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S.B. 213






Sponsor: Gene Davis

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Corporate Franchise and Income Tax Act, the Individual Income
             10      Tax Act, and the Clean Fuels Conversion Program Act to amend provisions relating to
             11      loans, grants, and tax credits for purchases of or conversions to clean fuel vehicles.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides that the corporate franchise and income tax credit and the individual
             15      income tax credit for a vehicle manufactured to use clean fuel is based on a
             16      percentage of the vehicle's manufacturer suggested retail price if there is no
             17      documented incremental cost for the clean fuel vehicle and the vehicle is a hybrid
             18      electric vehicle;
             19          .    provides definitions;
             20          .    provides that a clean fuel loan or grant is based on a percentage of the vehicle's
             21      manufacturer suggested retail price if there is no documented incremental cost for
             22      the clean fuel vehicle and the vehicle is a hybrid electric vehicle; and
             23          .    makes technical changes.
             24      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             25          None
             26      Other Special Clauses:
             27          This bill provides for retrospective operation.

             28      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             29      AMENDS:
             30          59-7-605, as last amended by Chapter 198, Laws of Utah 2003
             31          59-10-127, as last amended by Chapter 198, Laws of Utah 2003
             32          63-34-202, as enacted by Chapter 231, Laws of Utah 2002
             33          63-34-203, as enacted by Chapter 231, Laws of Utah 2002
             34          63-34-204, as enacted by Chapter 231, Laws of Utah 2002
             36      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             37          Section 1. Section 59-7-605 is amended to read:
             38           59-7-605. Definitions -- Tax credit -- Cleaner burning fuels.
             39          (1) As used in this section:
             40          (a) "Board" means the Air Quality Board created under Title 19, Chapter 2, Air
             41      Conservation Act.
             42          (b) "Certified by the board" means that:
             43          (i) a motor vehicle on which conversion equipment has been installed meets the
             44      following criteria:
             45          (A) before the installation of conversion equipment, the vehicle does not exceed the
             46      emission cut points for a transient test driving cycle, as specified in 40 C.F.R. Part 51,
             47      Appendix E to Subpart S, or an equivalent test for the make, model, and year of the vehicle;
             48          (B) the motor vehicle's emissions of regulated pollutants, when operating on fuels
             49      listed in Subsection (2)(b), is less than the emissions were before the installation of conversion
             50      equipment; and
             51          (C) a reduction in emissions under Subsection (1)(b)(i)(B) is demonstrated by:
             52          (I) certification of the conversion equipment by the federal Environmental Protection
             53      Agency or by a state whose certification standards are recognized by the board;
             54          (II) testing the motor vehicle, before and after installation of the conversion equipment,
             55      in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part 86, Control of Emissions from New and In-use Highway
             56      Vehicles and Engines, using all fuel the motor vehicle is capable of using; or
             57          (III) any other test or standard recognized by board rule; or
             58          (ii) special mobile equipment on which conversion equipment has been installed meets

             59      the following criteria:
             60          (A) the special mobile equipment's emissions of regulated pollutants, when operating
             61      on fuels listed in Subsection (2)(c), is less than the emissions were before the installation of
             62      conversion equipment; and
             63          (B) a reduction in emissions under Subsection (1)(b)(ii)(A) is demonstrated by:
             64          (I) certification of the conversion equipment by the federal Environmental Protection
             65      Agency or by a state whose certification standards are recognized by the board; or
             66          (II) any other test or standard recognized by board rule.
             67          (c) "Clean fuel grant" means a grant awarded under Title [9] 63, Chapter [1] 34, Part
             68      [7] 2, Clean Fuels Conversion Program Act, for reimbursement of [a portion]:
             69          (i) 50% of the incremental cost of the OEM vehicle;
             70          (ii) 10% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of [an] the OEM vehicle if there is
             71      no documented incremental cost and the vehicle is a hybrid electric vehicle; or
             72          (iii) 50% of the cost of conversion equipment.
             73          (d) "Conversion equipment" means equipment referred to in Subsection (2)(b) or
             74      (2)(c).
             75          (e) "Hybrid electric vehicle" is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             76          [(e)] (f) "Incremental cost" [has the same meaning] is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             77          (g) "Manufacturer's suggested retail price" is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             78          [(f)] (h) "OEM vehicle" [has the same meaning] is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             79          [(g)] (i) "Special mobile equipment":
             80          (i) means any mobile equipment or vehicle that is not designed or used primarily for
             81      the transportation of persons or property; and
             82          (ii) includes construction or maintenance equipment.
             83          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2001, but beginning on or before
             84      December 31, 2005, a taxpayer may claim a tax credit against tax otherwise due under this
             85      chapter or Chapter 8, Gross Receipts Tax on Certain Corporations Not Required to Pay
             86      Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Act, in an amount equal to:
             87          (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(ii), 50% of the incremental cost of an
             88      OEM vehicle registered in Utah minus the amount of any clean fuel grant received, up to a
             89      maximum tax credit of $3,000 per vehicle, if the vehicle:

