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S.B. 210






Sponsor: Leonard M. Blackham

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Motor Vehicles Code by amending uninsured motorist
             10      provisions.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    reduces the number of consecutive months that a vehicle must show on the
             14      uninsured motorist database as being uninsured before the first warning letter is sent
             15      to the vehicle owner;
             16          .    for repeat offenders, increases the reinstatement fee for registering a vehicle after
             17      the vehicle's registration is revoked for certain owner's or operator's security
             18      requirements; and
             19          .    makes technical changes.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2004.
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          41-1a-110, as last amended by Chapter 345, Laws of Utah 2000
             27          41-1a-1220, as last amended by Chapter 345, Laws of Utah 2000

             28          41-12a-804, as last amended by Chapter 345, Laws of Utah 2000
             30      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. Section 41-1a-110 is amended to read:
             32           41-1a-110. Authority of division to suspend or revoke registration, certificate of
             33      title, license plate, or permit.
             34          (1) Except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4), the division may suspend or revoke
             35      a registration, certificate of title, license plate, or permit if:
             36          (a) the division is satisfied that a registration, certificate of title, license plate, or permit
             37      was fraudulently procured or erroneously issued;
             38          (b) the division determines that a registered vehicle is mechanically unfit or unsafe to
             39      be operated or moved upon the highways;
             40          (c) a registered vehicle has been dismantled;
             41          (d) the division determines that the required fee has not been paid and the fee is not
             42      paid upon reasonable notice and demand;
             43          (e) a registration decal, license plate, or permit is knowingly displayed upon a vehicle
             44      other than the one for which issued;
             45          (f) the division determines that the owner has committed any offense under this chapter
             46      involving the registration, certificate of title, registration card, license plate, registration decal,
             47      or permit; or
             48          (g) the division receives notification by the Department of Transportation that the
             49      owner has committed any offence under Title 72, Chapter 9, Motor Carrier Safety Act.
             50          (2) The division shall revoke the registration of a vehicle if the division receives
             51      notification by the:
             52          (a) Department of Public Safety that a person:
             53          (i) has been convicted of operating a registered motor vehicle in violation of Section
             54      41-12a-301 or 41-12a-303.2 ; or
             55          (ii) is under an administrative action taken by the Department of Public Safety for
             56      operating a registered motor vehicle in violation of Section 41-12a-301 ; or
             57          (b) designated agent that the owner of a motor vehicle:
             58          (i) has failed to provide satisfactory proof of owner's or operator's security to the

             59      designated agent after the second notice provided under [Section ] Subsection 41-12a-804 (2);
             60      or
             61          (ii) provided a false or fraudulent statement to the designated agent.
             62          (3) The division may not suspend or revoke the registration of a vessel or outboard
             63      motor unless authorized under Section 73-18-7.3 .
             64          (4) The division may not suspend or revoke the registration of an off-highway vehicle
             65      unless authorized under Section 41-22-17 .
             66          (5) The division shall charge a registration reinstatement fee under Section 41-1a-1220 ,
             67      if the registration is revoked under Subsection (1)(f) or (2).
             68          Section 2. Section 41-1a-1220 is amended to read:
             69           41-1a-1220. Registration reinstatement fee.
             70          (1) At the time application is made for reinstatement or renewal of registration of a
             71      motor vehicle after a revocation of the registration under Subsection 41-1a-110 (2), the
             72      applicant shall pay a registration reinstatement fee of:
             73          (a) $100 for a reinstatement after a vehicle owner's first revocation of registration;
             74          (b) $200 for a reinstatement after a vehicle owner's second revocation of registration
             75      within one year of a prior revocation under Subsection 41-1a-110 (2); and
             76          (c) $300 for a reinstatement after a vehicle owner's third or subsequent revocation of
             77      registration within one year of a second revocation under Subsection 41-1a-110 (2).
             78          (2) The fee imposed under Subsection (1):
             79          (a) is in addition to any other fee imposed under this chapter; and
             80          (b) shall be deposited in the Uninsured Motorist Identification Restricted Account
             81      created in Section 41-12a-806 .
             82          (3) The division shall waive the registration reinstatement fee imposed under this
             83      section if:
             84          (a) the registration was revoked under Subsection 41-1a-110 (2)(b); and
             85          (b) a person had owner's or operator's security in effect for the vehicle at the time of the
             86      alleged violation or on the day following the time limit provided after the second notice under
             87      Subsection 41-12a-804 (2).
             88          Section 3. Section 41-12a-804 is amended to read:
             89           41-12a-804. Notice -- Proof -- Revocation of registration -- False statements --

             90      Penalties -- Exemptions -- Sales tax enforcement.
             91          (1) If the comparison under Section 41-12a-803 shows that a motor vehicle is not
             92      insured for [three] two consecutive months, the Motor Vehicle Division shall direct that the
             93      designated agent provide notice to the owner of the motor vehicle that the owner has 15 days to
             94      provide:
             95          (a) proof of owner's or operator's security in a form allowed under Subsection
             96      41-12a-303.2 (4); or
             97          (b) proof of exemption from the owner's or operator's security requirements.
             98          (2) If an owner of a motor vehicle fails to provide satisfactory proof of owner's or
             99      operator's security to the designated agent, the designated agent shall:
             100          (a) provide a second notice to the owner of the motor vehicle that the owner now has
             101      15 days to provide:
             102          (i) proof of owner's or operator's security in a form allowed under Subsection
             103      41-12a-303.2 (4); or
             104          (ii) proof of exemption from the owner's or operator's security requirements;
             105          (b) for each notice provided, indicate information relating to the owner's failure to
             106      provide proof of owner's or operator's security in the database; and
             107          (c) provide this information to state and local law enforcement agencies as requested in
             108      accordance with the provisions under Section 41-12a-805 .
             109          (3) The Motor Vehicle Division:
             110          (a) shall revoke the registration upon receiving notification under Subsection
             111      41-1a-110 (2); [and]
             112          (b) shall provide appropriate notices of the revocation, the legal consequences of
             113      operating a vehicle with revoked registration and without owner's or operator's security and
             114      instructions on how to get the registration reinstated; and
             115          (c) may direct the designated agent to provide the notices under this Subsection (3).
             116          (4) Any action by the Motor Vehicle Division to revoke the registration of a motor
             117      vehicle under this section may be in addition to an action by a law enforcement agency to
             118      impose the penalties under Section 41-12a-302 or 41-12a-303.2 .
             119          (5) (a) A person may not provide a false or fraudulent statement to the Motor Vehicle
             120      Division or designated agent.

             121          (b) In addition to any other penalties, a person who violates Subsection (5)(a) is guilty
             122      of a class B misdemeanor.
             123          (6) The department and the Motor Vehicle Division shall direct the designated agent to
             124      exempt from this section a farm truck that:
             125          (a) meets the definition of a farm truck under Section 41-1a-102 ; and
             126          (b) is registered as a farm truck under Title 41, Chapter 1a, Motor Vehicle Act.
             127          (7) This part does not affect other actions or penalties that may be taken or imposed for
             128      violation of the owner's and operator's security requirements of this chapter.
             129          (8) If a comparison under Section 41-12a-803 shows that a motor vehicle may not be in
             130      compliance with motor vehicle registration or sales and use tax laws, the Motor Vehicle
             131      Division may direct that the designated agent provide notice to the owner of a motor vehicle
             132      that information exists which indicates the possible violation.
             133          Section 4. Effective date.
             134          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2004.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-18-04 11:12 AM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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