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First Substitute S.B. 170

This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 10:50 AM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 10:51 AM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 10:51 AM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Mon, Mar 1, 2004 at 3:13 PM by rday. --> This document includes Senate 3rd Reading Floor Amendments (CORRECTED) incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 3, 2004 at 10:21 AM by rday. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Mar 3, 2004 at 3:16 PM by kholt. -->

Senator James M. Evans proposes the following substitute bill:




Sponsor: James M. Evans


             6      LONG TITLE
             7      General Description:
             8          This bill modifies the Special Districts Code and the Utah Public Transit District Act to
             9      amend provisions relating to transit districts serving a population of more than 200,000
             10      people.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    requires transit districts serving a population of more than 200,000 people to send a
             14      copy of its tentative budget and notice of the time and place for its budget hearing to
             15      each of its constituent entities 30 days prior to final adoption;
             16          .    requires transit districts serving a population of more than 200,000 people to send a
             17      copy of its annual audit report within 30 days after its presentation to the board;
             18          .    provides procedures for reapportioning representation on the board of trustees
             19      following a decennial census;
             20          .    provides board members for transit districts serving a population of more than
             21      200,000 people shall serve for two-year terms instead of three-year terms and for up
             22      to three consecutive terms instead of two consecutive terms;
             23          .    repeals a prohibition that an elected official may not serve on the board of trustees;
             24          .    allows board members to be recalled for any reason, not just for cause, and provides
             25      procedures for recalls and resignations of board members;

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         .    requires the board to submit agendas, notices, and minutes of board meetings to
             27      each constituent entity within certain time frames; H [ and ]
             28          .    makes technical changes.
             29      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             30          None
             31      Other Special Clauses:
             32           S [ None ] THIS BILL PROVIDES A COORDINATION CLAUSE. s
             33      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35          17A-1-502, as last amended by Chapter 145, Laws of Utah 1997
             36          17A-1-503, as last amended by Chapter 145, Laws of Utah 1997
             37          17A-2-1038, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 2001
             38          17A-2-1051, as last amended by Chapter 254, Laws of Utah 2000
             38a           H 17A-2-1063, AS ENACTED BY CHAPTER 217, LAWS OF UTAH 1998 h
             39      ENACTS:
             40          17A-2-1060.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             42      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             43          Section 1. Section 17A-1-502 is amended to read:
             44           17A-1-502. Special districts to submit budgets.
             45          (1) (a) [Within] Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), within 30 days after it is
             46      approved by the board, and at least 30 days before the board adopts a final budget, the board of
             47      each independent special district with an annual budget of $50,000 or more shall send a copy of
             48      its tentative budget and notice of the time and place for its budget hearing to:
             49          (i) each of its constituent entities that has in writing requested a copy; and
             50          (ii) to each of its customer agencies that has in writing requested a copy.
             51          (b) Within 30 days after it is approved by the board, and at least 30 days before the
             52      board adopts a final budget, the board of a public transit district serving a population of more
             53      than 200,000 people shall send a copy of its tentative budget and notice of the time and place
             54      for its budget hearing to:
             55          (i) each of its constituent entities; and
             56          (ii) to each of its customer agencies that has in writing requested a copy.

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         [(b)] (c) The special district shall include with the tentative budget a signature sheet
             58      that includes:
             59          (i) language that the constituent entity or customer agency received the tentative budget
             60      and has no objection to it; and
             61          (ii) a place for the chairperson or other designee of the constituent entity or customer
             62      agency to sign.
             63          (2) Each constituent entity and each customer agency that receives the tentative budget
             64      shall review the tentative budget submitted by the district and either:
             65          (a) sign the signature sheet and return it to the district; or
             66          (b) attend the budget hearing or other meeting scheduled by the district to discuss the
             67      objections to the proposed budget.
             68          (3) (a) If any constituent entity or customer agency that received the tentative budget
             69      has not returned the signature sheet to the special district within 15 calendar days after the
             70      tentative budget was mailed, the special district shall send a written notice of the budget
             71      hearing to each constituent entity or customer agency that did not return a signature sheet and
             72      invite them to attend that hearing.
             73          (b) If requested to do so by any constituent entity or customer agency, the special
             74      district shall schedule a meeting to discuss the budget with the constituent entities and
             75      customer agencies.
             76          (c) At the budget hearing, the special district board shall:
             77          (i) explain its budget and answer any questions about it;
             78          (ii) specifically address any questions or objections raised by the constituent entity,
             79      customer agency, or those attending the meeting; and
             80          (iii) seek to resolve the objections.
             81          (4) Nothing in this part prevents any special district board from approving or
             82      implementing a budget over any or all constituent entity's or customer agency's protests,
             83      objections, or failure to respond.
             84          Section 2. Section 17A-1-503 is amended to read:
             85           17A-1-503. Special districts to submit audit reports.
             86          (1) (a) [Within] Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), within 30 days after it is
             87      presented to the board, the board of each independent special district with an annual budget of

