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H.B. 24
7 General Description:
8 This bill modifies the Motor Vehicles Code by amending traffic rules and regulations
9 provisions.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 . clarifies that a local authority traffic-control device shall conform to the standards
13 on traffic-control devices adopted by the Department of Transportation;
14 . provides that a right turn is prohibited at a red arrow signal;
15 . requires an operator facing a steady circular red or red arrow signal to yield to other
16 traffic;
17 . clarifies the meaning of pedestrian-control signals;
18 . provides that a left turn is permitted across a solid double yellow line indicating a
19 two-direction, no-passing zone on a highway;
20 . provides that an operator of a vehicle may not:
21 . enter into a two-way left turn lane more than 500 feet prior to making a left turn;
22 or
23 . travel in a two-way left turn lane more than 500 feet if the operator turned into
24 the two-way left turn lane;
25 . prohibits an operator from traveling straight through an intersection in a two-way
26 left turn lane; and
27 . makes technical changes.
28 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
29 None
30 Other Special Clauses:
31 None
32 Utah Code Sections Affected:
34 41-6-20, as last amended by Chapter 38, Laws of Utah 2002
35 41-6-22, as last amended by Chapter 138, Laws of Utah 1987
36 41-6-24, as last amended by Chapter 15, Laws of Utah 1993
37 41-6-25, as last amended by Chapter 138, Laws of Utah 1987
38 41-6-61, as last amended by Chapter 138, Laws of Utah 1987
39 41-6-63.30, as enacted by Chapter 16, Laws of Utah 2000
40 41-6-66, as last amended by Chapter 138, Laws of Utah 1987
41 41-6-67, as last amended by Chapter 138, Laws of Utah 1987
43 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
44 Section 1. Section 41-6-20 is amended to read:
45 41-6-20. Standards and specifications for uniform system of traffic-control
46 devices and school crossing guards.
47 (1) [
48 Act, the Department of Transportation shall make rules:
49 (a) consistent with this chapter adopting [
50 specifications for a uniform system of traffic-control devices [
52 (b) adopting standards and establishing specifications for a uniform system of
53 traffic-control devices, school crossing zones, and use of school crossing guards, which shall
54 supplement the standards adopted under Subsection (1)(a).
55 [
56 shall correlate with, and where possible conform to, the system set forth in the most recent
57 edition of the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" and
58 other standards issued or endorsed by the federal highway administrator.
59 [
63 Section 2. Section 41-6-22 is amended to read:
64 41-6-22. Placing and maintenance upon local highways by local authorities.
65 (1) [
66 maintain official traffic-control devices upon highways under [
68 ordinances, or to regulate, warn, or guide traffic.
69 (2) All traffic-control devices erected under this section shall conform to and be
70 maintained in conformance with the [
72 Section 41-6-20 .
73 Section 3. Section 41-6-24 is amended to read:
74 41-6-24. Traffic-control signal -- At intersections -- At place other than
75 intersection -- Color of light signal -- Inoperative traffic-control signals.
76 (1) (a) Green, red, and yellow are the only colors that may be used in traffic-control
77 signals, except for special:
78 (i) pedestrian signals that may use white and orange[
79 (ii) rail vehicles that may use white.
80 (b) Traffic-control signals indicate and apply to operators of vehicles and pedestrians
81 as provided in this section.
82 (2) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(ii), [
83 a vehicle facing a circular green signal may:
84 (A) proceed straight through the intersection;
85 (B) turn right; or
86 (C) turn left.
87 (ii) [
88 including [
89 (A) shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles and to pedestrians lawfully within the
90 intersection or an adjacent crosswalk at the time the signal is exhibited; and
91 (B) may not turn right or left if a sign at the intersection prohibits the turn.
92 (b) [
93 alone or in combination with other indication:
94 (i) may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by the
95 arrow or other indication shown at the same time; and
96 (ii) shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk
97 and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
98 (c) Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal under Section 41-6-25 ,
99 pedestrians facing any green signal other than a green turn arrow may proceed across the
100 roadway within any marked or unmarked crosswalk.
101 (3) (a) [
102 yellow arrow signal is warned that the allowable movement related to a green signal is being
103 terminated.
104 (b) Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal under Section 41-6-25 ,
105 [
106 that there is insufficient time to cross the roadway before a red indication is shown, and a
107 pedestrian may not start to cross the roadway.
108 (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(c), [
109 vehicle facing a steady circular red or red arrow signal:
110 (i) may not enter the intersection unless entering the intersection to make a movement
111 permitted by another indication; and
112 (ii) shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the marked or
113 unmarked crosswalk on the near side of the intersection and shall remain stopped until an
114 indication to proceed is shown.
115 (b) Unless otherwise directed by a pedestrian-control signal under Section 41-6-25 ,
116 [
117 (c) (i) Except when facing a red arrow signal or when a sign is in place prohibiting a
118 turn, [
119 cautiously enter the intersection to turn right, or may turn left from a one-way street into a
120 one-way street, after stopping as required by Subsection (4)(a).
121 (ii) The [
122 (a) other vehicles moving through the intersection in accordance with an official
123 traffic-control signal; and
124 (b) pedestrians lawfully within an adjacent crosswalk [
126 (5) (a) This section applies where an official traffic-control signal is erected and
127 maintained at an intersection or at a place other than an intersection.
128 (b) Any stop required shall be made at a sign or marking on the highway pavement
129 indicating where the stop shall be made, but, in the absence of any sign or marking, the stop
130 shall be made at the signal.
