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Second Substitute H.B. 116

Representative Ralph Becker proposes the following substitute bill:




Sponsor: Ralph Becker

             5      Gregory H. Hughes              6     
             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies and enacts provisions relating to notice and land use dispute
             10      resolution applicable to certain entities in first and second class counties.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    modifies provisions relating to elements of a county or municipality's general plan;
             14          .    requires certain local government entities and certain public utilities to provide
             15      notice before preparing or amending a general, long-range, or capital facilities plan;
             16          .    requires certain entities to provide notice of an intent to acquire real property if its
             17      intended use is inconsistent with local planning or zoning, unless the entity has
             18      previously provided notice of the property's general location; and
             19          .    requires certain entities to provide post-acquisition notice of the acquisition of real
             20      property, under certain circumstances.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             26      AMENDS:
             27          10-8-2, as last amended by Chapter 124, Laws of Utah 2003
             28          10-9-301, as last amended by Chapter 105, Laws of Utah 2003
             29          10-9-302, as last amended by Chapters 23 and 93, Laws of Utah 1992
             30          11-36-201, as last amended by Chapter 239, Laws of Utah 2002
             31          17-27-301, as last amended by Chapter 105, Laws of Utah 2003
             32          17-27-302, as last amended by Chapters 23 and 93, Laws of Utah 1992
             33          17-50-302, as last amended by Chapter 211, Laws of Utah 2003
             34      ENACTS:
             35          10-9-301.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             36          17-27-301.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37          17A-2-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             38          17B-2-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             39          53A-2-123, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             40          54-3-27, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             43          Section 1. Section 10-8-2 is amended to read:
             44           10-8-2. Appropriations -- Acquisition and disposal of property -- Corporate
             45      purpose -- Procedure.
             46          (1) A municipal legislative body may:
             47          (a) appropriate money for corporate purposes only;
             48          (b) provide for payment of debts and expenses of the corporation;
             49          (c) subject to [Subsection] Subsections (4) and (5), purchase, receive, hold, sell, lease,
             50      convey, and dispose of real and personal property for the benefit of the municipality, whether
             51      the property is within or without the municipality's corporate boundaries;
             52          (d) improve, protect, and do any other thing in relation to this property that an
             53      individual could do; and
             54          (e) subject to Subsection (2) and after first holding a public hearing, authorize
             55      municipal services or other nonmonetary assistance to be provided to or waive fees required to
             56      be paid by a nonprofit entity, whether or not the municipality receives consideration in return.

             57          (2) Services or assistance provided pursuant to Subsection (1)(e) is not subject to the
             58      provisions of Subsection (3). The total amount of services or other nonmonetary assistance
             59      provided or fees waived under Subsection (1)(e) in any given fiscal year may not exceed 1% of
             60      the municipality's budget for that fiscal year.
             61          (3) It is considered a corporate purpose to appropriate money for any purpose that, in
             62      the judgment of the municipal legislative body, provides for the safety, health, prosperity,
             63      moral well-being, peace, order, comfort, or convenience of the inhabitants of the municipality
             64      subject to the following:
             65          (a) The net value received for any money appropriated shall be measured on a
             66      project-by-project basis over the life of the project.
             67          (b) The criteria for a determination under this Subsection (3) shall be established by the
             68      municipality's legislative body. A determination of value received, made by the municipality's
             69      legislative body, shall be presumed valid unless it can be shown that the determination was
             70      arbitrary, capricious, or illegal.
             71          (c) The municipality may consider intangible benefits received by the municipality in
             72      determining net value received.
             73          (d) Prior to the municipal legislative body making any decision to appropriate any
             74      funds for a corporate purpose under this section, a public hearing shall be held. Notice of the
             75      hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 14 days prior to the
             76      date of the hearing, or, if there is no newspaper of general circulation, by posting notice in at
             77      least three conspicuous places within the municipality for the same time period.
             78          (e) A study shall be performed before notice of the public hearing is given and shall be
             79      made available at the municipality for review by interested parties at least 14 days immediately
             80      prior to the public hearing, setting forth an analysis and demonstrating the purpose for the
             81      appropriation. In making the study, the following factors shall be considered:
             82          (i) what identified benefit the municipality will receive in return for any money or
             83      resources appropriated;
             84          (ii) the municipality's purpose for the appropriation, including an analysis of the way
             85      the appropriation will be used to enhance the safety, health, prosperity, moral well-being,
             86      peace, order, comfort, or convenience of the inhabitants of the municipality; and
             87          (iii) whether the appropriation is necessary and appropriate to accomplish the

             88      reasonable goals and objectives of the municipality in the area of economic development, job
             89      creation, affordable housing, blight elimination, job preservation, the preservation of historic
             90      structures and property, and any other public purpose.
             91          (f) An appeal may be taken from a final decision of the municipal legislative body, to
             92      make an appropriation. The appeal shall be filed within 30 days after the date of that decision,
             93      to the district court. Any appeal shall be based on the record of the proceedings before the
             94      legislative body. A decision of the municipal legislative body shall be presumed to be valid
             95      unless the appealing party shows that the decision was arbitrary, capricious, or illegal.
             96          (g) The provisions of this Subsection (3) apply only to those appropriations made after
             97      May 6, 2002.
             98          (h) This section shall only apply to appropriations not otherwise approved pursuant to
             99      Title 10, Chapter 5, Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Utah Towns, or Title 10, Chapter 6,
             100      Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Utah Cities.
             101          (4) (a) Before a municipality may dispose of a significant parcel of real property, the
             102      municipality shall:
             103          (i) provide reasonable notice of the proposed disposition at least 14 days before the
             104      opportunity for public comment under Subsection (4)(a)(ii); and
             105          (ii) allow an opportunity for public comment on the proposed disposition.
             106          (b) Each municipality shall, by ordinance, define what constitutes:
             107          (i) a significant parcel of real property for purposes of Subsection (4)(a); and
             108          (ii) reasonable notice for purposes of Subsection (4)(a)(i).
             109          (5) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(d), each municipality intending to acquire
             110      real property for the purpose of expanding the municipality's infrastructure or other facilities
             111      used for providing services that the municipality offers or intends to offer shall provide written
             112      notice, as provided in this Subsection (5), of its intent to acquire the property if:
             113          (i) the property is located:
             114          (A) outside the boundaries of the municipality; and
             115          (B) in a county of the first or second class; and
             116          (ii) the intended use of the property is contrary to:
             117          (A) the anticipated use of the property under the general plan of the county in whose
             118      unincorporated area or the municipality in whose boundaries the property is located; or

