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H.B. 301





Sponsor: Mike Thompson

             6      LONG TITLE
             7      General Description:
             8          This bill modifies requirements governing voter registration.
             9      Highlighted Provisions:
             10          This bill:
             11          .    modifies the voter registration form and the driver license voter registration form to
             12      include a citizen affidavit and a notice of penalties for illegal registration;
             13          .    requires the county clerk to review the submitted voter registration forms and refer
             14      them to the county attorney if the clerk believes the applicant is seeking to register
             15      to vote illegally; and
             16          .    makes technical amendments.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2005.
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          20A-2-104, as last amended by Chapter 117, Laws of Utah 2003
             24          20A-2-108, as last amended by Chapter 75, Laws of Utah 2000
             25          20A-6-105 (Effective 05/01/04), as last amended by Chapter 34, Laws of Utah 2003
             27      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             28          Section 1. Section 20A-2-104 is amended to read:
             29           20A-2-104. Voter registration form -- Registered voter lists -- Fees for copies.
             30          (1) Every person applying to be registered shall complete a registration form printed in
             31      substantially the following form:
             32      -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             34      Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Yes No
             35      Will you be 18 years old on or before election day? Yes No
             36      If you checked "no" to either of the above two questions, do not complete this form.
             37      Name of Voter __________________________________________________________
             38                      First             Middle          Last
             39      Driver License or Identification Card Number__________________________
             40      State of issuance of Driver License or Identification Card
             41      Date of Birth ______________________________________________________
             42      Street Address of Principal Place of Residence
             43      ________________________________________________________________________
             44          City          County          State          Zip Code
             45      Telephone Number (optional) _________________________
             46      Last four digits of Social Security Number ______________________
             47      [Place of Birth _____________________________]
             48      Last former address at which I was registered to vote (if known)_____________________
             49      ________________________________________________________________________
             50              City            County        State        Zip Code
             51      Voting Precinct (if known)___________________________________________________
             52      Political Party
             53      .American .Democrat .Green .Independent American .Libertarian .Natural Law
             54      .Reform .Populist .Republican .Socialist Workers .Unaffiliated (no political party
             55      preference)
             56      Other (Please specify) ______________________________
             57          I do swear (or affirm), subject to penalty of law for false statements, that the
             58      information contained in this form is true, and that I am a citizen of the United States and a

             59      resident of the state of Utah, residing at the above address. I will be at least 18 years old and
             60      will have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before the next election. I am not a
             61      convicted felon currently incarcerated for commission of a felony.
             62              Signed and sworn
             63              __________________________________________________________
             64                          Voter's Signature
             65          _______________(month/day/year).

             67      Name:
             68      Name at birth, if different:
             69      Place of birth:
             70      Date of birth:
             71      Date and place of naturalization (if applicable):
             72          I hereby swear and affirm, under penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that I am a
             73      citizen and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information above is true and
             74      correct.
             75      ____________________________
             76      Signature of Applicant
             77          In accordance with Section 20A-2-401 , the penalty for willfully causing, procuring, or
             78      allowing yourself to be registered to vote if you know you are not entitled to register to vote is
             79      up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.
             81      PRECINCT YOU MUST EITHER:
             86      FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
             87                              Type of I.D. ____________________________
             88                              Voting Precinct _________________________
             89                              Voting I.D. Number _____________________

             90      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             91          (2) The county clerk shall retain a copy in a permanent countywide alphabetical file,
             92      which may be electronic or some other recognized system.
             93          (3) (a) Each county clerk shall retain lists of currently registered voters.
             94          (b) The lieutenant governor shall maintain a list of registered voters in electronic form.
             95          (c) If there are any discrepancies between the two lists, the county clerk's list is the
             96      official list.
             97          (d) The lieutenant governor and the county clerks may charge the fees established
             98      under the authority of Subsection 63-2-203 (10) to individuals who wish to obtain a copy of the
             99      list of registered voters.
             100          (4) When political parties not listed on the voter registration form qualify as registered
             101      political parties under Title 20A, Chapter 8, Political Party Formation and Procedures, the
             102      lieutenant governor shall inform the county clerks about the name of the new political party
             103      and direct the county clerks to ensure that the voter registration form is modified to include that
             104      political party.
             105          (5) Upon receipt of a voter registration form from an applicant, the county clerk or the
             106      clerk's designee shall:
             107          (a) review each voter registration form for completeness and accuracy; and
             108          (b) if the county clerk believes, based upon a review of the form, that a person may be
             109      seeking to register to vote who is not legally entitled to register to vote, refer the form to the
             110      county attorney for investigation and possible prosecution.
             111          Section 2. Section 20A-2-108 is amended to read:
             112           20A-2-108. Driver license registration form -- Transmittal of information.
             113          (1) The lieutenant governor and the Driver License Division shall design the driver
             114      license application and renewal forms to include the question "if you are not registered to vote
             115      where you live now, would you like to register to vote today?"
             116          (2) (a) The lieutenant governor and the Driver License Division shall design a motor
             117      voter registration form to be used in conjunction with driver license application and renewal
             118      forms.
             119          (b) Each driver license application and renewal form shall contain:
             120          (i) a place for the applicant to decline to register to vote;