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     $50,000 or more shall send a copy of any audit report to:
             89          [(a)] (i) each of its constituent entities that has in writing requested a copy; and
             90          [(b)] (ii) each of its customer agencies that has in writing requested a copy.
             91          (b) Within 30 days after it is presented to the board, the board of a public transit district
             92      serving a population of more than 200,000 people shall send a copy of its annual audit report
             93      to:
             94          (i) each of its constituent entities; and
             95          (ii) each of its customer agencies that has in writing requested a copy.
             96          (2) Each constituent entity and each customer agency that received the audit report
             97      shall review the audit report submitted by the district and, if necessary, request a meeting with
             98      the independent special district board to discuss the audit report.
             99          (3) At the meeting, the special district board shall:
             100          (a) answer any questions about the audit report; and
             101          (b) discuss their plans to implement suggestions made by the auditor.
             102          Section 3. Section 17A-2-1038 is amended to read:
             103           17A-2-1038. Board of trustees -- Appointment -- Apportionment -- Qualifications
             104      -- Quorum -- Compensation -- Terms.
             105          (1) (a) All powers, privileges, and duties vested in any incorporated district shall be
             106      performed by a board of trustees.
             107          (b) The board may delegate the exercise of any duty to any of the offices created under
             108      this part.
             109          (2) If 200,000 people or fewer reside within the district boundaries:
             110          (a) the board of trustees shall consist of trustees appointed by the legislative bodies of
             111      each municipality, county, or unincorporated area within any county on the basis of one trustee
             112      for each full unit of regularly scheduled passenger routes proposed to be served by the district
             113      in each municipality or unincorporated area within any county in the following calendar year;
             114          (b) the number of service miles comprising a unit shall be determined jointly by the
             115      legislative bodies of the municipalities or counties comprising the district;
             116          (c) trustees shall be appointed and added to the board or omitted from the board at the
             117      time scheduled routes are changed, or as municipalities, counties, or unincorporated areas of
             118      counties annex to or withdraw from the district using the same appointment procedures; and

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         (d) municipalities, counties, and unincorporated areas of counties in which regularly
             120      scheduled passenger routes proposed to be served by the district in the following calendar year
             121      is less than a full unit, as defined in Subsection (2)(a), may combine with any other similarly
             122      situated municipality or unincorporated area to form a whole unit and may appoint one trustee
             123      for each whole unit formed.
             124          (3) If more than 200,000 people reside within the district boundaries, the board of
             125      trustees shall consist of 15 trustees appointed as described under Subsections (4) and (5).
             126          (4) (a) Except as provided under Subsections (4)(b) and (c), the board shall apportion
             127      members to each county within the district [based on] using an average of:
             128          [(i) from the effective date of this act until the apportionment following the year 2000
             129      decennial United States Census Bureau report, the proportion of population included in the
             130      district and residing within each county, rounded to the nearest 1/15 of the total transit district
             131      population; and]
             132          [(ii) beginning with the first apportionment following the year 2000 decennial United
             133      States Census Bureau report, an average of:]
             134          [(A)] (i) the proportion of population included in the district and residing within each
             135      county, rounded to the nearest 1/15 of the total transit district population; and
             136          [(B)] (ii) the proportion of transit sales and use tax collected from areas included in the
             137      district and within each county, rounded to the nearest 1/15 of the total transit sales and use tax
             138      collected for the transit district.
             139          (b) The board shall join an entire or partial county not apportioned a member under this
             140      subsection with an adjacent county for representation. The combined apportionment basis
             141      included in the district of both counties shall be used for the apportionment.
             142          (c) If rounding to the nearest 1/15 of the total transit district apportionment basis under
             143      Subsection (4)(a) results in an apportionment of:
             144          (i) more than 15 members, the county or combination of counties with the smallest
             145      additional fraction of a whole member proportion shall have one less member apportioned to it;
             146      or
             147          (ii) less than 15 members, the county or combination of counties with the largest
             148      additional fraction of a whole member proportion shall have one more member apportioned to
             149      it.