             119          (B) the property's current zoning designation.
             120          (b) Each notice under Subsection (5)(a) shall:
             121          (i) indicate that the municipality intends to acquire real property;
             122          (ii) identify the real property; and
             123          (iii) be sent to:
             124          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             125      boundaries the property is located; and
             126          (B) each affected entity.
             127          (c) A notice under this Subsection (5) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
             128      63-2-304 (7).
             129          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (5)(a) does not apply if the municipality
             130      previously provided notice under Section 10-9-301.5 identifying the general location within the
             131      municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired is located.
             132          (ii) If a municipality is not required to comply with the notice requirement of
             133      Subsection (5)(a) because of application of Subsection (5)(d)(i), the municipality shall provide
             134      the notice specified in Subsection (5)(a) as soon as practicable after its acquisition of the real
             135      property.
             136          Section 2. Section 10-9-301 is amended to read:
             137           10-9-301. General plan.
             138          (1) In order to accomplish the purposes set forth in this chapter, each municipality shall
             139      prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-range general plan for:
             140          (a) present and future needs of the municipality; and
             141          (b) growth and development of the land within the municipality or any part of the
             142      municipality.
             143          (2) The plan may provide for:
             144          (a) health, general welfare, safety, energy conservation, transportation, prosperity, civic
             145      activities, aesthetics, and recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities;
             146          (b) the reduction of the waste of physical, financial, or human resources that result
             147      from either excessive congestion or excessive scattering of population;
             148          (c) the efficient and economical use, conservation, and production of the supply of:
             149          (i) food and water; and

             150          (ii) drainage, sanitary, and other facilities and resources;
             151          (d) the use of energy conservation and solar and renewable energy resources;
             152          (e) the protection of urban development;
             153          (f) the protection and promotion of air quality;
             154          (g) historic preservation; [and]
             155          (h) identifying future uses of land that are likely to require an expansion or significant
             156      modification of services or facilities provided by affected entities and specified public utilities,
             157      as those terms are defined in Section 10-9-301.5 ; and
             158          [(h)] (i) an official map, pursuant to Title 72, Chapter 5, Part 4, Transportation
             159      Corridor Preservation.
             160          (3) The municipality may determine the comprehensiveness, extent, and format of the
             161      general plan.
             162          Section 3. Section 10-9-301.5 is enacted to read:
             163          10-9-301.5. Notice of intent to prepare a general plan or amendments to a general
             164      plan in certain municipalities.
             165          (1) As used in this section:
             166          (a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, independent special district
             167      under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Independent Special Districts, local district under Title 17B,
             168      Chapter 2, Local Districts, school district, interlocal cooperation entity established under Title
             169      11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
             170          (A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             171      modification because of an intended use of land; or
             172          (B) that has filed with the municipality a copy of the entity's general or long-range
             173      plan.
             174          (ii) "Affected entity" does not include the municipality that is required under this
             175      section to provide notice.
             176          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             177      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .
             178          (2) Before preparing a proposed general plan or amendments to an existing general
             179      plan, each municipality within a county of the first or second class shall provide written notice,
             180      as provided in this section, of its intent to prepare a proposed general plan or amendments to a

             181      general plan.
             182          (3) Each notice under Subsection (2) shall:
             183          (a) indicate that the municipality intends to prepare a general plan or amendments to a
             184      general plan, as the case may be;
             185          (b) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the general
             186      plan or amendments to a general plan;
             187          (c) be sent to:
             188          (i) each affected entity;
             189          (ii) the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63A-6-202 ;
             190          (iii) the association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
             191      under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which the municipality is a member;
             192      and
             193          (iv) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63-38d-202 ;
             194          (d) with respect to the notice to affected entities, invite the affected entities to provide
             195      information for the municipality to consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and
             196      implementing a general plan or amendments to a general plan concerning:
             197          (i) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed general plan or amendments
             198      to a general plan may have on the affected entity; and
             199          (ii) uses of land within the municipality that the affected entity is planning or
             200      considering that may conflict with the proposed general plan or amendments to the general
             201      plan; and
             202          (e) include the address of an Internet website, if the municipality has one, and the name
             203      and telephone number of a person where more information can be obtained concerning the
             204      municipality's proposed general plan or amendments to a general plan.
             205          Section 4. Section 10-9-302 is amended to read:
             206           10-9-302. Plan preparation.
             207          (1) (a) [The] Subject to Section 10-9-301.5 , the planning commission shall make and
             208      recommend to the legislative body a proposed general plan for the area within the municipality.
             209          (b) The plan may include areas outside the boundaries of the municipality if, in the
             210      commission's judgment, they are related to the planning of the municipality's territory.
             211          (c) Except as otherwise provided by law, when the plan of a municipality involves