             90          [(i)] (A) is fueled by propane, natural gas, or electricity;
             91          [(ii)] (B) is fueled by other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to be
             92      at least as effective in reducing air pollution as fuels under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A); or
             93          [(iii)] (C) meets the clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act
             94      Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.; or
             95          (ii) 10% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the OEM vehicle minus the
             96      amount of any clean fuel grant received, up to a maximum tax credit of $3,000 per vehicle if:
             97          (A) the vehicle:
             98          (I) is fueled by propane, natural gas, or electricity;
             99          (II) is fueled by other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to be at
             100      least as effective in reducing air pollution as fuels under Subsection (2)(a)(ii)(A)(I); or
             101          (III) meets the clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of
             102      1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.;
             103          (B) there is no documented incremental cost for the OEM vehicle; and
             104          (C) the vehicle is a hybrid electric vehicle;
             105          (b) 50% of the cost of equipment for conversion, if certified by the board, of a motor
             106      vehicle registered in Utah minus the amount of any clean fuel grant received, up to a maximum
             107      tax credit of $2,500 per motor vehicle, if the motor vehicle [is to]:
             108          (i) [be] is fueled by propane, natural gas, or electricity;
             109          (ii) [be] is fueled by other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to be
             110      at least as effective in reducing air pollution as fuels under Subsection (2)(b)(i); or
             111          (iii) [meet] meets the federal clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act
             112      Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.; and
             113          (c) 50% of the cost of equipment for conversion, if certified by the board, of a special
             114      mobile equipment engine minus the amount of any clean fuel grant received, up to a maximum
             115      tax credit of $1,000 per special mobile equipment engine, if the special mobile equipment is to
             116      be fueled by:
             117          (i) propane, natural gas, or electricity; or
             118          (ii) other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to be:
             119          (A) at least as effective in reducing air pollution as the fuels under Subsection (2)(c)(i);
             120      or

             121          (B) substantially more effective in reducing air pollution than the fuel for which the
             122      engine was originally designed.
             123          (3) A taxpayer shall provide proof of the purchase of an item for which a tax credit is
             124      allowed under this section by:
             125          (a) providing proof to the board in the form the board requires by rule;
             126          (b) receiving a written statement from the board acknowledging receipt of the proof;
             127      and
             128          (c) retaining the written statement described in Subsection (3)(b).
             129          (4) Except as provided by Subsection (5), the tax credit under this section is allowed
             130      only:
             131          (a) against any Utah tax owed in the taxable year by the taxpayer;
             132          (b) in the taxable year in which the item is purchased for which the tax credit is
             133      claimed; and
             134          (c) once per vehicle.
             135          (5) If the amount of a tax credit claimed by a taxpayer under this section exceeds the
             136      taxpayer's tax liability under this chapter for a taxable year, the amount of the tax credit
             137      exceeding the tax liability may be carried forward for a period that does not exceed the next
             138      five taxable years.
             139          Section 2. Section 59-10-127 is amended to read:
             140           59-10-127. Definitions -- Tax credit -- Cleaner burning fuels.
             141          (1) As used in this section:
             142          (a) "Board" means the Air Quality Board created in Title 19, Chapter 2, Air
             143      Conservation Act.
             144          (b) "Certified by the board" means that:
             145          (i) a motor vehicle on which conversion equipment has been installed meets the
             146      following criteria:
             147          (A) before the installation of conversion equipment, the vehicle does not exceed the
             148      emission cut points for a transient test driving cycle, as specified in 40 C.F.R. Part 51,
             149      Appendix E to Subpart S, or an equivalent test for the make, model, and year of the vehicle;
             150          (B) the motor vehicle's emissions of regulated pollutants, when operating on fuels
             151      listed in Subsection (2)(b), is less than the emissions were before the installation of conversion

