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H.B. 93





Sponsor: J. Stuart Adams

             6      LONG TITLE
             7      General Description:
             8          This bill provides an agency the option of recovering the cost for obtaining a DNA
             9      specimen from an offender by assessing the inmate's trust fund account for $75.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    allows agencies to recover the cost of obtaining a DNA specimen from an offender
             13      by collecting the funds from the inmate's trust fund account; and
             14          .    allows the collecting agency to use a negative account balance to collect the funds.
             15      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             16          None
             17      Other Special Clauses:
             18          This bill provides an effective date.
             19      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             20      AMENDS:
             21          53-10-404 (Superseded 07/01/04), as last amended by Chapter 120, Laws of Utah 2003
             22          53-10-404 (Effective 07/01/04), as last amended by Chapter 171, Laws of Utah 2003
             24      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             25          Section 1. Section 53-10-404 (Superseded 07/01/04) is amended to read:
             26           53-10-404 (Superseded 07/01/04). DNA specimen analysis -- Requirement to
             27      obtain the specimen.

             28          (1) As used in this section, "person" refers to any person described under Section
             29      53-10-403 .
             30          (2) (a) A person under Section 53-10-403 or any person added to the sex offender
             31      register as defined in Section 77-27-21.5 shall provide a DNA specimen and shall reimburse
             32      the responsible agency $75 for the cost of obtaining the DNA specimen unless the agency
             33      determines the person lacks the ability to pay.
             34          (b) (i) The responsible agencies shall establish guidelines and procedures for
             35      determining if the person is able to pay the fee. An agency's implementation of Subsection
             36      (2)(b)(ii) meets an agency's obligation to determine an inmate's ability to pay.
             37          (ii) An agency's guidelines and procedures may provide for the assessment of $75 on
             38      the inmate's trust fund account and may allow a negative balance in the account until the $75 is
             39      paid in full.
             40          (3) (a) All fees collected under Subsection (2) shall be deposited in the DNA Specimen
             41      Restricted Account created in Section 53-10-407 , except that sheriffs collecting the fee shall
             42      deposit $60 of the fee in the DNA Specimen Restricted Account and retain the balance of $15
             43      for the costs of obtaining the saliva DNA specimen.
             44          (b) The responsible agency shall determine the method of collecting the DNA
             45      specimen. Unless the responsible agency determines there are substantial reasons for using a
             46      different method of collection or the person refuses to cooperate with the collection, the
             47      preferred method of collection shall be obtaining a saliva specimen.
             48          (c) The responsible agencies may use reasonable force, as established by their
             49      individual guidelines and procedures, to collect the DNA sample if the person refuses to
             50      cooperate with the collection.
             51          (d) If the judgment places the person on probation, the person shall submit to the
             52      obtaining of a DNA specimen as a condition of the probation.
             53          (e) Under this section a person is required to provide one DNA specimen. The person
             54      shall provide an additional DNA specimen only if the DNA specimen previously provided is
             55      not adequate for analysis.
             56          (4) (a) The responsible agency shall cause a DNA specimen to be obtained as soon as
             57      possible after conviction, plea, or finding of jurisdiction by the juvenile court, and transmitted
             58      to the Department of Public Safety.