             212      territory outside the boundaries of the municipality, the municipality may not take action
             213      affecting that territory without the concurrence of the county or other municipalities affected.
             214          (2) The general plan, with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive and
             215      explanatory matter, shall show the planning commission's recommendations for the
             216      development of the territory covered by the plan, and may include, among other things:
             217          (a) a land use element that:
             218          (i) designates the proposed general distribution and location and extent of uses of land
             219      for housing, business, industry, agriculture, recreation, education, public buildings and
             220      grounds, open space, and other categories of public and private uses of land as appropriate; and
             221          (ii) may include a statement of the standards of population density and building
             222      intensity recommended for the various land use categories covered by the plan;
             223          (b) a transportation and circulation element consisting of the general location and
             224      extent of existing and proposed freeways, arterial and collector streets, mass transit, and any
             225      other modes of transportation that are appropriate, all correlated with the land use element of
             226      the plan;
             227          (c) an environmental element that addresses:
             228          (i) the protection, conservation, development, and use of natural resources, including
             229      the quality of air, forests, soils, rivers and other waters, harbors, fisheries, wildlife, minerals,
             230      and other natural resources; and
             231          (ii) the reclamation of land, flood control, prevention and control of the pollution of
             232      streams and other waters, regulation of the use of land on hillsides, stream channels and other
             233      environmentally sensitive areas, the prevention, control, and correction of the erosion of soils,
             234      protection of watersheds and wetlands, and the mapping of known geologic hazards;
             235          (d) a public services and facilities element showing general plans for sewage, waste
             236      disposal, drainage, local utilities, rights-of-way, easements, and facilities for them, police and
             237      fire protection, and other public services;
             238          (e) a rehabilitation, redevelopment, and conservation element consisting of plans and
             239      programs for:
             240          (i) historic preservation; and
             241          (ii) the elimination of blight and for redevelopment, including housing sites, business
             242      and industrial sites, and public building sites;

             243          (f) an economic element composed of appropriate studies and an economic
             244      development plan that may include review of municipal revenue and expenditures, revenue
             245      sources, identification of base and residentiary industry, primary and secondary market areas,
             246      employment, and retail sales activity;
             247          (g) recommendations for implementing the plan, including the use of zoning
             248      ordinances, subdivision ordinances, capital improvement plans, and other appropriate actions;
             249      [and]
             250          (h) provisions addressing any of the matters listed in Subsection 10-9-301 (2); and
             251          [(h)] (i) any other elements the municipality considers appropriate.
             252          Section 5. Section 11-36-201 is amended to read:
             253           11-36-201. Impact fees -- Analysis -- Capital facilities plan -- Notice of plan --
             254      Summary -- Exemptions.
             255          (1) (a) Each local political subdivision and private entity shall comply with the
             256      requirements of this chapter before establishing or modifying any impact fee.
             257          (b) A local political subdivision may not:
             258          (i) establish any new impact fees that are not authorized by this chapter; or
             259          (ii) impose or charge any other fees as a condition of development approval unless
             260      those fees are a reasonable charge for the service provided.
             261          (c) Notwithstanding any other requirements of this chapter, each local political
             262      subdivision shall ensure that each existing impact fee that is charged for any public facility not
             263      authorized by Subsection 11-36-102 (12) is repealed by July 1, 1995.
             264          (d) (i) Existing impact fees for public facilities authorized in Subsection 11-36-102 (12)
             265      that are charged by local political subdivisions need not comply with the requirements of this
             266      chapter until July 1, 1997.
             267          (ii) By July 1, 1997, each local political subdivision shall:
             268          (A) review any impact fees in existence as of the effective date of this act, and prepare
             269      and approve the analysis required by this section for each of those impact fees; and
             270          (B) ensure that the impact fees comply with the requirements of this chapter.
             271          (2) (a) Before imposing impact fees, each local political subdivision shall prepare a
             272      capital facilities plan.
             273          (b) (i) As used in this Subsection (2)(b):

             274          (A) (I) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, independent special district
             275      under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Independent Special Districts, local district under Title 17B,
             276      Chapter 2, Local Districts, school district, interlocal cooperation entity established under
             277      Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
             278          (Aa) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             279      modification because of the facilities proposed in the proposed capital facilities plan; or
             280          (Bb) that has filed with the local political subdivision or private entity a copy of the
             281      general or long-range plan of the county, municipality, independent special district, local
             282      district, school district, interlocal cooperation entity, or specified public utility.
             283          (II) "Affected entity" does not include the local political subdivision or private entity
             284      that is required under this Subsection (2) to provide notice.
             285          (B) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             286      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .
             287          (ii) Before preparing a capital facilities plan for facilities proposed on land located
             288      within a county of the first or second class, each local political subdivision and each private
             289      entity shall provide written notice, as provided in this Subsection (2)(b), of its intent to prepare
             290      a capital facilities plan.
             291          (iii) Each notice under Subsection (2)(b)(ii) shall:
             292          (A) indicate that the local political subdivision or private entity intends to prepare a
             293      capital facilities plan;
             294          (B) describe or provide a map of the geographic area where the proposed capital
             295      facilities will be located;
             296          (C) be sent to:
             297          (I) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             298      boundaries is located the land on which the proposed facilities will be located;
             299          (II) each affected entity;
             300          (III) the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63A-6-202 ;
             301          (IV) the association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
             302      under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, in which the facilities are proposed to
             303      be located; and
             304          (V) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63-38d-202 ; and

