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H.B. 9





Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

             6      LONG TITLE
             7      General Description:
             8          This bill eliminates barriers to people voting by absentee ballot.
             9      Highlighted Provisions:
             10          This bill:
             11          .    allows anyone to vote an absentee ballot either by mail or at the election officer's
             12      office;
             13          .    expands the ability of the county legislative body to administer an election in a
             14      voting precinct entirely by absentee ballot; and
             15          .    makes technical corrections.
             16      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             17          None
             18      Other Special Clauses:
             19          None
             20      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             21      AMENDS:
             22          20A-3-301, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1996
             23          20A-3-302, as last amended by Chapter 183, Laws of Utah 1997
             24          20A-3-304, as last amended by Chapter 167, Laws of Utah 2002
             25          20A-3-305, as last amended by Chapter 37, Laws of Utah 2003
             27      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             28          Section 1. Section 20A-3-301 is amended to read:
             29           20A-3-301. Voting by absentee ballot.
             30          (1) Any person who is registered to vote may vote by absentee ballot[, if, on the day of
             31      election, the person is an absent elector as defined in Section 20A-3-304 ].
             32          (2) [Any] A registered voter [who unexpectedly returns to his voting precinct before or
             33      on election day] may not vote in person if [his] the voter voted by absentee ballot [has not
             34      already been deposited in the ballot box].
             35          Section 2. Section 20A-3-302 is amended to read:
             36           20A-3-302. Absentee voting -- No polling place for remote districts.
             37          (1) Whenever, on the 60th day before an election, there are [300] 500 or less persons
             38      registered to vote in a voting precinct, the county legislative body of the county in which the
             39      voting precinct is located may elect to administer an election entirely by absentee ballot.
             40          (2) If the county legislative body of the county in which the voting precinct is located
             41      decides to administer an election entirely by absentee ballot, the county clerk shall mail to each
             42      registered voter within that voting precinct:
             43          (a) an absentee ballot;
             44          (b) a statement that there will be no polling place for the election;
             45          (c) instructions for returning the ballot that include an express notice about any
             46      relevant deadlines that the voter must meet in order for his vote to be counted; and
             47          (d) a warning, on a separate page of colored paper in bold face print, indicating that if
             48      the voter fails to follow the instructions included with the absentee ballot, he will be unable to
             49      vote in that election because there will be no polling place in the voting precinct on the day of
             50      the election.
             51          (3) Any voter who votes by absentee ballot under this subsection is not required to
             52      apply for an absentee ballot as required by this part.
             53          (4) (a) The county clerk of a county that administers an election entirely by absentee
             54      ballot shall:
             55          (i) obtain, in person, the signatures of each voter within that voting precinct before the
             56      election; and
             57          (ii) maintain the signatures on file in the county clerk's office.
             58          (b) (i) Upon receiving the returned absentee ballots, the county clerk shall compare the

             59      signature on each absentee ballot with the voter's signature that is maintained on file and verify
             60      that the signatures are the same.
             61          (ii) If the county clerk questions the authenticity of the signature on the absentee ballot,
             62      the clerk shall immediately contact the voter to verify the signature.
             63          (iii) If the voter does not confirm his signature on the absentee ballot, the county clerk
             64      shall:
             65          (A) immediately send another absentee ballot and other voting materials as required by
             66      this subsection to the voter; and
             67          (B) disqualify the initial absentee ballot.
             68          Section 3. Section 20A-3-304 is amended to read:
             69           20A-3-304. Application for absentee ballot -- Time for filing and voting.
             70          [(1) As used in this section, "absent elector" means a person who:]
             71          [(a) is physically, emotionally, or mentally impaired;]
             72          [(b) will be serving as an election judge or who has election duties in another voting
             73      precinct;]
             74          [(c) is detained or incarcerated in a jail or prison as a penalty for committing a
             75      misdemeanor;]
             76          [(d) has a legal disability;]
             77          [(e) is prevented from voting in a particular location because of religious tenets or other
             78      strongly held personal values;]
             79          [(f) is called for jury duty in state or federal court; or]
             80          [(g) otherwise expects to be absent from the voting precinct during the hours the polls
             81      are open on election day.]
             82          [(2) A] (1) Any registered voter who [is or will be an absent elector] wishes to vote an
             83      absentee ballot may either:
             84          (a) file an absentee ballot application with the appropriate election officer for an
             85      official absentee ballot[.] as provided in this section; or
             86          (b) vote in person at the office of the appropriate election officer as provided in Section
             87      20A-3-306 .
             88          [(3)] (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection [(3)] (2)(b), each election officer shall
             89      prepare blank applications for absentee ballot applications in substantially the following form:

