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H.B. 203





Sponsor: David L. Hogue

             6      LONG TITLE
             7      General Description:
             8          This bill modifies the Motor Vehicle Act to amend special group license plate
             9      provisions.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    provides that a special group license plate symbol decal may not be reordered unless
             13      the Motor Vehicle Division receives a symbol decal reorder fee established by the
             14      division.
             15      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             16          None
             17      Other Special Clauses:
             18          None
             19      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             20      AMENDS:
             21          41-1a-419, as enacted by Chapter 1, Laws of Utah 2003
             23      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             24          Section 1. Section 41-1a-419 is amended to read:
             25           41-1a-419. Plate design -- Vintage vehicle certification and registration --
             26      Personalized special group license plates -- Rulemaking.
             27          (1) (a) The design and maximum number of numerals or characters on special group

             28      license plates shall be determined by the division in accordance with the requirements under
             29      Subsection (1)(b).
             30          (b) Each special group license plate shall display:
             31          (i) the word Utah;
             32          (ii) the name or identifying slogan of the special group;
             33          (iii) a symbol decal not exceeding two positions in size representing the special group;
             34      and
             35          (iv) the combination of letters, numbers, or both uniquely identifying the registered
             36      vehicle.
             37          (2) (a) The division shall, after consultation with a representative designated by the
             38      special group, specify the word or words comprising the special group name and the symbol
             39      decal to be displayed upon the special group license plates.
             40          (b) A special group license plate symbol decal may not be redesigned:
             41          (i) unless the division receives a redesign fee established by the division under Section
             42      63-38-3.2 ; and
             43          (ii) more frequently than every five years.
             44          (c) A special group license plate symbol decal may not be reordered unless the division
             45      receives a symbol decal reorder fee established by the division under Section 63-38-3.2 .
             46          (3) The license plates issued for horseless carriages prior to July 1, 1992, are valid
             47      without renewal as long as the vehicle is owned by the registered owner and the license plates
             48      may not be recalled by the division.
             49          (4) A person who meets the criteria established under Sections 41-1a-418 through
             50      41-1a-422 for issuance of special group license plates may make application in the same
             51      manner provided in Sections 41-1a-410 and 41-1a-411 for personalized special group license
             52      plates.
             53          (5) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             54      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to:
             55          (a) establish qualifying criteria for persons to receive, renew, or surrender special group
             56      license plates; and
             57          (b) establish the maximum number of numerals or characters for special group license
             58      plates.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-5-04 1:35 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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