             305          (D) with respect to the notice to affected entities, invite the affected entities to provide
             306      information for the local political subdivision or private entity to consider in the process of
             307      preparing, adopting, and implementing a capital facilities plan concerning:
             308          (I) impacts that the facilities proposed in the capital facilities plan may have on the
             309      affected entity; and
             310          (II) facilities or uses of land that the affected entity is planning or considering that may
             311      conflict with the facilities proposed in the capital facilities plan.
             312          [(b)] (c) The plan shall identify:
             313          (i) demands placed upon existing public facilities by new development activity; and
             314          (ii) the proposed means by which the local political subdivision will meet those
             315      demands.
             316          [(c)] (d) Municipalities and counties need not prepare a separate capital facilities plan
             317      if the general plan required by Sections 10-9-301 and 17-27-301 contains the elements required
             318      by Subsection (2)[(b)](c).
             319          [(d)] (e) (i) If a local political subdivision prepares an independent capital facilities
             320      plan rather than including a capital facilities element in the general plan, the local political
             321      subdivision shall, before adopting the capital facilities plan:
             322          (A) give public notice of the plan according to this Subsection (2)[(d)](e);
             323          (B) at least 14 days before the date of the public hearing:
             324          (I) make a copy of the plan, together with a summary designed to be understood by a
             325      lay person, available to the public; and
             326          (II) place a copy of the plan and summary in each public library within the local
             327      political subdivision; and
             328          (C) hold a public hearing to hear public comment on the plan.
             329          (ii) Municipalities shall comply with the notice and hearing requirements of, and,
             330      except as provided in Subsection 11-36-401 (4)(f), receive the protections of, Subsections
             331      10-9-103 (2) and 10-9-402 (2).
             332          (iii) Counties shall comply with the notice and hearing requirements of, and, except as
             333      provided in Subsection 11-36-401 (4)(f), receive the protections of, Subsections 17-27-103 (2)
             334      and 17-27-402 (2).
             335          (iv) Special districts and private entities shall comply with the notice and hearing

             336      requirements of, and receive the protections of, Section 17A-1-203 .
             337          (v) Nothing contained in this Subsection (2)[(d)](e) or in the subsections referenced in
             338      Subsections (2)[(d)](e)(ii) and (iii) may be construed to require involvement by a planning
             339      commission in the capital facilities planning process.
             340          [(e)] (f) (i) Local political subdivisions with a population or serving a population of
             341      less than 5,000 as of the last federal census need not comply with the capital facilities plan
             342      requirements of this part, but shall ensure that the impact fees imposed by them are based upon
             343      a reasonable plan.
             344          (ii) Subsection (2)[(e)](f)(i) does not apply to private entities.
             345          (3) In preparing the plan, each local political subdivision shall generally consider all
             346      revenue sources, including impact fees, to finance the impacts on system improvements.
             347          (4) A local political subdivision may only impose impact fees on development
             348      activities when its plan for financing system improvements establishes that impact fees are
             349      necessary to achieve an equitable allocation to the costs borne in the past and to be borne in the
             350      future, in comparison to the benefits already received and yet to be received.
             351          (5) (a) Each local political subdivision imposing impact fees shall prepare a written
             352      analysis of each impact fee that:
             353          (i) identifies the impact on system improvements required by the development activity;
             354          (ii) demonstrates how those impacts on system improvements are reasonably related to
             355      the development activity;
             356          (iii) estimates the proportionate share of the costs of impacts on system improvements
             357      that are reasonably related to the new development activity; and
             358          (iv) based upon those factors and the requirements of this chapter, identifies how the
             359      impact fee was calculated.
             360          (b) In analyzing whether or not the proportionate share of the costs of public facilities
             361      are reasonably related to the new development activity, the local political subdivision shall
             362      identify, if applicable:
             363          (i) the cost of existing public facilities;
             364          (ii) the manner of financing existing public facilities, such as user charges, special
             365      assessments, bonded indebtedness, general taxes, or federal grants;
             366          (iii) the relative extent to which the newly developed properties and the other

             367      properties in the municipality have already contributed to the cost of existing public facilities,
             368      by such means as user charges, special assessments, or payment from the proceeds of general
             369      taxes;
             370          (iv) the relative extent to which the newly developed properties and the other
             371      properties in the municipality will contribute to the cost of existing public facilities in the
             372      future;
             373          (v) the extent to which the newly developed properties are entitled to a credit because
             374      the municipality is requiring their developers or owners, by contractual arrangement or
             375      otherwise, to provide common facilities, inside or outside the proposed development, that have
             376      been provided by the municipality and financed through general taxation or other means, apart
             377      from user charges, in other parts of the municipality;
             378          (vi) extraordinary costs, if any, in servicing the newly developed properties; and
             379          (vii) the time-price differential inherent in fair comparisons of amounts paid at
             380      different times.
             381          (c) Each local political subdivision that prepares a written analysis under this
             382      Subsection (5) on or after July 1, 2000 shall also prepare a summary of the written analysis,
             383      designed to be understood by a lay person.
             384          (6) Each local political subdivision that adopts an impact fee enactment under Section
             385      11-36-202 on or after July 1, 2000 shall, at least 14 days before adopting the enactment, submit
             386      to each public library within the local political subdivision:
             387          (a) a copy of the written analysis required by Subsection (5)(a); and
             388          (b) a copy of the summary required by Subsection (5)(c).
             389          (7) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to repeal or otherwise eliminate any
             390      impact fee in effect on the effective date of this act that is pledged as a source of revenues to
             391      pay bonded indebtedness that was incurred before the effective date of this act.
             392          Section 6. Section 17-27-301 is amended to read:
             393           17-27-301. General plan.
             394          (1) In order to accomplish the purposes set forth in this chapter, each county shall
             395      prepare and adopt a comprehensive general plan for:
             396          (a) the present and future needs of the county; and
             397          (b) the growth and development of the land within the county or any part of the county,