             121          (ii) an eligibility statement in substantially the following form:
             122          "I do swear (or affirm), subject to penalty of law for false statements, that the
             123      information contained in this form is true, and that I am a citizen of the United States and a
             124      resident of the state of Utah, residing at the above address. I will be at least 18 years old and
             125      will have resided in Utah for 30 days immediately before the next election.
             126              Signed and sworn
             127              ___________________________________________________________
             128                          Voter's Signature
             129          __________(month\day\year)";
             130          (iii) a citizenship affidavit in substantially the following form:

             132      Name:
             133      Name at birth, if different:
             134      Place of birth:
             135      Date of birth:
             136      Date and place of naturalization (if applicable):
             137          I hereby swear and affirm, under penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that I am a
             138      citizen and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information above is true and
             139      correct.
             140      ____________________________
             141      Signature of Applicant
             142          In accordance with Section 20A-2-401 , the penalty for willfully causing, procuring, or
             143      allowing yourself to be registered to vote if you know you are not entitled to register to vote is
             144      up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500;
             145          [(iii)] (iv) a statement that if an applicant declines to register to vote, the fact that the
             146      applicant has declined to register will remain confidential and will be used only for voter
             147      registration purposes; and
             148          [(iv)] (v) a statement that if an applicant does register to vote, the office at which the
             149      applicant submits a voter registration application will remain confidential and will be used only
             150      for voter registration purposes.
             151          (3) Upon receipt of a voter registration form from an applicant, the county clerk or the

             152      clerk's designee shall:
             153          (a) review the voter registration form for completeness and accuracy; and
             154          (b) if the county clerk believes, based upon a review of the form, that a person may be
             155      seeking to register to vote who is not legally entitled to register to vote, refer the form to the
             156      county attorney for investigation and possible prosecution.
             157          Section 3. Section 20A-6-105 (Effective 05/01/04) is amended to read:
             158           20A-6-105 (Effective 05/01/04). Provisional ballot envelopes.
             159          (1) Each election officer shall ensure that provisional ballot envelopes are printed in
             160      substantially the following form:
             161          "AFFIRMATION
             162      Are you a citizen of the United States of America? Yes No
             163      Will you be 18 years old on or before election day? Yes No
             164      If you checked "no" in response to either of the two above questions, do not complete this
             165      form.
             166          Name of Voter _________________________________________________________
             167                      First             Middle         Last
             168          Driver License or Identification Card Number _________________________________
             169          State of Issuance of Driver License or Identification Card Number _________________
             170          Date of Birth ___________________________________________________________
             171          Street Address of Principal Place of Residence
             172          ______________________________________________________________________
             173              City            County            State        Zip Code
             174          Telephone Number (optional) ______________________________________________
             175          Last four digits of Social Security Number ____________________________
             176          [Place of Birth __________________________________________________]
             177          Last former address at which I was registered to vote (if known)
             178          ______________________________________________________________________
             179              City            County            State        Zip Code
             180          Voting Precinct (if known)
             181      _________________________________________________
             182          I, (please print your full name)__________________________do solemnly swear or

             183      affirm:
             184          1. that I am currently registered to vote in ______________________, County, Utah;
             185      that I have not moved out of the county since the date of the original registration; that I have
             186      not voted in this election in any other precinct; and that I request that I be permitted to vote in
             187      this election in this precinct;
             188          2. that on or about____________________(Date), I completed a voter registration
             189      application at_______________________________(please indicate the office at which you
             190      completed the voter registration application, for example, Human Services, Driver License,
             191      etc., or, if you filled out a mail-in registration form, please indicate.);
             192          3. that I have previously registered to vote in __________________, County, Utah; that
             193      I have not resided outside of that county since completing that registration; and that I am
             194      entitled to vote today; and
             195          4. subject to penalty of law for false statements, that the information contained in this
             196      form is true, and that I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of Utah, residing at the
             197      above address; and that I am at least 18 years old and have resided in Utah for the 30 days
             198      immediately before this election.
             199      Signed ______________________________________________________________________
             200      Dated ______________________________________________________________________"
             201          "CITIZENSHIP AFFIDAVIT
             202          Name:
             203          Name at birth, if different:
             204          Place of birth:
             205          Date of birth:
             206          Date and place of naturalization (if applicable):
             207          I hereby swear and affirm, under penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that I am a
             208      citizen and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information above is true and
             209      correct.
             210                                      ____________________________
             211                                          Signature of Applicant
             212          In accordance with Section 20A-2-401 , the penalty for willfully causing, procuring, or
             213      allowing yourself to be registered to vote if you know you are not entitled to register to vote is

             214      up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500."
             215          (2) The provisional ballot envelope shall include:
             216          (a) a unique number;
             217          (b) a detachable part that includes the unique number; and
             218          (c) a telephone number, internet address, or other indicator of a means, in accordance
             219      with Section 20A-6-105.5 , where the voter can find out if the provisional ballot was counted.
             220          Section 4. Effective date.
             221          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2005.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-11-04 10:58 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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