             152      equipment; and
             153          (C) a reduction in emissions under Subsection (1)(b)(i)(B) is demonstrated by:
             154          (I) certification of the conversion equipment by the federal Environmental Protection
             155      Agency or by a state whose certification standards are recognized by the board;
             156          (II) testing the motor vehicle, before and after installation of the conversion equipment,
             157      in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part 86, Control Emissions from New and In-use Highway
             158      Vehicles and Engines, using all fuels the motor vehicle is capable of using; or
             159          (III) any other test or standard recognized by board rule; or
             160          (ii) special mobile equipment on which conversion equipment has been installed meets
             161      the following criteria:
             162          (A) the special mobile equipment's emissions of regulated pollutants, when operating
             163      on fuels listed in Subsection (2)(c), is less than the emissions were before the installation of
             164      conversion equipment; and
             165          (B) a reduction in emissions under Subsection (1)(b)(ii)(A) is demonstrated by:
             166          (I) certification of the conversion equipment by the federal Environmental Protection
             167      Agency or by a state whose certification standards are recognized by the board; or
             168          (II) any other test or standard recognized by the board.
             169          (c) "Clean fuel grant" means a grant the taxpayer receives under Title [9] 63, Chapter
             170      [1] 34, Part [7] 2, Clean Fuels Conversion Program Act, for reimbursement of [a portion]:
             171          (i) 50% of the incremental cost of the OEM vehicle;
             172          (ii) 10% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the OEM vehicle if there is no
             173      documented incremental cost and the vehicle is a hybrid electric vehicle; or
             174          (iii) 50% of the cost of conversion equipment.
             175          (d) "Conversion equipment" means equipment referred to in Subsection (2)(b) or
             176      (2)(c).
             177          (e) "Hybrid electric vehicle" is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             178          [(e)] (f) "Incremental cost" [has the same meaning] is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             179          (g) "Manufacturer's suggested retail price" is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             180          [(f)] (h) "OEM vehicle" [has the same meaning] is as defined in Section 63-34-202 .
             181          [(g)] (i) "Special mobile equipment":
             182          (i) means any mobile equipment or vehicle not designed or used primarily for the

             183      transportation of persons or property; and
             184          (ii) includes construction or maintenance equipment.
             185          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2001, but beginning on or before
             186      December 31, 2005, a taxpayer may claim a tax credit against tax otherwise due under this
             187      chapter in an amount equal to:
             188          (a) (i) 50% of the incremental cost of an OEM vehicle registered in Utah minus the
             189      amount of any clean fuel grant received, up to a maximum tax credit of $3,000 per vehicle, if
             190      the vehicle:
             191          [(i)] (A) is fueled by propane, natural gas, or electricity;
             192          [(ii)] (B) is fueled by other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to be
             193      at least as effective in reducing air pollution as fuels under Subsection (2)(a)(i); or
             194          [(iii)] (C) meets the clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act
             195      Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.; or
             196          (ii) 10% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the OEM vehicle minus the
             197      amount of any clean fuel grant received, up to a maximum tax credit of $3,000 per vehicle if:
             198          (A) the vehicle:
             199          (I) is fueled by propane, natural gas, or electricity;
             200          (II) is fueled by other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to be at
             201      least as effective in reducing air pollution as fuels under Subsection (2)(a)(ii)(A)(I); or
             202          (III) meets the clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of
             203      1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.;
             204          (B) there is no documented incremental cost for the OEM vehicle; and
             205          (C) the vehicle is a hybrid electric vehicle;
             206          (b) 50% of the cost of equipment for conversion, if certified by the board, of a motor
             207      vehicle registered in Utah minus the amount of any clean fuel conversion grant received, up to
             208      a maximum tax credit of $2,500 per vehicle, if the motor vehicle:
             209          (i) is [to be] fueled by propane, natural gas, or electricity;
             210          (ii) is [to be] fueled by other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to
             211      be at least as effective in reducing air pollution as fuels under Subsection (2)(b)(i); or
             212          (iii) [will meet] meets the federal clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air
             213      Act Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.; and