             398      including uses of land for urbanization, trade, industry, residential, agricultural, wildlife
             399      habitat, and other purposes.
             400          (2) The plan may provide for:
             401          (a) health, general welfare, safety, energy conservation, transportation, prosperity, civic
             402      activities, aesthetics, and recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities;
             403          (b) the reduction of the waste of physical, financial, or human resources that result
             404      from either excessive congestion or excessive scattering of population;
             405          (c) the efficient and economical use, conservation, and production of the supply of:
             406          (i) food and water; and
             407          (ii) drainage, sanitary, and other facilities and resources;
             408          (d) the use of energy conservation and solar and renewable energy resources;
             409          (e) the protection of urban development;
             410          (f) the protection and promotion of air quality;
             411          (g) historic preservation; [and]
             412          (h) identifying future uses of land that are likely to require an expansion or significant
             413      modification of services or facilities provided by affected entities and specified public utilities,
             414      as those terms are defined in Section 17-27-301.5 ; and
             415          [(h)] (i) an official map, pursuant to Title 72, Chapter 5, Part 4, Transportation
             416      Corridor Preservation.
             417          (3) (a) The plan shall include specific provisions related to any areas within, or
             418      partially within, the exterior boundaries of the county, or contiguous to the boundaries of a
             419      county, which are proposed for the siting of a storage facility or transfer facility for the
             420      placement of high-level nuclear waste or greater than class C radioactive nuclear waste, as
             421      these wastes are defined in Section 19-3-303 . The provisions shall address the effects of the
             422      proposed site upon the health and general welfare of citizens of the state, and shall provide:
             423          (i) the information identified in Section 19-3-305 ;
             424          (ii) information supported by credible studies that demonstrates that the provisions of
             425      Subsection 19-3-307 (2) have been satisfied; and
             426          (iii) specific measures to mitigate the effects of high-level nuclear waste and greater
             427      than class C radioactive waste and guarantee the health and safety of the citizens of the state.
             428          (b) A county may, in lieu of complying with Subsection (3)(a), adopt an ordinance

             429      indicating that all proposals for the siting of a storage facility or transfer facility for the
             430      placement of high-level nuclear waste or greater than class C radioactive waste wholly or
             431      partially within the county are rejected.
             432          (c) A county may adopt the ordinance listed in Subsection (3)(b) at any time.
             433          (d) The county shall send a certified copy of the ordinance under Subsection (3)(b) to
             434      the executive director of the Department of Environmental Quality by certified mail within 30
             435      days of enactment.
             436          (e) If a county repeals an ordinance adopted pursuant to Subsection (3)(b) the county
             437      shall:
             438          (i) comply with Subsection (3)(a) as soon as reasonably possible; and
             439          (ii) send a certified copy of the repeal to the executive director of the Department of
             440      Environmental Quality by certified mail within 30 days after the repeal.
             441          (4) The plan may define the county's local customs, local culture, and the components
             442      necessary for the county's economic stability.
             443          (5) The county may determine the comprehensiveness, extent, and format of the
             444      general plan.
             445          Section 7. Section 17-27-301.5 is enacted to read:
             446          17-27-301.5. Notice of intent to prepare a general plan or amendments to a
             447      general plan in certain counties.
             448          (1) As used in this section:
             449          (a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, independent special district
             450      under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Independent Special Districts, local district under Title 17B,
             451      Chapter 2, Local Districts, school district, interlocal cooperation entity established under Title
             452      11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
             453          (A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             454      modification because of an intended use of land; or
             455          (B) that has filed with the county a copy of the entity's general or long-range plan.
             456          (ii) "Affected entity" does not include the county that is required under this section to
             457      provide notice.
             458          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             459      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .

             460          (2) Before preparing a proposed general plan or amendments to an existing general
             461      plan, each county of the first or second class shall provide written notice, as provided in this
             462      section, of its intent to prepare a proposed general plan or amendments to a general plan.
             463          (3) Each notice under Subsection (2) shall:
             464          (a) indicate that the county intends to prepare a general plan or amendments to a
             465      general plan, as the case may be;
             466          (b) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the general
             467      plan or amendments to a general plan;
             468          (c) be sent to:
             469          (i) each affected entity;
             470          (ii) the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63A-6-202 ;
             471          (iii) the association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
             472      under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which the county is a member; and
             473          (iv) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63-38d-202 ;
             474          (d) with respect to the notice to affected entities, invite the affected entities to provide
             475      information for the county to consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing
             476      a general plan or amendments to a general plan concerning:
             477          (i) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed general plan or amendments
             478      to a general plan may have on the affected entity; and
             479          (ii) uses of land within the county that the affected entity is planning or considering
             480      that may conflict with the proposed general plan or amendments to the general plan; and
             481          (e) include the address of an Internet website, if the county has one, and the name and
             482      telephone number of a person where more information can be obtained concerning the county's
             483      proposed general plan or amendments to a general plan.
             484          Section 8. Section 17-27-302 is amended to read:
             485           17-27-302. Plan preparation.
             486          (1) (a) [The] Subject to Section 17-27-301.5 , the planning commission shall make and
             487      recommend to the legislative body a proposed general plan for the area within the county.
             488          (b) (i) The plan may include planning for incorporated areas if, in the planning
             489      commission's judgment, they are related to the planning of the unincorporated territory or of
             490      the county as a whole.

