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S.B. 24 Enrolled





Sponsor: D. Chris Buttars

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill states that the policy of this state is to only recognize as a marriage the union
                  between a man and a woman.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    creates a marriage recognition policy for the state; and
                      .    adds the requirement that applicants for a marriage license be a man and a woman.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                      This bill provides an immediate effective date.
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      30-1-4.5, as enacted by Chapter 246, Laws of Utah 1987
                      30-1-8, as last amended by Chapter 212, Laws of Utah 1995
                      30-1-4.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 30-1-4.1 is enacted to read:
                      30-1-4.1. Marriage recognition policy.
                      (1) (a) It is the policy of this state to recognize as marriage only the legal union of a
                  man and a woman as provided in this chapter.

                      (b) Except for the relationship of marriage between a man and a woman recognized
                  pursuant to this chapter, this state will not recognize, enforce, or give legal effect to any law
                  creating any legal status, rights, benefits, or duties that are substantially equivalent to those
                  provided under Utah law to a man and a woman because they are married.
                      (2) Nothing in Subsection (1) impairs any contract or other rights, benefits, or duties that
                  are enforceable independently of this section.
                      Section 2. Section 30-1-4.5 is amended to read:
                       30-1-4.5. Validity of marriage not solemnized.
                      (1) A marriage which is not solemnized according to this chapter shall be legal and valid if
                  a court or administrative order establishes that it arises out of a contract between [two consenting
                  parties] a man and a woman who:
                      (a) are of legal age and capable of giving consent;
                      (b) are legally capable of entering a solemnized marriage under the provisions of this
                      (c) have cohabited;
                      (d) mutually assume marital rights, duties, and obligations; and
                      (e) who hold themselves out as and have acquired a uniform and general reputation as
                  husband and wife.
                      (2) The determination or establishment of a marriage under this section must occur during
                  the relationship described in Subsection (1), or within one year following the termination of that
                  relationship. Evidence of a marriage recognizable under this section may be manifested in any
                  form, and may be proved under the same general rules of evidence as facts in other cases.
                      Section 3. Section 30-1-8 is amended to read:
                       30-1-8. Application for license -- Contents.
                      (1) A marriage license may be issued by the county clerk to a man and a woman only after
                  an application has been filed in his office, requiring the following information:
                      (a) the full names of the [parties] man and the woman, including the maiden name of the
                  [female] woman;

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                      (b) the Social Security numbers of the parties, unless the party has not been assigned a
                      (c) the current address of each party;
                      (d) the date and place of birth (town or city, county, state or country, if possible);
                      (e) the names of their respective parents, including the maiden name of the mother;
                      (f) the birthplaces of fathers and mothers (town or city, county, state or country, if
                  possible); and
                      (g) the distinctive race or nationality of each of the parents.
                      (2) If the [female] woman is a widow, her maiden name shall be shown in brackets.
                      (3) If one or both of the parties is under 16 years of age, the clerk shall provide them with
                  a standard petition on a form approved by the Judicial Council to be presented to the juvenile
                  court to obtain the authorization required by Section 30-1-9 .
                      (4) (a) The Social Security numbers obtained under the authority of this section may not
                  be recorded on the marriage license, and are not open to inspection as a part of the vital statistics
                      (b) The Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics shall, upon
                  request, supply those Social Security numbers to the Office of Recovery Services within the
                  Department of Human Services.
                      (c) The Office of Recovery Services may not use any Social Security numbers obtained
                  under the authority of this section for any reason other than the administration of child support
                      Section 4. Effective date.
                      If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect
                  upon approval by the governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah
                  Constitution Article VII, Section 8, without the governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the
                  date of veto override.

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