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H.B. 320 Enrolled






Sponsor: Bradley T. Johnson

                  Douglas C. Aagard
                  J. Stuart Adams
                  Roger E. Barrus
                  Ron Bigelow
                  Calvin G. Bird
                  DeMar Bud Bowman
                  Craig W. Buttars
                  D. Gregg Buxton
                  David Clark
                  Stephen D. Clark
                  David N. Cox
                  Greg J. Curtis
                  Margaret DaytonBrad L. Dee
Craig A. Frank
James R. Gowans
Neil A. Hansen
Ann W. Hardy
Wayne A. Harper
Kory M. Holdaway
Gregory H. Hughes
Eric K. Hutchings
Patricia W. Jones
Brad King
Todd E. KiserBradley G. Last
M. Susan Lawrence
Rebecca D. Lockhart
Steven R. Mascaro
Michael T. Morley
Michael E. Noel
Darin G. Peterson
Jack A. Seitz
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
Martin R. Stephens
Michael R. Styler
Stephen H. Urquhart                  
                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill modifies the State System of Higher Education Code by requiring the State
                  Board of Regents to provide a transfer and articulation system for the institutions of
                  higher education.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    requires the State Board of Regents to:
                          .    develop and maintain a transfer and articulation system;
                          .    maintain a common numbering system for general education and certain lower
                  division courses; and
                          .    provide for credit by examinations;
                      .    requires institutions of higher education to accept commonly numbered courses for
                  program requirements; and

                      .    requires the State Board of Regents to include compliance information in its annual
                  report to the governor and the Legislature.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      53B-16-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 53B-16-105 is enacted to read:
                      53B-16-105. Common course numbering -- Credit by examination -- Transferability
                  of credits -- Policies.
                      (1) The board shall:
                      (a) facilitate articulation and the seamless transfer of courses within the state system of
                  higher education;
                      (b) provide for the efficient and effective progression and transfer of students within the
                  state system of higher education;
                      (c) avoid the unnecessary duplication of courses; and
                      (d) allow students to proceed toward their educational objectives as rapidly as their
                  circumstances permit.
                      (2) The board shall develop, coordinate, and maintain a transfer and articulation system
                  within the state system of higher education that:
                      (a) maintains a course numbering system that assigns common numbers to specified
                  courses of similar level with similar curricular content, rigor, and standards;
                      (b) allows students to transfer courses among institutions of higher education to meet
                  requirements for general education and lower division courses that transfer to baccalaureate

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                      (c) improves program planning;
                      (d) increases communications and coordination between institutions of higher education;
                      (e) facilitates student acceleration and the transfer of students and credits between
                      (3) (a) The board shall identify general education courses in the humanities, social
                  sciences, arts, physical sciences, and life sciences with uniform prefixes and common course
                      (b) All institutions of higher education shall accept the courses described under
                  Subsection (3)(a) toward filling specific area requirements for general education or lower division
                  courses that transfer to baccalaureate majors.
                      (4) (a) The board shall identify common prerequisite courses and course substitutions for
                  degree programs across all institutions of higher education.
                      (b) The commissioner shall appoint committees of faculty members from the institutions
                  of higher education to recommend appropriate courses of similar content and numbering that will
                  satisfy requirements for lower division courses that transfer to baccalaureate majors.
                      (c) All institutions of higher education shall accept the courses approved under
                  Subsection (4)(a) toward filling graduation requirements.
                      (5) The board shall identify minimum scores and maximum credit for each:
                      (a) College Level Examination Program (CLEP) general examination;
                      (b) College Level Examination Program (CLEP) subject examination;
                      (c) College Board advanced placement examination; and
                      (d) other examination for credit.
                      (6) (a) Institutions of higher education shall award credit if competencies have been
                  demonstrated by passing a challenge examination.
                      (b) Institutions of higher education shall award credit for the specific courses for which
                  competency has been demonstrated by successfully passing a challenge examination described

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                  under Subsection (5)(a) unless the award of credit duplicates credit already awarded.
                      (7) The board shall establish policies to administer the policies and requirements under
                  Subsections (2) through (6).
                      (8) The board shall include information demonstrating that institutions of higher
                  education are complying with the provisions of this section and the policies established in
                  accordance with Subsection (7) in the annual report of its activities to the governor and to the
                  Legislature required under Section 53B-1-107 .

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