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S.B. 32 Enrolled






Sponsor: Patrice M. Arent

                  Karen Hale
                  Paula F. JulanderDavid L. Thomas
Beverly Ann EvansJohn L. Valentine                  
                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill directs a public school to permit a student to possess and self-administer inhaled
                  asthma medication if certain requirements are met.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    directs a public school to permit a student to possess and self-administer prescription
                  or nonprescription, inhaled asthma medication if:
                          .    the student's parent or guardian provides written authorization and an
                  acknowledgment that the student is responsible for, and capable of, self-
                  administering the asthma medication; and
                          .    the student's health care provider provides a written statement indicating it is
                  medically appropriate for the student to self-administer asthma medication and
                  be in possession of asthma medication at all times; and
                      .    requires the Utah Department of Health, in cooperation with the state superintendent
                  of public instruction, to create forms for the parental and health care provider
                  statements for the use by public schools.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:

                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      53A-11-602, Utah Code Annotated 1953
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 53A-11-602 is enacted to read:
                      53A-11-602. Self-administration of asthma medication.
                      (1) As used in this section, "asthma medication" means prescription or nonprescription,
                  inhaled asthma medication.
                      (2) A public school shall permit a student to possess and self-administer asthma
                  medication if:
                      (a) the student's parent or guardian signs a statement:
                      (i) authorizing the student to self-administer asthma medication; and
                      (ii) acknowledging that the student is responsible for, and capable of, self-administering
                  the asthma medication; and
                      (b) the student's health care provider provides a written statement that states:
                      (i) it is medically appropriate for the student to self-administer asthma medication and be
                  in possession of asthma medication at all times; and
                      (ii) the name of the asthma medication prescribed or authorized for the student's use.
                      (3) The Utah Department of Health, in cooperation with the state superintendent of
                  public instruction, shall design forms to be used by public schools for the parental and health care
                  provider statements described in Subsection (2).
                      (4) Section 53A-11-904 does not apply to the possession and self-administration of
                  asthma medication in accordance with this section.

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