             90          "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah [to
             91      my best knowledge and belief am entitled to vote by absentee ballot at the next election.
             92          I] apply for an official absentee ballot to be voted by me at the election.
             93          Date ________ (month\day\year) Signed ___________________________
             94                                      Voter"
             95          (b) Each election officer shall prepare blank applications for absentee ballot
             96      applications for regular primary elections and for the Western States Presidential Primary in
             97      substantially the following form:
             98          "I, ____, a qualified elector, residing at ____ Street, ____ City, ____ County, Utah [to
             99      my best knowledge and belief am entitled to vote by absentee ballot at the next election.
             100          I] apply for an official absentee ballot for the _______________ political party to be
             101      voted by me at the primary election.
             102          I understand that I must be affiliated with or authorized to vote the political party's
             103      ballot that I request.
             104          Dated _________ (month\day\year) ____ Signed ___________________________
             105                                          Voter"
             106          (c) If requested by the applicant, the election officer shall:
             107          (i) mail or fax the application blank to the absentee voter; or
             108          (ii) deliver the application blank to any voter who personally applies for it at the office
             109      of the election officer.
             110          [(4)] (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsections [(4)] (3)(a)(ii) and (iii), the voters
             111      shall file the application for an absentee ballot with the appropriate election officer no later
             112      than the Friday before election day.
             113          (ii) Overseas applicants shall file their applications with the appropriate election officer
             114      no later than 20 days before the day of election.
             115          (iii) Voters applying for an absentee ballot for the Western States Presidential Primary
             116      shall file the application for an absentee ballot with the appropriate election officer not later
             117      than the Tuesday before election day.
             118          (b) Persons voting an absentee ballot at the office of the election officer shall apply for
             119      and cast their ballot no later than the day before the election.
             120          [(5)] (4) (a) A county clerk may establish a permanent absentee voter list.

             121          (b) The clerk shall place on the list the name of any person who:
             122          (i) requests permanent absentee voter status; and
             123          (ii) meets the requirements of this section.
             124          (c) (i) Each year, the clerk shall mail a questionnaire to each person whose name is on
             125      the absentee voter list.
             126          (ii) The questionnaire shall allow the absentee person to verify the voter's residence
             127      [and inability to vote at the voting precinct on election day].
             128          (iii) The clerk may remove the names of any voter from the absentee voter registration
             129      list if:
             130          (A) the voter is no longer listed in the official register; or
             131          (B) the voter fails to verify the voter's residence and absentee status.
             132          (d) The clerk shall provide a copy of the permanent absentee voter list to election
             133      officers for use in elections.
             134          Section 4. Section 20A-3-305 is amended to read:
             135           20A-3-305. Mailing of ballot to voter -- Enclose self-addressed envelope --
             136      Affidavit.
             137          (1) Upon timely receipt of an absentee voter application properly filled out and signed,
             138      or as soon after receipt of the application as the official absentee ballots for the voting precinct
             139      in which the applicant resides have been printed, the election officer shall either:
             140          (a) give the applicant an official absentee ballot and envelope to vote in the office; or
             141          (b) mail an official absentee ballot, postage paid, to the absentee voter and enclose an
             142      envelope printed as required in Subsection (2).
             143          (2) The election officer shall ensure that:
             144          (a) the name, official title, and post office address of the election officer is printed on
             145      the front of the envelope; and
             146          (b) a printed affidavit in substantially the following form is printed on the back of the
             147      envelope:
             148      "County of ____    State of ____
             149          I, ____, solemnly swear that: I am a qualified resident voter of the ____ voting precinct
             150      in ____ County, Utah[;] and that I am entitled to vote in that voting precinct at the next
             151      election[; and I am entitled by law to vote an absentee ballot]. I am not a convicted felon

             152      currently incarcerated for commission of a felony.

Signature of Absentee Voter"

             155          (3) If the election officer determines that the absentee voter is required to show proof
             156      of identity or proof of residence as indicated in the official register, the election officer shall:
             157          (a) issue the voter a provisional ballot in accordance with Section 20A-3-105.5 ;
             158          (b) instruct the voter to include a valid form of proof of identity and proof of residence
             159      with the return ballot;
             160          (c) provide the voter clear instructions on how to vote a provisional ballot; and
             161          (d) comply with the requirements of Subsection (2).

Legislative Review Note
    as of 10-15-03 11:40 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Interim Committee Note
    as of 12-09-03 8:52 AM

The Government Operations Interim Committee recommended this bill.

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