             491          (ii) Elements of the county plan that address incorporated areas are not an official plan
             492      or part of a municipal plan for any municipality, unless it is adopted by the municipal planning
             493      commission and the governing body of the municipality.
             494          (2) The general plan, with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive and
             495      explanatory matter, shall show the planning commission's recommendations for the
             496      development of the territory covered by the plan, and may include, among other things:
             497          (a) a land use element that:
             498          (i) designates the proposed general distribution and location and extent of uses of land
             499      for housing, business, industry, agriculture, recreation, education, public buildings and
             500      grounds, open space, and other categories of public and private uses of land as appropriate; and
             501          (ii) may include a statement of the standards of population density and building
             502      intensity recommended for the various land use categories covered by the plan;
             503          (b) a transportation and circulation element consisting of the general location and
             504      extent of existing and proposed freeways, arterial and collector streets, mass transit, and any
             505      other modes of transportation that are appropriate, all correlated with the land use element of
             506      the plan;
             507          (c) an environmental element that addresses:
             508          (i) the protection, conservation, development, and use of natural resources, including
             509      the quality of air, forests, soils, rivers and other waters, harbors, fisheries, wildlife, minerals,
             510      and other natural resources; and
             511          (ii) the reclamation of land, flood control, prevention and control of the pollution of
             512      streams and other waters, regulation of the use of land on hillsides, stream channels and other
             513      environmentally sensitive areas, the prevention, control, and correction of the erosion of soils,
             514      protection of watersheds and wetlands, and the mapping of known geologic hazards;
             515          (d) a public services and facilities element showing general plans for sewage, waste
             516      disposal, drainage, local utilities, rights-of-way, easements, and facilities for them, police and
             517      fire protection, and other public services;
             518          (e) a rehabilitation, redevelopment, and conservation element consisting of plans and
             519      programs for:
             520          (i) historic preservation; and
             521          (ii) the elimination of blight and for redevelopment, including housing sites, business

             522      and industrial sites, and public building sites;
             523          (f) an economic element composed of appropriate studies and an economic
             524      development plan that may include review of county revenue and expenditures, revenue
             525      sources, identification of base and residentiary industry, primary and secondary market areas,
             526      employment, and retail sales activity;
             527          (g) recommendations for implementing the plan, including the use of zoning
             528      ordinances, subdivision ordinances, capital improvement plans, and other appropriate actions;
             529      [and]
             530          (h) provisions addressing any of the matters listed in Subsection 17-27-301 (2); and
             531          [(h)] (i) any other elements that the county considers appropriate.
             532          Section 9. Section 17-50-302 is amended to read:
             533           17-50-302. General county powers.
             534          (1) A county may:
             535          (a) as prescribed by statute, levy, assess, and collect taxes, borrow money, and levy and
             536      collect special assessments for benefits conferred; and
             537          (b) provide services, exercise powers, and perform functions that are reasonably related
             538      to the safety, health, morals, and welfare of their inhabitants, except as limited or prohibited by
             539      statute.
             540          (2) (a) A county may:
             541          (i) sue and be sued;
             542          (ii) subject to Subsection (2)(c), acquire real property by tax sale, purchase, lease,
             543      contract, gift, or condemnation, and hold the real property as necessary and proper for county
             544      purposes;
             545          (iii) as may be necessary to the exercise of its powers, acquire personal property by
             546      purchase, lease, contract, or gift, and hold such personal property; and
             547          (iv) manage and dispose of its property as the interests of its inhabitants may require.
             548          (b) Nothing in Subsection (2)(a)(ii) may be construed to authorize a county to acquire
             549      by condemnation the rights to water used in agricultural production unless the land to which
             550      those water rights are appurtenant is acquired by condemnation.
             551          (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c)(iv), each county intending to acquire
             552      real property for the purpose of expanding the county's infrastructure or other facilities used for

             553      providing services that the county offers or intends to offer shall provide written notice, as
             554      provided in this Subsection (2)(c), of its intent to acquire the property if:
             555          (A) the property is located:
             556          (I) outside the boundaries of the unincorporated area of the county; and
             557          (II) in a county of the first or second class; and
             558          (B) the intended use of the property is contrary to:
             559          (I) the anticipated use of the property under the general plan of the county in whose
             560      unincorporated area or the municipality in whose boundaries the property is located; or
             561          (II) the property's current zoning designation.
             562          (ii) Each notice under Subsection (2)(c)(i) shall:
             563          (A) indicate that the county intends to acquire real property;
             564          (B) identify the real property; and
             565          (C) be sent to:
             566          (I) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             567      boundaries the property is located; and
             568          (II) each affected entity.
             569          (iii) A notice under this Subsection (2)(c) is a protected record as provided in
             570      Subsection 63-2-304 (7).
             571          (iv) (A) The notice requirement of Subsection (2)(c)(i) does not apply if the county
             572      previously provided notice under Section 17-27-301.5 identifying the general location within
             573      the municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired is
             574      located.
             575          (B) If a county is not required to comply with the notice requirement of Subsection
             576      (2)(c)(i) because of application of Subsection (2)(c)(iv)(A), the county shall provide the notice
             577      specified in Subsection (2)(c)(i) as soon as practicable after its acquisition of the real property.
             578          Section 10. Section 17A-2-104 is enacted to read:
             579          17A-2-104. Notice before preparing a long-range plan or acquiring certain
             580      property.
             581          (1) As used in this section:
             582          (a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, independent special district
             583      under this chapter, local district under Title 17B, Chapter 2, Local Districts, school district,

             584      interlocal cooperation entity established under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act,
             585      and specified public utility:
             586          (A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             587      modification because of an intended use of land; or
             588          (B) that has filed with the independent special district a copy of the general or
             589      long-range plan of the county, municipality, independent special district, local district, school
             590      district, interlocal cooperation entity, or specified public utility.
             591          (ii) "Affected entity" does not include the independent special district that is required
             592      under this section to provide notice.
             593          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             594      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .
             595          (2) (a) If an independent special district under this chapter located in a county of the
             596      first or second class prepares a long-range plan regarding its facilities proposed for the future or
             597      amends an already existing long-range plan, the independent special district shall, before
             598      preparing a long-range plan or amendments to an existing long-range plan, provide written
             599      notice, as provided in this section, of its intent to prepare a long-range plan or to amend an
             600      existing long-range plan.
             601          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2) shall:
             602          (i) indicate that the independent special district intends to prepare a long-range plan or
             603      to amend a long-range plan, as the case may be;
             604          (ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the
             605      long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
             606          (iii) be sent to:
             607          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             608      boundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
             609      long-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
             610          (B) each affected entity;
             611          (C) the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63A-6-202 ;
             612          (D) each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
             613      under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county or municipality
             614      described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and