             214          (c) 50% of the cost of equipment for conversion, if certified by the board, of a special
             215      mobile equipment engine minus the amount of any clean fuel conversion grant received, up to a
             216      maximum tax credit of $1,000 per special mobile equipment engine, if the special mobile
             217      equipment is to be fueled by:
             218          (i) propane, natural gas, or electricity; or
             219          (ii) other fuel the board determines annually on or before July 1 to be:
             220          (A) at least as effective in reducing air pollution as the fuels under Subsection (2)(c)(i);
             221      or
             222          (B) substantially more effective in reducing air pollution than the fuel for which the
             223      engine was originally designed.
             224          (3) An individual shall provide proof of the purchase of an item for which a tax credit
             225      is allowed under this section by:
             226          (a) providing proof to the board in the form the board requires by rule;
             227          (b) receiving a written statement from the board acknowledging receipt of the proof;
             228      and
             229          (c) retaining the written statement described in Subsection (3)(b).
             230          (4) Except as provided by Subsection (5), the tax credit under this section is allowed
             231      only:
             232          (a) against any Utah tax owed in the taxable year by the taxpayer;
             233          (b) in the taxable year in which the item is purchased for which the tax credit is
             234      claimed; and
             235          (c) once per vehicle.
             236          (5) If the amount of a tax credit claimed by a taxpayer under this section exceeds the
             237      taxpayer's tax liability under this chapter for a taxable year, the amount of the tax credit
             238      exceeding the tax liability may be carried forward for a period that does not exceed the next
             239      five taxable years.
             240          Section 3. Section 63-34-202 is amended to read:
             241           63-34-202. Definitions.
             242          As used in this part:
             243          (1) "Certified by the Air Quality Board" means that a motor vehicle on which
             244      conversion equipment has been installed meets the following criteria:

             245          (a) before the installation of conversion equipment, the motor vehicle does not exceed
             246      the emission cut points for a transient test driving cycle, as specified in 40 CFR 51, Appendix
             247      E to Subpart S, or an equivalent test for the make, model, and year of the motor vehicle;
             248          (b) the motor vehicle's emissions of regulated pollutants, when operating with clean
             249      fuel, is less than the emissions were before the installation of conversion equipment; and
             250          (c) a reduction in emissions under Subsection (1)(b) is demonstrated by:
             251          (i) certification of the conversion equipment by the federal Environmental Protection
             252      Agency or by a state whose certification standards are recognized by the Air Quality Board;
             253          (ii) testing the motor vehicle, before and after the installation of the conversion
             254      equipment, in accordance with 40 CFR 86, Control of Air Pollution from New and In-use
             255      Motor Vehicle Engines: Certification and Test Procedures, using all fuel the motor vehicle is
             256      capable of using; or
             257          (iii) any other test or standard recognized by Air Quality Board rule.
             258          (2) "Clean fuel" means:
             259          (a) propane, compressed natural gas, or electricity;
             260          (b) other fuel the Air Quality Board determines to be at least as effective as fuels under
             261      Subsection (2)(a) in reducing air pollution; or
             262          (c) other fuel that meets the clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act
             263      Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.
             264          (3) "Clean fuel vehicle" means a vehicle that:
             265          (a) uses a clean fuel; and
             266          (b) meets clean fuel vehicle standards in the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of
             267      1990, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7521 et seq.
             268          (4) "Fund" means the Clean Fuels Vehicle Fund created in Section 63-34-203 .
             269          (5) "Government vehicle" means a motor vehicle registered in Utah and owned and
             270      operated by the state, a public trust authority, a school district, a county, a municipality, a town,
             271      or a city, including a metropolitan rapid transit motor vehicle, bus, truck, law enforcement
             272      vehicle, or emergency vehicle.
             273          (6) "Hybrid electric vehicle" means a vehicle:
             274          (a) in which an engine and an electric motor is installed; and
             275          (b) the engine described in Subsection (6)(a) assists the electric motor in providing