             59          (b) If notified by the Department of Public Safety that a DNA specimen is not adequate
             60      for analysis, the agency shall obtain and transmit an additional DNA specimen.
             61          (5) (a) The Department of Corrections is the responsible agency whenever the person is
             62      committed to the custody of or is under the supervision of the Department of Corrections.
             63          (b) The juvenile court is the responsible agency regarding a minor under Subsection
             64      53-10-403 (3), but if the minor has been committed to the legal custody of the Division of
             65      Youth Corrections, that division is the responsible agency if a DNA specimen of the minor has
             66      not previously been obtained by the juvenile court under Section 78-3a-118 .
             67          (c) The sheriff operating a county jail is the responsible agency regarding the collection
             68      of DNA specimens from persons who:
             69          (i) have pled guilty to or have been convicted of an offense listed under Subsection
             70      53-10-403 (2) but who have not been committed to the custody of or are not under the
             71      supervision of the Department of Corrections; and
             72          (ii) are incarcerated in the county jail:
             73          (A) as a condition of probation for a felony offense; or
             74          (B) for a misdemeanor offense for which collection of a DNA specimen is required.
             75          (d) The sheriff under Subsection (5)(c) shall:
             76          (i) designate employees to obtain the saliva DNA specimens required under Section
             77      53-10-403 ; and
             78          (ii) ensure that employees designated to collect the DNA specimens receive appropriate
             79      training and that the specimens are obtained in accordance with accepted protocol.
             80          (6) (a) As used in this Subsection (6), "department" means the Department of
             81      Corrections.
             82          (b) Priority of obtaining DNA specimens by the department is:
             83          (i) first, to obtain DNA specimens of persons who as of July 1, 2002, are in the custody
             84      of or under the supervision of the department before these persons are released from
             85      incarceration, parole, or probation, if their release date is prior to that of persons under
             86      Subsections (6)(b)(ii), but in no case later than July 1, 2004; and
             87          (ii) second, the department shall obtain DNA specimens from persons who are
             88      committed to the custody of the department or who are placed under the supervision of the
             89      department after July 1, 2002, within 120 days after the commitment, if possible, but not later

             90      than prior to release from incarceration if the person is imprisoned, or prior to the termination
             91      of probation if the person is placed on probation.
             92          (c) The priority for obtaining DNA specimens from persons under Subsection (6)(b)(ii)
             93      is:
             94          (i) persons on probation;
             95          (ii) persons on parole; and
             96          (iii) incarcerated persons.
             97          (d) Implementation of the schedule of priority under Subsection (6)(c) is subject to the
             98      priority of Subsection (6)(b)(i), to ensure that the Department of Corrections obtains DNA
             99      specimens from persons in the custody of or under the supervision of the Department of
             100      Corrections as of July 1, 2002, prior to their release.
             101          (7) (a) As used in this Subsection (7), "court" means the juvenile court and "division"
             102      means the Division of Youth Corrections.
             103          (b) Priority of obtaining DNA specimens by the court from minors under Section
             104      53-10-403 who are under the jurisdiction of the court but who are not in the legal custody of
             105      the division shall be:
             106          (i) first, to obtain specimens from minors who as of July 1, 2002, are within the court's
             107      jurisdiction, prior to termination of the court's jurisdiction over these minors; and
             108          (ii) second, to obtain specimens from minors who are found to be within the court's
             109      jurisdiction after July 1, 2002, within 120 days of the minor's being found to be within the
             110      court's jurisdiction, if possible, but not later than prior to termination of the court's jurisdiction
             111      over the minor.
             112          (c) Priority of obtaining DNA specimens by the division from minors under Section
             113      53-10-403 who are committed to the legal custody of the division shall be:
             114          (i) first, to obtain specimens from minors who as of July 1, 2002, are within the
             115      division's legal custody and who have not previously provided a DNA specimen under this
             116      section, prior to termination of the division's legal custody of these minors; and
             117          (ii) second, to obtain specimens from minors who are placed in the legal custody of the
             118      division after July 1, 2002, within 120 days of the minor's being placed in the custody of the
             119      division, jurisdiction, if possible, but not later than prior to termination of the court's
             120      jurisdiction over the minor.