             615          (E) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63-38d-202 ;
             616          (iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection
             617      (2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the independent
             618      special district to consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the
             619      long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
             620          (A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan or
             621      amendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
             622          (B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning or
             623      considering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range
             624      plan; and
             625          (v) include the address of an Internet website, if the independent special district has
             626      one, and the name and telephone number of a person where more information can be obtained
             627      concerning the independent special district's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
             628      long-range plan.
             629          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each independent special district
             630      intending to acquire real property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of
             631      expanding the district's infrastructure or other facilities used for providing the services that the
             632      district is authorized to provide shall provide written notice, as provided in this Subsection (3),
             633      of its intent to acquire the property if the intended use of the property is contrary to:
             634          (i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan;
             635      or
             636          (ii) the property's current zoning designation.
             637          (b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
             638          (i) indicate that the independent special district intends to acquire real property;
             639          (ii) identify the real property; and
             640          (iii) be sent to:
             641          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             642      boundaries the property is located; and
             643          (B) each affected entity.
             644          (c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
             645      63-2-304 (7).

             646          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the independent
             647      special district previously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location
             648      within the municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired
             649      is located.
             650          (ii) If an independent special district is not required to comply with the notice
             651      requirement of Subsection (3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the
             652      independent special district shall provide the notice specified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as
             653      practicable after its acquisition of the real property.
             654          Section 11. Section 17B-2-104 is enacted to read:
             655          17B-2-104. Notice before preparing a long-range plan or acquiring certain
             656      property.
             657          (1) As used in this section:
             658          (a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, independent special district
             659      under this chapter, local district under this chapter, school district, interlocal cooperation entity
             660      established under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
             661          (A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             662      modification because of an intended use of land; or
             663          (B) that has filed with the local district a copy of the general or long-range plan of the
             664      county, municipality, independent special district, local district, school district, interlocal
             665      cooperation entity, or specified public utility.
             666          (ii) "Affected entity" does not include the local district that is required under this
             667      section to provide notice.
             668          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             669      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .
             670          (2) (a) If a local district under this chapter located in a county of the first or second
             671      class prepares a long-range plan regarding its facilities proposed for the future or amends an
             672      already existing long-range plan, the local district shall, before preparing a long-range plan or
             673      amendments to an existing long-range plan, provide written notice, as provided in this section,
             674      of its intent to prepare a long-range plan or to amend an existing long-range plan.
             675          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
             676          (i) indicate that the local district intends to prepare a long-range plan or to amend a

             677      long-range plan, as the case may be;
             678          (ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the
             679      long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
             680          (iii) be sent to:
             681          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             682      boundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
             683      long-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
             684          (B) each affected entity;
             685          (C) the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63A-6-202 ;
             686          (D) each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
             687      under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county or municipality
             688      described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and
             689          (E) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63-38d-202 ;
             690          (iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection
             691      (2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the local district to
             692      consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the long-range plan or
             693      amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
             694          (A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan or
             695      amendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
             696          (B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning or
             697      considering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range
             698      plan; and
             699          (v) include the address of an Internet website, if the local district has one, and the name
             700      and telephone number of a person where more information can be obtained concerning the
             701      local district's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan.
             702          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each local district intending to acquire
             703      real property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of expanding the district's
             704      infrastructure or other facilities used for providing the services that the district is authorized to
             705      provide shall provide written notice, as provided in this Subsection (3), of its intent to acquire
             706      the property if the intended use of the property is contrary to:
             707          (i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan;

             708      or
             709          (ii) the property's current zoning designation.
             710          (b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
             711          (i) indicate that the local district intends to acquire real property;
             712          (ii) identify the real property; and
             713          (iii) be sent to:
             714          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             715      boundaries the property is located; and
             716          (B) each affected entity.
             717          (c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
             718      63-2-304 (7).
             719          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the local district
             720      previously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location within the
             721      municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired is located.
             722          (ii) If a local district is not required to comply with the notice requirement of
             723      Subsection (3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the local district shall provide
             724      the notice specified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as practicable after its acquisition of the real
             725      property.
             726          Section 12. Section 53A-2-123 is enacted to read:
             727          53A-2-123. Notice before preparing or amending a long-range plan or acquiring
             728      certain property.
             729          (1) As used in this section:
             730          (a) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, independent special district
             731      under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Independent Special Districts, local district under Title 17B,
             732      Chapter 2, Local Districts, interlocal cooperation entity established under Title 11, Chapter 13,
             733      Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
             734          (i) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             735      modification because of an intended use of land; or
             736          (ii) that has filed with the school district a copy of the general or long-range plan of the
             737      county, municipality, independent special district, local district, school district, interlocal
             738      cooperation entity, or specified public utility.