             276      propulsion.
             277          [(6)] (7) "Incremental cost" means the difference between the cost of the OEM vehicle
             278      and the same vehicle model manufactured without the clean fuel fueling system.
             279          (8) (a) "Manufacturer's suggested retail price" means the retail price suggested by the
             280      manufacturer that is required to be affixed to the windshield or placed on a side window in
             281      accordance with 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1232.
             282          (b) "Manufacturer's suggested retail price" does not include the retail delivered price
             283      suggested by the manufacturer for each accessory or item of optional equipment physically
             284      attached to the automobile at the time of delivery.
             285          [(7)] (9) "OEM vehicle" means a vehicle manufactured by the original vehicle
             286      manufacturer or its contractor to use a clean fuel.
             287          [(8)] (10) "Private sector business vehicle" means a motor vehicle registered in Utah
             288      that is owned and operated solely in the conduct of a private business enterprise.
             289          [(9)] (11) "Refueling equipment" means compressors when used separately,
             290      compressors used in combination with cascade tanks, and other equipment that constitute a
             291      central refueling system capable of dispensing vehicle fuel.
             292          Section 4. Section 63-34-203 is amended to read:
             293           63-34-203. Clean Fuels Vehicle Fund -- Contents -- Loans or grants made with
             294      fund monies.
             295          (1) (a) There is created a revolving fund known as the Clean Fuels Vehicle Fund.
             296          (b) The fund consists of:
             297          (i) appropriations to the fund;
             298          (ii) other public and private contributions made under Subsection (1)(d);
             299          (iii) interest earnings on cash balances; and
             300          (iv) all monies collected for loan repayments and interest on loans.
             301          (c) All money appropriated to the fund is nonlapsing.
             302          (d) The department may accept contributions from other public and private sources for
             303      deposit into the fund.
             304          (2) (a) The department may make loans or grants with monies available in the fund for:
             305          (i) the conversion of private sector business vehicles and government vehicles to use a
             306      clean fuel, if certified by the Air Quality Board; or

             307          (ii) the purchase of OEM vehicles for use as private sector business vehicles or
             308      government vehicles.
             309          (b) The amount of a loan for any vehicle may not exceed:
             310          (i) the actual cost of the vehicle conversion;
             311          (ii) the incremental cost of purchasing the OEM vehicle; or
             312          (iii) [the cost of purchasing] 20% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the
             313      OEM vehicle if there is no documented incremental cost and the vehicle is a hybrid electric
             314      vehicle.
             315          (c) The amount of a grant for any vehicle may not exceed:
             316          (i) 50% of the actual cost of the vehicle conversion minus the amount of any tax credit
             317      claimed under Section 59-7-605 or 59-10-127 for the vehicle for which a grant is requested; or
             318          (ii) 50% of the incremental cost of purchasing an OEM vehicle minus the amount of
             319      any tax credit claimed under Section 59-7-605 or 59-10-127 for the vehicle for which a grant is
             320      requested[.]; or
             321          (iii) 10% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the OEM vehicle minus the
             322      amount of any tax credit claimed under Section 59-7-605 or 59-10-127 for the vehicle for
             323      which a grant is requested if:
             324          (A) there is no documented incremental cost; and
             325          (B) the vehicle is a hybrid electric vehicle.
             326          (d) (i) Subject to the availability of monies in the fund, the department may make loans
             327      for the purchase of vehicle refueling equipment for private sector business vehicles and
             328      government vehicles.
             329          (ii) The maximum amount loaned per installation of refueling equipment may not
             330      exceed the actual cost of the refueling equipment.
             331          (3) Administrative costs of the fund shall be paid from the fund.
             332          (4) (a) The fund balance may not exceed $10,000,000.
             333          (b) Interest on cash balances and repayment of loans in excess of the amount necessary
             334      to maintain the fund balance at $10,000,000 shall be deposited in the General Fund.
             335          (5) (a) Loans made from monies in the fund shall be supported by loan documents
             336      evidencing the intent of the borrower to repay the loan.
             337          (b) The original loan documents shall be filed with the Division of Finance and a copy

