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S.C.R. 3 Enrolled
General Description:
This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor supports Hill Air Force
Highlighted Provisions:
This resolution:
. expresses support and gratitude for the contributions made by Hill Air Force Base
and those who serve there to the nation's safety, the state's economy, and its nearby
communities; and
. expresses support for the continued use, operation functions, and expansion of Hill
Air Force Base in the future.
Special Clauses:
Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
WHEREAS, for over 60 years, Hill Air Force Base has played a vital role as a critical
support to the defense of the nation;
WHEREAS, the Ogden Air Logistics Center and its vast and unique industrial capability
provides life cycle and combat support for fighter aircraft, the U.S. silo-based intercontinental
ballistic missile force, C-130 transport aircraft, landing gear, wheels, and brakes for all air force
air craft, advanced cruise missiles, and munitions management and storage;
WHEREAS, its unique capabilities include one-of-a-kind Department of Defense
capability in Computed Tomography, Strategic Missile Integration Facility, worldwide visibility
of munitions storage, Advanced Composite manufacture and repair, a software technology
support center, the Little Mountain Survivability and Vulnerability Integration Center, and the
Oasis remote test and distribution site;
WHEREAS, the Utah Test and Training Range is the nation's largest Department of
Defense controlled airspace with 17,000 square miles for test and training operations;
WHEREAS, the Utah Test and Training Range is the only test range for cruise missile
flight testing, is invaluable to the development of this critical technology, and provides for
overland training of aircrews from all over the Air Force that cannot be achieved at any other
continental United States location;
WHEREAS, the 388th Fighter Wing of the Air Combat Command and the 419th Fighter
Wing of the Air Force Reserve are both located at Hill Air Force Base and benefit from the Utah
Test and Training Range;
WHEREAS, the men and women of these two organizations employ the latest technology
in their F-16 Fighters when called to support United States interests anywhere in the world and
are currently involved with providing combat capability in the Middle East;
WHEREAS, the 388th Fighter Wing forms the 1st Air Expeditionary Force and the 419th
Fighter Wing provides air power for the 7th Air Expeditionary Force;
WHEREAS, Hill Air Force Base and the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings were involved in
the war with Iraq as they were with Operation Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom;
WHEREAS, during Operation Desert Storm, Hill Air Force Base deployed over 1,300
personnel and over three million pounds of equipment to provide combat capability for the United
States, which included personnel for medical support, security, civil engineers, communications,
combat logistics support, services, and explosive ordinance disposal, besides aircrew and aircraft;
WHEREAS, the depot surged components for all aircraft involved in the conflict,
delivered six aircraft early from depot maintenance to be involved in the fight, and thousands of
refurbished items;
WHEREAS, as the ammunition control point, Hill Air Force Base managed the movement
of over 71 million pounds of munitions worldwide, creating what was called an "iron bridge" from
Hill Air Force Base to Saudi Arabia;
WHEREAS, the same "around-the-clock" operation will be required for a future conflict;
WHEREAS, Hill Air Force Base supports the community as well as the national defense
mission as hundreds are helped yearly through its Sub-for-Santa operations;
WHEREAS, Hill Air Force Base employees donate time to tutor students and support
scouting, youth sports programs, and community church projects;
WHEREAS, Hill Air Force Base employees are also involved in local city government and
other volunteer organizations and annually contribute almost a million dollars to charities;
WHEREAS, for fiscal year 2002, the Ogden Air Logistics Center was the only center to
finish operations on budget with the best efficiency and lowest operating costs in the Air Force
Material Command;
WHEREAS, Hill Air Force Base provides jobs for over 22,000 people and has an impact
of over $2.1 billion on the area economy;
WHEREAS, Hill Air Force Base and the men and women that make it produce are an
invaluable part of the nation's defense posture, good neighbors in their communities, and an
essential part of the state's economy; and
WHEREAS, the state of Utah has spent over $12 million to secure and protect the air
space around Hill Air Force Base and another $2 million for an emergency landing strip:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
Governor concurring therein, express support and gratitude for the contributions that Hill Air
Force Base, and those who serve there, have made and continue to make to the nation's defense,
the state's economy, and the communities in which they live.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor express support for
the continued use, operation functions, and expansion of Hill Air Force Base in the future.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to Hill Air Force
Base, the Ogden Air Logistics Center, the Utah Test and Training Range, the 388th Fighter Wing,
the Air Combat Command, the 419th Fighter Wing, and the Air Force Reserve.
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