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Fourth Substitute S.B. 82

Representative Gordon E. Snow proposes the following substitute bill:





Sponsor: Beverly Ann Evans

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the provisions related to the Uintah Basin Revitalization Fund.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    addresses when monies may be deposited into the Uintah Basin Revitalization
             13      Fund;
             14          .    extends the December 31, 2004, date attributable to interest on lands identified in
             15      Pub. L. No. 440, 62 Stat. 72 (1948);
             16          .    extends the December 31, 2006, date attributable to interests on lands conveyed to
             17      the Tribe under the Ute-Moab Land Restoration Act;
             18          .    increases the cap on deposits into the fund to $3,000,000 per fiscal year; and
             19          .    makes technical changes.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:

             26          9-10-108, as enacted by Chapter 341, Laws of Utah 1995
             27          59-5-116, as last amended by Chapter 119, Laws of Utah 2001
             29      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             30          Section 1. Section 9-10-108 is amended to read:
             31           9-10-108. Deposits into fund -- Unallocated balance nonlapsing.
             32          (1) (a) All money received under Section 59-5-116 shall be deposited in the
             33      Revitalization Fund provided that no business or activity fee or tax based on gross receipts has
             34      been imposed by a county or the Tribe on oil and gas activities.
             35          (b) (i) Nothing in this Subsection (1) prohibits a county from imposing a charge
             36      described in Subsection (1)(a) with respect to any gathering, transmission, or local distribution
             37      pipeline in which the county owns an interest.
             38          (ii) Nothing in this Subsection (1) prohibits the Tribe from imposing a charge
             39      described in Subsection (1)(a) with respect to any gathering, transmission, or local distribution
             40      pipeline in which the Tribe owns an interest.
             41          (2) Any unallocated balance in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall be
             42      nonlapsing.
             43          Section 2. Section 59-5-116 is amended to read:
             44           59-5-116. Disposition of certain taxes collected on Ute Indian land.
             45          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), there shall be deposited into the Uintah Basin
             46      Revitalization Fund established in Section 9-10-102 :
             47          (a) for taxes imposed under this part beginning on July 1, 1996, 33% of the taxes
             48      collected on oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances produced from a well:
             49          (i) for which production began on or before June 30, 1995; and
             50          (ii) attributable to interests:
             51          (A) held in trust by the United States for the Tribe and its members; or
             52          (B) for taxes imposed under this part beginning on July 1, 1996, and ending on
             53      December 31, [2004] 2009, on lands identified in Pub. L. No. 440, 62 Stat. 72 (1948);
             54          (b) for taxes imposed under this part beginning on July 1, 1996, 80% of taxes collected
             55      on oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances produced from a well:
             56          (i) for which production began on or after July 1, 1995; and

             57          (ii) attributable to interests:
             58          (A) held in trust by the United States for the Tribe and its members; or
             59          (B) for taxes imposed under this part beginning on July 1, 1996, and ending on
             60      December 31, [2004] 2009, on lands identified in Pub. L. No. 440, 62 Stat. 72 (1948); and
             61          (c) for taxes imposed under this part beginning on January 1, 2001, and ending on
             62      December 31, [2006] 2009, 80% of taxes collected on oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances
             63      produced from a well:
             64          (i) for which production began on or after January 1, 2001; and
             65          (ii) attributable to interests on lands conveyed to the tribe under the Ute-Moab Land
             66      Restoration Act, Pub. L. No. 106-398, Sec. 3303.
             67          (2) (a) The maximum amount deposited in the Uintah Basin Revitalization Fund may
             68      not exceed [$2,000,000] $3,000,000 in any state fiscal year.
             69          (b) Any amounts in excess of the maximum described in Subsection (2)(a) shall be
             70      deposited into the General Fund.

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