             338      shall be filed with the department.
             339          Section 5. Section 63-34-204 is amended to read:
             340           63-34-204. Department duties -- Rulemaking -- Loan repayment.
             341          (1) The department shall:
             342          (a) establish and administer the loan and grant program to encourage government
             343      officials and private sector business vehicle owners and operators to obtain and use clean fuel
             344      vehicles; and
             345          (b) make rules in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative
             346      Rulemaking Act:
             347          (i) specifying the amount of money in the fund to be dedicated annually for grants;
             348          (ii) limiting the amount of a grant given to any person claiming a tax credit under
             349      Section 59-7-605 or 59-10-127 for the motor vehicle for which a grant is requested to assure
             350      that the sum of the tax credit and grant does not exceed:
             351          (A) 50% of the incremental cost of the OEM vehicle; [or]
             352          (B) 50% of the cost of conversion equipment; or
             353          (C) 10% of the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the OEM vehicle if there is no
             354      documented incremental cost and the vehicle is a hybrid electric vehicle;
             355          (iii) limiting the number of motor vehicles per fleet operator that may be eligible for a
             356      grant in a year;
             357          (iv) specifying criteria the department shall consider in prioritizing and awarding loans
             358      and grants;
             359          (v) specifying repayment periods;
             360          (vi) specifying procedures for:
             361          (A) awarding loans and grants; and
             362          (B) collecting loans; and
             363          (vii) requiring all loan and grant applicants to:
             364          (A) apply on forms provided by the department;
             365          (B) agree in writing to use the clean fuel for which each vehicle is converted or
             366      purchased using loan or grant proceeds for a minimum of 70% of the vehicle miles traveled
             367      beginning from the time of conversion or purchase of the vehicle;
             368          (C) agree in writing to notify the department if a vehicle converted or purchased using

             369      loan or grant proceeds becomes inoperable through mechanical failure or accident and to
             370      pursue a remedy outlined in department rules;
             371          (D) provide reasonable data to the department on vehicles converted or purchased with
             372      loan or grant proceeds; and
             373          (E) submit vehicles converted or purchased with loan or grant proceeds to inspections
             374      by the department as required in department rules and as necessary for administration of the
             375      loan and grant program.
             376          (2) (a) When developing repayment schedules for the loans, the department shall
             377      consider the projected savings from use of the clean fuel vehicle.
             378          (b) A repayment schedule may not exceed ten years.
             379          (c) Loans made from the fund for private sector vehicles shall be made at an interest
             380      rate equal to the annual return earned in the state treasurer's Public Treasurer's Pool as
             381      determined the month immediately preceding the closing date of the loan.
             382          (d) Loans made from the fund for government vehicles shall be made at a zero interest
             383      rate.
             384          (3) The Division of Finance is responsible for collection of and accounting for the
             385      loans and has custody of all loan documents, including all notes and contracts, evidencing the
             386      indebtedness of the fund.
             387          Section 6. Effective date -- Retrospective operation.
             388          This bill takes effect on May 3, 2004, except that Sections 59-7-605 and 59-10-127
             389      have retrospective operation for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2004.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-13-04 6:15 PM

A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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