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S.B. 134 Enrolled






Sponsor: Carlene M. Walker

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill modifies the Governor's Commission for Women and Families.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    modifies the name of the commission;
                      .    provides for administrative support;
                      .    reduces the size of the commission and provides for terms of appointment;
                      .    simplifies the duties of the commission;
                      .    repeals the responsibility of the commission to recommend staff to the governor;
                      .    sunsets the commission in four years unless it is reauthorized; and
                      .    makes technical changes.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      63-47-1, as last amended by Chapter 158, Laws of Utah 1990
                      63-47-2, as last amended by Chapter 243, Laws of Utah 1996
                      63-47-3, as last amended by Chapter 158, Laws of Utah 1990
                      63-47-5, as last amended by Chapter 158, Laws of Utah 1990
                      63-47-7, as enacted by Chapter 173, Laws of Utah 1973

                      63-55-263, as last amended by Chapters 16 and 254, Laws of Utah 2003
                      63-47-6, as repealed and reenacted by Chapter 69, Laws of Utah 1992
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 63-47-1 is amended to read:
                       63-47-1. Creation -- Purpose.
                      (1) There is [hereby] established the [governor's] Utah Commission for Women and
                  Families. [The purpose of the commission shall be to advise and confer with the governor and
                  state agencies concerning issues of importance to women and families in Utah and to serve as a
                  contact and coordinating group to analyze state and local programs to determine whether they
                  adequately serve women and protect the rights of men, women, and families.]
                      (2) The governor's office shall provide administrative support for the commission.
                      Section 2. Section 63-47-2 is amended to read:
                       63-47-2. Members -- Appointment -- Terms -- Vacancies -- Expenses.
                      (1) (a) Except as required by Subsection (1)(b), the commission shall consist of [19] up to
                  15 members to be appointed by the governor for [terms of four years] a four-year term.
                      (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), the governor shall, at the time
                  of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
                  commission members are staggered so that approximately half of the commission is appointed
                  every two years.
                      (c) Members may serve two consecutive appointments.
                      (d) In making appointments, the governor shall insure that no more than one more than
                  half the membership is from the same political party.
                       (2) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
                  appointed by the governor for the remainder of the unexpired term.
                      (3) (a) Members shall receive no compensation or benefits for their services, but may
                  receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties at the

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                  rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
                      (b) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
                      Section 3. Section 63-47-3 is amended to read:
                       63-47-3. Qualifications of members.
                       [Not more than ten members of the commission may be from one political party.
                  Members shall be appointed from persons with]
                      (1) Members appointed to the commission shall have the following qualifications:
                      (a) a demonstrated record of leadership and involvement[,]; and
                      (b) a willingness to make a commitment to the furtherance of the purposes of the
                      (2) The commission [shall] may make recommendations to the governor concerning
                  appointment of members.
                      Section 4. Section 63-47-5 is amended to read:
                       63-47-5. Duties.
                      The commission shall [take action to carry out the following duties]:
                      (1) confer with state agencies and advise the governor [and heads of various state
                  departments regarding discriminatory legislation and practices, and the planning of programs of
                  particular concern], through the governor's program director, concerning programs of importance
                  to women and families;
                      [(2) serve as a clearinghouse for coordination and evaluation of programs, services, and
                  legislation affecting women and families;]
                      [(3) receive and refer complaints concerning alleged violation of women's rights and
                  responsibilities and if necessary report such action to the governor;]
                      [(4)] (2) conduct studies, workshops, or fact-finding hearings to develop
                  recommendations for constructive action in all areas of interest to women and families;
                      [(5)] (3) conduct or participate in educational programs concerning issues of importance
                  to women and families; and
                      [(6) encourage community organizations and state and local units of government to

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                  institute activities designed to meet the needs of women and families;]
                      [(7) participate in gaining support of changes deemed necessary by developing legislation
                  and community education; and]
                      [(8)] (4) act as a liaison between the governor and national advisory organizations on the
                  status of women or families[, and represent the governor and the state at meetings of such
                  national organizations].
                      Section 5. Section 63-47-7 is amended to read:
                       63-47-7. Authority to accept funds, gifts, and donations.
                      The commission may receive and accept federal funds, private gifts, donations, or funds
                  from any source. [All moneys shall be deposited with the state and shall be continuously available
                  to the commission to carry out the purposes of this act.]
                      Section 6. Section 63-55-263 is amended to read:
                       63-55-263. Repeal dates, Titles 63 and 63A.
                      (1) (a) Title 63, Chapter 25a, Part 1, Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, is
                  repealed July 1, 2004.
                      (b) Title 63, Chapter 25a, Part 3, Sentencing Commission, is repealed January 1, 2012.
                      (2) The Crime Victims' Reparations Board, created in Section 63-25a-404 , is repealed
                  July 1, 2007.
                      (3) The Resource Development Coordinating Committee, created in Section 63-38d-501 ,
                  is repealed July 1, 2004.
                      (4) Title 63, Chapter 38c, State Appropriations and Tax Limitation Act, is repealed July
                  1, 2005.
                      (5) Title 63, Chapter 47, Utah Commission for Women and Families, is repealed July 1,
                      [(5)] (6) Title 63, Chapter 75, Families, Agencies, and Communities Together for
                  Children and Youth At Risk Act, is repealed July 1, 2006.
                      [(6)] (7) Title 63, Chapter 88, Navajo Trust Fund, is repealed July 1, 2005.
                      [(7)] (8) Sections 63A-4-204 and 63A-4-205 , authorizing the Risk Management Fund to

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                  provide coverage to nonstate entities, are repealed July 1, 2006.
                      [(8)] (9) Title 63A, Chapter 7, Utah Sports Authority Act, is repealed July 1, 2003.
                      [(9)] (10) Title 63A, Chapter 10, State Olympic Coordination Act, is repealed July 1,
                      Section 7. Repealer.
                      This bill repeals:
                      Section 63-47-6, Authority to hire staff.

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