             739          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             740      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .
             741          (2) (a) If a school district located in a county of the first or second class prepares a
             742      long-range plan regarding its facilities proposed for the future or amends an already existing
             743      long-range plan, the school district shall, before preparing a long-range plan or amendments to
             744      an existing long-range plan, provide written notice, as provided in this section, of its intent to
             745      prepare a long-range plan or to amend an existing long-range plan.
             746          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
             747          (i) indicate that the school district intends to prepare a long-range plan or to amend a
             748      long-range plan, as the case may be;
             749          (ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the
             750      long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
             751          (iii) be sent to:
             752          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             753      boundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
             754      long-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
             755          (B) each affected entity;
             756          (C) the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63A-6-202 ;
             757          (D) each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement
             758      under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county or municipality
             759      described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and
             760          (E) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63-38d-202 ;
             761          (iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection
             762      (2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the school district to
             763      consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the long-range plan or
             764      amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
             765          (A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan or
             766      amendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
             767          (B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning or
             768      considering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range
             769      plan; and

             770          (v) include the address of an Internet website, if the school district has one, and the
             771      name and telephone number of a person where more information can be obtained concerning
             772      the school district's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan.
             773          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each school district intending to
             774      acquire real property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of expanding the
             775      district's infrastructure or other facilities shall provide written notice, as provided in this
             776      Subsection (3), of its intent to acquire the property if the intended use of the property is
             777      contrary to:
             778          (i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan;
             779      or
             780          (ii) the property's current zoning designation.
             781          (b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
             782          (i) indicate that the school district intends to acquire real property;
             783          (ii) identify the real property; and
             784          (iii) be sent to:
             785          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             786      boundaries the property is located; and
             787          (B) each affected entity.
             788          (c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
             789      63-2-304 (7).
             790          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the school district
             791      previously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location within the
             792      municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired is located.
             793          (ii) If a school district is not required to comply with the notice requirement of
             794      Subsection (3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the school district shall
             795      provide the notice specified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as practicable after its acquisition of
             796      the real property.
             797          Section 13. Section 54-3-27 is enacted to read:
             798          54-3-27. Notice required of certain public utilities before preparing a long-range
             799      plan or acquiring certain property.
             800          (1) As used in this section:

             801          (a) (i) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, independent special district
             802      under Title 17A, Chapter 2, Independent Special Districts, local district under Title 17B,
             803      Chapter 2, Local Districts, school district, interlocal cooperation entity established under Title
             804      11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
             805          (A) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             806      modification because of expected uses of land under a proposed long-range plan or under
             807      proposed amendments to a long-range plan; or
             808          (B) that has filed with the specified public utility a copy of the general or long-range
             809      plan of the county, municipality, independent special district, local district, school district,
             810      interlocal cooperation entity, or specified public utility.
             811          (ii) "Affected entity" does not include the specified public utility that is required under
             812      Subsection (2) to provide notice.
             813          (b) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             814      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .
             815          (2) (a) If a specified public utility prepares a long-range plan regarding its facilities
             816      proposed for the future in a county of the first or second class or amends an already existing
             817      long-range plan, the specified public utility shall, before preparing a long-range plan or
             818      amendments to an existing long-range plan, provide written notice, as provided in this section,
             819      of its intent to prepare a long-range plan or to amend an existing long-range plan.
             820          (b) Each notice under Subsection (2) shall:
             821          (i) indicate that the specified public utility intends to prepare a long-range plan or to
             822      amend a long-range plan, as the case may be;
             823          (ii) describe or provide a map of the geographic area that will be affected by the
             824      long-range plan or amendments to a long-range plan;
             825          (iii) be sent to:
             826          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             827      boundaries is located the land on which the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
             828      long-range plan are expected to indicate that the proposed facilities will be located;
             829          (B) each affected entity;
             830          (C) the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63A-6-202 ;
             831          (D) each association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal agreement

             832      under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, of which a county or municipality
             833      described in Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(A) is a member; and
             834          (E) the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63-38d-202 ;
             835          (iv) with respect to the notice to counties and municipalities described in Subsection
             836      (2)(b)(iii)(A) and affected entities, invite them to provide information for the specified public
             837      utility to consider in the process of preparing, adopting, and implementing the long-range plan
             838      or amendments to a long-range plan concerning:
             839          (A) impacts that the use of land proposed in the proposed long-range plan or
             840      amendments to a long-range plan may have on the county, municipality, or affected entity; and
             841          (B) uses of land that the county, municipality, or affected entity is planning or
             842      considering that may conflict with the proposed long-range plan or amendments to a long-range
             843      plan; and
             844          (v) include the address of an Internet website, if the specified public utility has one, and
             845      the name and telephone number of a person where more information can be obtained
             846      concerning the specified public utility's proposed long-range plan or amendments to a
             847      long-range plan.
             848          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(d), each specified public utility intending
             849      to acquire real property in a county of the first or second class for the purpose of expanding its
             850      infrastructure or other facilities used for providing the services that the specified public utility
             851      is authorized to provide shall provide written notice, as provided in this Subsection (3), of its
             852      intent to acquire the property if the intended use of the property is contrary to:
             853          (i) the anticipated use of the property under the county or municipality's general plan;
             854      or
             855          (ii) the property's current zoning designation.
             856          (b) Each notice under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
             857          (i) indicate that the specified public utility intends to acquire real property;
             858          (ii) identify the real property; and
             859          (iii) be sent to:
             860          (A) each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             861      boundaries the property is located; and
             862          (B) each affected entity.

             863          (c) A notice under this Subsection (3) is a protected record as provided in Subsection
             864      63-2-304 (7).
             865          (d) (i) The notice requirement of Subsection (3)(a) does not apply if the specified
             866      public utility previously provided notice under Subsection (2) identifying the general location
             867      within the municipality or unincorporated part of the county where the property to be acquired
             868      is located.
             869          (ii) If a specified public utility is not required to comply with the notice requirement of
             870      Subsection (3)(a) because of application of Subsection (3)(d)(i), the specified public utility
             871      shall provide the notice specified in Subsection (3)(a) as soon as practicable after its acquisition
             872      of the real property.

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