
                      (ii) the director shall make rules in compliance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
                  Administrative Rulemaking Act, except that the director, with the board's approval, may establish
                  a procedure for the expedited approval of rules, based on written findings by the director
                      (A) the changes in business opportunities affecting the assets of the trust;
                      (B) the specific business opportunity arising out of those changes which may be lost
                  without the rule or changes to the rule;
                      (C) the reasons the normal procedures under Section 63-46a-4 cannot be met without
                  causing the loss of the specific opportunity;
                      (D) approval by at least five board members; and

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                      (E) that the director has filed a copy of the rule and a rule analysis, stating the specific
                  reasons and justifications for its findings, with the Division of Administrative Rules and notified
                  interested parties as provided in Subsection 63-46a-4 (7); and
                      (iii) the administration shall comply with Title 67, Chapter 19, Utah State Personnel
                  Management Act, except as follows:
                      (A) the board may approve, upon recommendation of the director, that exemption for
                  specific positions under Subsections 67-19-12 (2) and 67-19-15 (1) is required in order to enable
                  the administration to efficiently fulfill its responsibilities under the law. The director shall consult
                  with the director of the Department of Human Resource Management prior to making such a
                  recommendation. The positions of director, deputy director, assistant director, legal counsel
                  appointed under Subsection 53C-1-305 (2), administrative assistant, and public affairs officer are
                  exempt under Subsections 67-19-12 (2) and 67-19-15 (1);
                      (B) salary for exempted positions, except for the director, shall be set by the director,
                  after consultation with the director of the Department of Human Resource Management, within
                  ranges approved by the board. The board and director shall consider salaries for similar positions
                  in private enterprise and other public employment when setting salary ranges; and
                      (C) the board may create an annual incentive and bonus plan for the director and other
                  administration employees designated by the board, based upon the attainment of financial
                  performance goals and other measurable criteria defined and budgeted in advance by the board;
                      (iv) the administration shall comply with Title 63, Chapter 56, Utah Procurement Code,
                  except where the board approves, upon recommendation of the director, exemption from the Utah
                  Procurement Code, and simultaneous adoption of [policies] rules under Title 63, Chapter 46a,
                  Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, for procurement, which enable the administration to
                  efficiently fulfill its responsibilities under the law.
                      (b) (i) The board and director shall review the exceptions under Subsection (3)(a) and
                  make recommendations for any modification, if required, which the Legislature would be asked to
                  consider during its annual general session.

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                      (ii) The board and director may include in their recommendations any other proposed
                  exceptions from the usual executive and legislative controls the board and director consider
                  necessary to accomplish the purpose of this title.
                      (4) The administration is managed by a director of school and institutional trust lands
                  appointed by a majority vote of the board of trustees with the consent of the governor.
                      (5) (a) The board of trustees shall provide policies for the management of the
                  administration and for the management of trust lands and assets.
                      (b) The board shall provide policies for the ownership and control of Native American
                  remains that are discovered or excavated on school and institutional trust lands in consultation
                  with the Division of Indian Affairs and giving due consideration to Title 9, Chapter 9, Part 4,
                  Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. The director may make rules in
                  accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Administrative Rulemaking Act, to implement policies
                  provided by the board regarding Native American remains.
                      (6) In connection with joint ventures for the development of trust lands and minerals
                  approved by the board under Subsections 53C-1-303 (4)[(c)](e) and 53C-2-401 (1)(d), the
                  administration may become a member of a limited liability company under Title 48, Chapter 2c,
                  Utah Revised Limited Liability Company Act, and is considered a person under Section
                  48-2c-102 for such purposes.
                      Section 2. Section 53C-1-303 is amended to read:
                       53C-1-303. Responsibilities of director -- Budget review -- Legal counsel --
                  Contract for services.
                      (1) In carrying out the policies of the board of trustees and in establishing procedures and
                  rules the director shall:
                      (a) take an oath of office before assuming any duties as the director;
                      (b) adopt procedures and rules necessary for the proper administration of matters
                  entrusted to the director by state law and board policy;
                      (c) submit to the board for its review and concurrence on any rules necessary for the
                  proper management of matters entrusted to the administration;

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                      (d) faithfully manage the administration under the policies established by the board;
                      (e) submit to the board and for public inspection by October 1 of each year, an annual
                  management budget and financial plan for operations of the administration and, after approval by
                  the board, submit the budget to the governor;
                      (f) direct and control the budget expenditures as finally authorized and appropriated;
                      (g) establish job descriptions and employ, within the limitation of the budget, staff
                  necessary to accomplish the purposes of the office subject to Section 53C-1-201 ;
                      (h) establish, in accordance with generally accepted principles of fund accounting, a
                  system to identify and account for the assets and vested interests of each beneficiary;
                      (i) maintain appropriate records of trust activities to enable auditors appointed by
                  appropriate state agencies or the board to conduct periodic audits of trust activities;
                      (j) provide that all leases, contracts, and agreements be submitted to legal counsel for
                  review of compliance with applicable law and fiduciary duties prior to execution and utilize the
                  services of the attorney general as provided in Section 53C-1-305 ;
                      (k) keep the board, beneficiaries, governor, Legislature, and the public informed about the
                  work of the director and administration by reporting to the board in a public meeting at least once
                  during each calendar quarter; and
                      (l) respond in writing within a reasonable time to a request by the board for responses to
                  questions on policies and practices affecting the management of the trust.
                      (2) Procedures and rules adopted by the Division of State Lands and Forestry as they
                  relate to trust lands prior to the effective date of this act remain in effect until amended or
                  repealed by the director.
                      (3) The administration shall be the named party in substitution of the Division of State
                  Lands and Forestry or its predecessor agencies, with respect to all documents affecting trust lands
                  from the effective date of this act.
                      (4) The director may:
                      (a) with the consent of the state risk manager and the board, manage lands or interests in
                  lands held by any other public or private party pursuant to policies established by the board and

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                  may make rules to implement these board policies;
                      (b) sue or be sued as the director of school and institutional trust lands;
                      (c) contract with other public agencies for personnel management services;
                      (d) contract with any public or private entity to make improvements to or upon trust
                  lands and to carry out any of the responsibilities of the office, so long as the contract requires
                  strict adherence to trust management principles, applicable law and regulation, and is subject to
                  immediate suspension or termination for cause; and
                      (e) with the approval of the board enter into joint ventures and other business
                  arrangements consistent with the purposes of the trust.
                      (5) Any application or bid required for the lease, permitting, or sale of lands in a
                  competitive process or any request for review pursuant to Section 53C-1-304 shall be considered
                  filed or made on the date received by the appropriate administrative office, whether transmitted by
                  United States mail or in any other manner.
                      Section 3. Section 53C-2-201 is amended to read:
                       53C-2-201. Planning procedures -- Assistance from other state agencies -- Plans
                  consistent with trust responsibilities.
                      (1) The director:
                      (a) shall develop rules describing the degree of planning necessary for each category of
                  activity on trust lands; and
                      (b) may request other state agencies to generate technical data or other support services
                  for the development and implementation of trust lands plans.
                      (2) The plans for school and institutional trust lands shall be:
                      (a) developed in a manner consistent with the director's responsibility to insure that the
                  interest of the trust beneficiaries is paramount; and
                      (b) if required by rule, approved by the board.
                      (3) The director shall [adopt policies] make rules under Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
                  Administrative Rulemaking Act, for notifying and consulting with interested parties under this

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                      (4) Subject to Subsection [ 53C-2-201 ](1), the development of a written plan is not a
                  prerequisite to actions by the director.

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