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H.J.R. 2 Enrolled
Ralph Becker
Duane E. Bourdeaux
Judy Ann Buffmire
Carl W. Duckworth
Brent H. Goodfellow
Neil A. Hansen
Patricia W. Jones
Brad King
David Litvack
Ty McCartney
Rosalind J. McGee
Karen W. Morgan
Carol Spackman Moss
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
Douglas C. Aagard
J. Stuart Adams
Sheryl L. AllenCalvin G. Bird
DeMar Bud Bowman
Craig W. Buttars
D. Gregg Buxton
LaVar Christensen
David Clark
Stephen D. Clark
David N. Cox
Greg J. Curtis
Brad L. Dee
Glenn A. Donnelson
James A. Dunnigan
James A. Ferrin
Ann W. Hardy
Wayne A. Harper
David L. HogueKory M. Holdaway
Gregory H. Hughes
Todd E. Kiser
M. Susan Lawrence
Rebecca D. Lockhart
Steven R. Mascaro
Joseph G. Murray
Michael E. Noel
Loraine T. Pace
R. Curt Webb
Jack A. Seitz
Martin R. Stephens
Michael R. Styler
Mike Thompson
Peggy Wallace
Eric K. Hutchings
General Description:
This joint resolution expresses support for fine arts programs in public schools.
Highlighted Provisions:
This resolution:
. expresses support of music and other fine arts program funding in public schools;
. encourages schools to make music and other fine arts programs available to
Special Clauses:
Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
WHEREAS, involvement in music and the fine arts can have a tremendous impact for
good in the life and development of youth;
WHEREAS, research has shown that there is a clear link between music and the
acceleration of student learning;
WHEREAS, music and other fine arts provide students with an important balance in their
education and enhance the learning environment;
WHEREAS, even with new graduation requirements, it is still possible for students to
have music and fine arts courses in their curriculum;
WHEREAS, Utah schools should make music and fine arts programs available to their
students so that they may experience learning through a greater variety of methods; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature supports funding for music and other fine arts programs in
public schools as a means to provide greater learning opportunities for the youth of the state of
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
expresses its support for the continuation of music and other fine arts program funding in public
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature encourages schools to make music
and fine arts programs available to Utah's students and to encourage students to make time
available in their class schedules for music and other fine arts programs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to each of Utah's 40
local school boards and superintendents for distribution to each public school, the State Board of
Education, and the State Office of Education.
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