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H.B. 126





Sponsor: Ron Bigelow

             6      LONG TITLE
             7      General Description:
             8          This bill modifies the State System of Public Education by distinguishing between
             9      teachers and associate teachers.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    defines terms;
             13          .    requires school districts and schools to identify and distinguish between teachers
             14      and associate teachers; and
             15          .    requires schools to maintain lists of teachers and associate teachers which shall be
             16      available for review by any person upon request.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      ENACTS:
             23          53A-6-111, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             25      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             26          Section 1. Section 53A-6-111 is enacted to read:
             27          53A-6-111. Teacher classifications.

             28          (1) As used in this section:
             29          (a) "Associate teacher" means a person who does not currently hold a level 1, 2, or 3
             30      license, but is permitted to teach in a public school under another authorization, including:
             31          (i) a person who holds a letter of authorization;
             32          (ii) a student teacher;
             33          (iii) a person participating in an alternative preparation program;
             34          (iv) a person issued a license based on eminence or outstanding qualifications in a field
             35      taught in the public schools; or
             36          (v) a person who holds a competency-based license.
             37          (b) "Teacher" means a person who currently holds a level 1, 2, or 3 license.
             38          (2) Each school district and school shall identify and distinguish between teachers and
             39      associate teachers, including using the appropriate title in all communication with parents,
             40      guardians, and members of the public.
             41          (3) Lists of teachers and associate teachers shall be maintained at each school and shall
             42      be available for review by any person upon request.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-21-04 3:01 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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