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         (5) (a) If the unincorporated area of a county is at least 1/15 of the district's population,
             151      the county executive, with the advice and consent of the county legislative body, shall appoint
             152      one trustee to represent each 1/15 of the district's population within a county's unincorporated
             153      area population.
             154          (b) If a municipality's population is at least 1/15 of the district's population, the chief
             155      municipal executive, with the advice and consent of the municipal legislative body, shall
             156      appoint one trustee to represent each 1/15 of the district's population within a municipality.
             157          (c) The number of trustees appointed from a county and municipalities within a county
             158      under Subsections (5)(a) and (b) shall be subtracted from the county's total member
             159      apportionment under Subsection (4).
             160          (d) If the entire county is within the district, the remaining trustees for the county shall
             161      represent the county or combination of counties if Subsection (4)(b) applies, or the
             162      municipalities within the county.
             163          (e) If the entire county is not within the district, and the county is not joined with
             164      another county under Subsection (4)(b), the remaining trustees for the county shall represent a
             165      municipality or combination of municipalities.
             166          (f) Except as provided under Subsections (5)(a) and (b), trustees representing counties,
             167      combinations of counties if Subsection (4)(b) applies, or municipalities within the county shall
             168      be designated and appointed by a simple majority of the chief executives of the municipalities
             169      within the county or combinations of counties if Subsection (4)(b) applies. The appointments
             170      shall be made by joint written agreement of the appointing municipalities, with the consent and
             171      approval of the county legislative body of the county that has at least 1/15 of the district's
             172      apportionment basis.
             173          (g) Trustees representing a municipality or combination of municipalities shall be
             174      designated and appointed by the chief executive officer of the municipality or simple majority
             175      of chief executive officers of municipalities with the consent of the legislative body of the
             176      municipality or municipalities.
             177          (h) The appointment of trustees shall be made without regard to partisan political
             178      affiliation from among citizens in the community.
             179          (i) Each trustee shall be a bona fide resident of the municipality, county, or
             180      unincorporated area or areas which the trustee is to represent for at least six months before the

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     date of appointment, and must continue in that residency to remain qualified to serve as a
             182      trustee.
             183          [(j) (i) Each trustee whose term has not expired and is serving on the effective date of
             184      this act shall continue to serve as a trustee until the expiration of the term for which the trustee
             185      was appointed, subject to the term limitations under which the trustee was initially appointed.]
             186          [(ii) Beginning on the effective date of this act, any vacancy for which the successor
             187      has not taken the oath of office shall be filled in the following order:]
             188          [(A) by a municipality eligible to make an appointment under Subsection (5)(b);]
             189          [(B) by a county eligible to make an appointment for its unincorporated area under
             190      Subsection (5)(a); and]
             191          [(C) as otherwise provided under this section.]
             192          [(k)] (j) (i) All population figures used under this section shall be derived from the
             193      most recent official census or census estimate of the United States Bureau of the Census.
             194          (ii) If population estimates are not available from the United States Bureau of Census,
             195      population figures shall be derived from the estimate from the Utah Population Estimates
             196      Committee.
             197          (iii) All transit sales and use tax totals shall be obtained from the Tax Commission.
             198          [(l)] (k) [After the initial apportionment immediately following the effective date of
             199      this act, the] The board shall be apportioned as provided under this section in conjunction with
             200      the decennial United States Census Bureau report every ten years.
             201          (i) H [ As soon a practicable ] WITHIN 120 DAYS h following the receipt of the population
             201a      estimates under this
             202      Subsection (5)(k), the district shall reapportion representation on the board of trustees in
             203      accordance with this section.
             204          (ii) The board shall adopt by resolution a schedule reflecting the current and proposed
             205      apportionment.
             206          (iii) Upon adoption of the resolution, the board shall forward a copy of the resolution
             207      to each of its constituent entities as defined under Section 17A-1-501 .
             208          (iv) The appointing entities gaining a new board member shall appoint a new member
             209      within 30 days following receipt of the resolution.
             210          (v) The appointing entities losing a board member shall inform the board of which
             211      member currently serving on the board will step down upon appointment of a new member