131 (6) The operator of a vehicle approaching an intersection that has an official
132 traffic-control signal that is inoperative shall stop before entering the intersection and shall
133 yield the right-of-way to any vehicle as required under Section 41-6-72 .
134 Section 4. Section 41-6-25 is amended to read:
135 41-6-25. Special pedestrian-control signals -- Meaning of signals -- Rights and
136 duties.
137 When special pedestrian-control signals exhibiting the words "Walk" or "Don't Walk"
138 or symbols of "Walking Person" or "Upraised [
139 [
140 pedestrian facing the signal has the right-of-way and may proceed across the roadway in the
141 direction of the signal [
142 [
143 means a pedestrian may not start to cross the roadway in the direction of the signal, but a
144 pedestrian who has partially completed his crossing on the walk signal shall proceed to a
145 sidewalk or safety island while the "Don't Walk" or "Upraised [
146 (3) A steady "Don't Walk" or "Upraised Hand" means a pedestrian may not enter the
147 roadway in the direction of the signal.
148 Section 5. Section 41-6-61 is amended to read:
149 41-6-61. Roadway divided into marked lanes -- Provisions -- Traffic-control
150 devices.
151 On a roadway divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic the following
152 provisions apply:
153 (1) A person operating a vehicle:
154 (a) shall [
155 lane; and
156 (b) may not [
157 determined the movement can be made safely.
158 (2) On a roadway divided into three or more lanes and providing for two-way
159 movement of traffic, a person operating a vehicle may not [
160 except:
161 (a) when overtaking and passing another vehicle traveling in the same direction, and
162 when the center lane is:
163 (i) clear of traffic within a safe distance; [
164 (ii) not a two-way left turn lane;
165 (b) in preparation of making or completing a left turn in compliance with Section
166 41-6-66 ; or
167 (c) where the center lane is allocated exclusively to traffic moving in the same
168 direction that the vehicle is proceeding and the allocation is designated by official
169 traffic-control devices.
170 (3) (a) Official traffic-control devices may be erected directing specified traffic to use a
171 designated lane or designating those lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction
172 regardless of the center of the roadway. [
173 (b) An operator of a vehicle shall obey the directions of [
174 devices erected under Subsection (3)(a).
175 Section 6. Section 41-6-63.30 is amended to read:
176 41-6-63.30. Definitions -- Gore area -- Island -- Driving over gore or island
177 prohibited -- Exceptions -- Penalties.
178 (1) As used in this section[
179 (a) "Gore area" means the area delineated by two solid white lines that is between a
180 continuing lane of a through roadway and a lane used to enter or exit the continuing lane
181 including similar areas between merging or splitting highways.
182 (b) "Island" means an area between traffic lanes for control of vehicle movements or
183 for pedestrian refuge designated by:
184 (i) pavement markings, which may include an area designated by two solid yellow lines
185 surrounding the perimeter of the area;
186 (ii) channelizing devices;
187 (iii) curbs;
188 (iv) pavement edges; or
189 (v) other devices.
190 (2) (a) A person may not operate a vehicle over, across, or within any part of a gore
191 area or an island.
192 (b) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply to:
193 (i) a person operating a vehicle that is disabled; or
194 (ii) an operator of an authorized emergency vehicle under conditions described under
195 Section 41-6-14 .
196 (3) A person who violates Subsection (2) is guilty of class C misdemeanor.
197 Section 7. Section 41-6-66 is amended to read:
198 41-6-66. Turning -- Manner -- Traffic-control devices.
199 The operator of a vehicle shall make turns as follows:
200 (1) Right turns: both a right turn and an approach for a right turn shall be made as close
201 as practical to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
202 (2) Left turns:
203 (a) the operator of a vehicle intending to turn left shall approach the turn from the
204 extreme left-hand lane for traffic moving in the same direction[
205 (b) whenever practicable, [
206 being entered in the extreme left-hand lane for traffic moving in the new direction, unless
207 otherwise directed by an official traffic-control device[
208 (c) may be made on a highway across solid double yellow line pavement markings
209 indicating a two-direction, no-passing zone.
210 (3) Two-way left turn lanes: where a special lane for making left turns by operators
211 proceeding in opposite directions has been indicated by official traffic-control devices:
212 (a) a left turn may not be made from any other lane; [
213 (b) a vehicle may not be driven in the lane except when preparing for or making:
214 (i) a left turn from or into the roadway; or [
215 (ii) a U-turn except when [
216 device;
217 (c) the operator of a vehicle intending to turn left shall not enter a two-way left turn
218 lane more than 500 feet prior to making the turn;
219 (d) the operator of a vehicle that has turned left into the two-way left turn lane may not
220 travel in the lane more than 500 feet; and
221 (e) the operator of a vehicle may not travel straight through an intersection in a
222 two-way left turn lane.
223 (4) (a) The Department of Transportation and local authorities in their respective
224 jurisdictions may cause official traffic-control devices to be [
225 that direct [
226 vehicles.
227 (b) The operator of a vehicle may not turn a vehicle other than as directed by [
228 official traffic-control devices erected under Subsection (4)(a).
229 Section 8. Section 41-6-67 is amended to read:
230 41-6-67. Turning around -- Where prohibited -- Visibility.
231 [
232 proceed in the opposite direction:
233 (1) unless the movement can be made safely and without interfering with other
234 traffic[
235 (2) [
236 upon the approach to, or near the crest of a grade, if the vehicle is not visible at a distance of
237 500 feet by the operator of any other vehicle approaching from either direction.
Legislative Review Note
as of 11-19-03 2:40 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
Interim Committee Note
as of 12-10-03 11:12 AM
The Transportation Interim Committee recommended this bill.
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