             121          (8) (a) The Department of Corrections, the juvenile court, and the Division of Youth
             122      Corrections shall by policy establish procedures for obtaining saliva DNA specimens, and shall
             123      provide training for employees designated to collect saliva DNA specimens.
             124          (b) The department may designate correctional officers, including those employed by
             125      the adult probation and parole section of the Department of Corrections, to obtain the saliva
             126      DNA specimens required under this section. The department shall ensure that the designated
             127      employees receive appropriate training and that the specimens are obtained in accordance with
             128      accepted protocol.
             129          (c) Blood DNA specimens shall be obtained in accordance with Section 53-10-405 .
             130          Section 2. Section 53-10-404 (Effective 07/01/04) is amended to read:
             131           53-10-404 (Effective 07/01/04). DNA specimen analysis -- Requirement to obtain
             132      the specimen.
             133          (1) As used in this section, "person" refers to any person described under Section
             134      53-10-403 .
             135          (2) (a) A person under Section 53-10-403 or any person added to the sex offender
             136      register as defined in Section 77-27-21.5 shall provide a DNA specimen and shall reimburse
             137      the responsible agency $75 for the cost of obtaining the DNA specimen unless the agency
             138      determines the person lacks the ability to pay.
             139          (b) (i) The responsible agencies shall establish guidelines and procedures for
             140      determining if the person is able to pay the fee. An agency's implementation of Subsection
             141      (2)(b)(ii) meets an agency's obligation to determine an inmate's ability to pay.
             142          (ii) An agency's guidelines and procedures may provide for the assessment of $75 on
             143      the inmate's trust fund account and may allow a negative balance in the account until the $75 is
             144      paid in full.
             145          (3) (a) All fees collected under Subsection (2) shall be deposited in the DNA Specimen
             146      Restricted Account created in Section 53-10-407 , except that sheriffs collecting the fee shall
             147      deposit $60 of the fee in the DNA Specimen Restricted Account and retain the balance of $15
             148      for the costs of obtaining the saliva DNA specimen.
             149          (b) The responsible agency shall determine the method of collecting the DNA
             150      specimen. Unless the responsible agency determines there are substantial reasons for using a
             151      different method of collection or the person refuses to cooperate with the collection, the

             152      preferred method of collection shall be obtaining a saliva specimen.
             153          (c) The responsible agencies may use reasonable force, as established by their
             154      individual guidelines and procedures, to collect the DNA sample if the person refuses to
             155      cooperate with the collection.
             156          (d) If the judgment places the person on probation, the person shall submit to the
             157      obtaining of a DNA specimen as a condition of the probation.
             158          (e) Under this section a person is required to provide one DNA specimen. The person
             159      shall provide an additional DNA specimen only if the DNA specimen previously provided is
             160      not adequate for analysis.
             161          (4) (a) The responsible agency shall cause a DNA specimen to be obtained as soon as
             162      possible after conviction, plea, or finding of jurisdiction by the juvenile court, and transmitted
             163      to the Department of Public Safety.
             164          (b) If notified by the Department of Public Safety that a DNA specimen is not adequate
             165      for analysis, the agency shall obtain and transmit an additional DNA specimen.
             166          (5) (a) The Department of Corrections is the responsible agency whenever the person is
             167      committed to the custody of or is under the supervision of the Department of Corrections.
             168          (b) The juvenile court is the responsible agency regarding a minor under Subsection
             169      53-10-403 (3), but if the minor has been committed to the legal custody of the Division of
             170      Juvenile Justice Services, that division is the responsible agency if a DNA specimen of the
             171      minor has not previously been obtained by the juvenile court under Section 78-3a-118 .
             172          (c) The sheriff operating a county jail is the responsible agency regarding the collection
             173      of DNA specimens from persons who:
             174          (i) have pled guilty to or have been convicted of an offense listed under Subsection
             175      53-10-403 (2) but who have not been committed to the custody of or are not under the
             176      supervision of the Department of Corrections; and
             177          (ii) are incarcerated in the county jail:
             178          (A) as a condition of probation for a felony offense; or
             179          (B) for a misdemeanor offense for which collection of a DNA specimen is required.
             180          (d) The sheriff under Subsection (5)(c) shall:
             181          (i) designate employees to obtain the saliva DNA specimens required under Section
             182      53-10-403 ; and