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     under Subsection (5)(k)(iv).
             213          (6) (a) Except the initial trustees, the terms of office of the trustees shall be [three] two
             214      years or until their successors are appointed, qualified, seated, and have taken the oath of
             215      office.
             216          (b) At the first meeting of the initial trustees held after July 1, 2004, the directors shall
             217      designate by the drawing of lots [1/3] for 1/2 of their number to serve for one-year terms[, 1/3]
             218      and for 1/2 for two-year terms[, and 1/3 for three-year terms].
             219          (c) A trustee may not be appointed for more than [two] three successive full terms.
             220          (7) (a) Vacancies shall be filled by the official appointing the member creating the
             221      vacancy for the unexpired term, unless the official fails to fill the vacancy within 90 days.
             222          (b) If the appointing official under Subsection (2) does not fill the vacancy within 90
             223      days, the board of trustees of the authority shall fill the vacancy.
             224          (c) If the appointing official under Subsection (5) does not fill the vacancy within 90
             225      days, the governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall fill the vacancy.
             226          (8) (a) Each trustee may cast one vote on all questions, orders, resolutions, and
             227      ordinances coming before the board of trustees.
             228          (b) A majority of all members of the board of trustees are a quorum for the transaction
             229      of business.
             230          (c) The affirmative vote of a majority of all trustees present at any meeting at which a
             231      quorum was initially present shall be necessary and, except as otherwise provided, is sufficient
             232      to carry any order, resolution, ordinance, or proposition before the board of trustees.
             233          (9) The district shall pay to each trustee:
             234          (a) an attendance fee of $50 per board or committee meeting attended, not to exceed
             235      $200 in any calendar month to any trustee; and
             236          (b) reasonable mileage and expenses necessarily incurred to attend board or committee
             237      meetings.
             238          (10) (a) Members of the initial board of trustees shall convene at the time and place
             239      fixed by the chief executive officer of the entity initiating the proceedings.
             240          (b) Immediately upon convening, the board of trustees shall elect from its membership
             241      a president, vice president, and secretary who shall serve for a period of two years or until their
             242      successors shall be elected and qualified.

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         (11) At the time of a trustee's appointment or during a trustee's tenure in office, a
             244      trustee may not hold[: (a) any elected public office with the United States, the state, or any
             245      political subdivision of either; or (b)] any employment, except as an independent contractor or
             246      elected public official, with a county or municipality within the district.
             247          Section 4. Section 17A-2-1051 is amended to read:
             248           17A-2-1051. Members of board subject to recall.
             249          (1) (a) [Every] A member of the board of trustees of a district [shall be] is subject to
             250      recall [for cause] at any time by the governing body of the municipality, county, or
             251      unincorporated county area from which [he] the member is appointed[, and any].
             252          (b) A recall of a member of the board of trustees shall be made in the same manner as
             253      original appointment H [ including any agreements, consents, and approvals provided under the
             254      original appointment under Section 17A-2-1038
] h
             255          (c) The appointing entities shall provide written notice to the member of the board of
             256      trustees being recalled.
             257          (2) Upon written notice to the board, a member [upon notice] may resign [his] the
             258      board member's position as trustee.
             259          (3) If a member of the board is recalled or resigns under this section, the vacancy shall
             260      be filled in accordance with Subsection 17A-2-1038 (7).
             261          Section 5. Section 17A-2-1060.1 is enacted to read:
             262          17A-2-1060.1. Transit districts to submit agendas and minutes of board meetings.
             263          (1) The board shall submit to each constituent entity as defined in Section 17A-1-501 :
             264          (a) a copy of the board agenda and a notice of the location and time of the board
             265      meeting within the same time frame provided to members of the board prior to the meeting;
             266      and
             267          (b) a copy of the minutes of board meetings within five working days following
             268      approval of the minutes.
             269          (2) The board may submit notices, agendas, and minutes by electronic mail if agreed to
             270      by the constituent entity as defined under Section 17A-2-501 .
             270a1           H Section 6. Section 17A-2-1063 is amended to read:
             270b1          17A-2-1063.   Transit district special services.
             270c1          (1) As used in this section, "bureau" means a recreational, tourist, or convention bureau
             270d1      established under Section 17-31-2.
             270e1          (2) (a) A district may lease its buses to private certified public carriers or operate transit
             270f1      services requested by a governmental entity when a bureau certifies that privately-owned carriers
             270g1      furnishing like services or operating like equipment within the area served by the bureau

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     have declined to provide the service or do not have the equipment necessary to provide the service.
             270i1          (b) A district may lease its buses or operate services as authorized under Subsection (2)(a)
             270j1      outside of the area served by the district.
             270k1          (3) A district may provide school bus services for transportation of pupils and supervisory
             270l1      personnel between homes and school and other related school activities within the area served by the
             270m1      district, or may provide the transportation of passengers covered by an elderly or disabled persons
             270n1      program within the district where all or part of the transportation services are paid for by public funds.
             270q1      SUBSECTION (3). h
             270a      S SECTION H [ 6] 7 h . COORDINATING 1ST SUB. S.B. 170 WITH H.B. 157.
             270b          IF THIS 1ST SUB. S.B. 170 AND H.B. 157, TRANSPORTATION AMENDMENTS, BOTH PASS, IT
             270e      REWRITE SUBSECTION 17A-2-1038(6) IN 1ST SUB. S. B. 170 TO READ AS FOLLOWS:

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