             183          (ii) ensure that employees designated to collect the DNA specimens receive appropriate
             184      training and that the specimens are obtained in accordance with accepted protocol.
             185          (6) (a) As used in this Subsection (6), "department" means the Department of
             186      Corrections.
             187          (b) Priority of obtaining DNA specimens by the department is:
             188          (i) first, to obtain DNA specimens of persons who as of July 1, 2002, are in the custody
             189      of or under the supervision of the department before these persons are released from
             190      incarceration, parole, or probation, if their release date is prior to that of persons under
             191      Subsections (6)(b)(ii), but in no case later than July 1, 2004; and
             192          (ii) second, the department shall obtain DNA specimens from persons who are
             193      committed to the custody of the department or who are placed under the supervision of the
             194      department after July 1, 2002, within 120 days after the commitment, if possible, but not later
             195      than prior to release from incarceration if the person is imprisoned, or prior to the termination
             196      of probation if the person is placed on probation.
             197          (c) The priority for obtaining DNA specimens from persons under Subsection (6)(b)(ii)
             198      is:
             199          (i) persons on probation;
             200          (ii) persons on parole; and
             201          (iii) incarcerated persons.
             202          (d) Implementation of the schedule of priority under Subsection (6)(c) is subject to the
             203      priority of Subsection (6)(b)(i), to ensure that the Department of Corrections obtains DNA
             204      specimens from persons in the custody of or under the supervision of the Department of
             205      Corrections as of July 1, 2002, prior to their release.
             206          (7) (a) As used in this Subsection (7), "court" means the juvenile court and "division"
             207      means the Division of Juvenile Justice Services.
             208          (b) Priority of obtaining DNA specimens by the court from minors under Section
             209      53-10-403 who are under the jurisdiction of the court but who are not in the legal custody of
             210      the division shall be:
             211          (i) first, to obtain specimens from minors who as of July 1, 2002, are within the court's
             212      jurisdiction, prior to termination of the court's jurisdiction over these minors; and
             213          (ii) second, to obtain specimens from minors who are found to be within the court's

             214      jurisdiction after July 1, 2002, within 120 days of the minor's being found to be within the
             215      court's jurisdiction, if possible, but not later than prior to termination of the court's jurisdiction
             216      over the minor.
             217          (c) Priority of obtaining DNA specimens by the division from minors under Section
             218      53-10-403 who are committed to the legal custody of the division shall be:
             219          (i) first, to obtain specimens from minors who as of July 1, 2002, are within the
             220      division's legal custody and who have not previously provided a DNA specimen under this
             221      section, prior to termination of the division's legal custody of these minors; and
             222          (ii) second, to obtain specimens from minors who are placed in the legal custody of the
             223      division after July 1, 2002, within 120 days of the minor's being placed in the custody of the
             224      division, jurisdiction, if possible, but not later than prior to termination of the court's
             225      jurisdiction over the minor.
             226          (8) (a) The Department of Corrections, the juvenile court, and the Division of Juvenile
             227      Justice Services shall by policy establish procedures for obtaining saliva DNA specimens, and
             228      shall provide training for employees designated to collect saliva DNA specimens.
             229          (b) The department may designate correctional officers, including those employed by
             230      the adult probation and parole section of the Department of Corrections, to obtain the saliva
             231      DNA specimens required under this section. The department shall ensure that the designated
             232      employees receive appropriate training and that the specimens are obtained in accordance with
             233      accepted protocol.
             234          (c) Blood DNA specimens shall be obtained in accordance with Section 53-10-405 .
             235          Section 3. Effective date.
             236          If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
             237      upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
             238      Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto,
             239      the date of veto override, except that the amendments to Section 53-10-404 (Effective
             240      07/01/04) take effect on July 1, 2004.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-12-04 3:43 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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