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S.J.R. 10
7 General Description:
8 This joint resolution of the Legislature gives the Legislative Management Committee
9 items of study they may assign to the appropriate interim committee.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This resolution:
12 . gives the Legislative Management Committee items of study they may assign to the
13 appropriate interim committee during the 2004 legislative interim;
14 . directs interim committees assigned these studies to study and make
15 recommendations for legislative action to the 56th Legislature prior to the 2005
16 Annual General Session; and
17 . suggests in approving studies Legislative Management Committee give
18 consideration to time of legislators and the budget and capacity of staff to respond.
19 Special Clauses:
20 None
22 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23 WHEREAS, the Legislative Management Committee is created by law as a permanent
24 committee to receive and assign matters for the interim study of the Legislature; and
25 WHEREAS, the 55th Legislature has determined that certain legislative issues require
26 additional investigation and study:
27 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee
28 is given the following items of study to assign to the appropriate interim committee with the
29 duty to study and make recommendations for legislative action to the 56th Legislature prior to
30 the 2005 Annual General Session.
31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Management Committee, in
32 making study assignments from this list and in approving study requests for individual
33 committees, give consideration to the available time of legislators and the budget and capacity
34 of staff to respond adequately to the number and complexity of the assignments given.
35 1. Business Names - to study issues related to distinguishable business names
36 requested by constituents.
37 2. Common Interest Ownership Act - to study issues related to a Common Interest
38 Ownership Act (H.B. 99).
39 3. Common Interest Ownership and Planned Unit Developments - to study and review
40 forms of common interest ownership, the statutory basis for planned unit developments and
41 condominiums, and proper recording of all land developments.
42 4. Competition in Employment Agreements - to study preventing restrictions on
43 competition in employment agreements.
44 5. Crane Operators - to study the certification of crane operators (S.B. 205).
45 6. Deferred Deposit Lending - to study modifying the Check Cashing Registration Act
46 to address issues related to deferred deposit loans (S.B. 37).
47 7. DOPL Regulation of Well Drilling - to study whether regulation under the Division
48 of Occupational and Professional Licensing covers incidental work done in association with
49 well drilling (H.B. 232).
50 8. Insurance Customer Information and Billing Practices - to study the customer
51 information and billing practices of insurance companies and the addition of individuals to
52 policies without authorization.
53 9. Notice to Registering Businesses - to study providing a notice to a person who
54 registers a business name with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code of the
55 limited scope of that registration.
56 10. Private Information in Pawnshop Database - to study safeguarding private and
57 confidential information regarding the pawnshop database (S.B. 192).
58 11. Property and Casualty Insurance Law - to study procedures for rate filings, the
59 prohibition of premium increases for certain claims or inquiries to property and casualty
60 insurance, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, and personal injury protection
61 coverages and benefits (H.B. 250).
62 12. Radio Frequency ID Business Practices - to study business practices, including
63 feasibility of disabling tags at point of sale, related to radio frequency identification.
64 13. Smoking in Private Clubs - to study banning smoking in private clubs.
65 14. Toxic Mold - to study informing renters of the presence of mold that exceeds a
66 minimum standard (H.B. 281).
67 15. Recall of Elected Officials - to study issues related to the recall of elected officials
68 (H.J.R. 14).
69 16. Enrollment Growth Program - to study modifying the funding formula for the
70 program that provides money to school districts for school building construction (H.B. 112).
71 17. No Child Left Behind - to study prohibiting further participation in the No Child
72 Left Behind Act of 2001 (1st Sub. H.B. 43).
73 18. Nonresident Tuition - to study the state's nonresident tuition policy.
74 19. Physical Education and Nutritional Programs - to study physical education
75 programs in public schools and the use of proven data-driven exercise and nutritional programs
76 which can be provided by the private sector.
77 20. School Fees and WPU - to study issues related to the rolling of school fees into the
78 weighted pupil unit (WPU).
79 21. School Impact Fees - to study issues related to school impact fees for planned
80 communities.
81 22. Supercomputer and Networking Initiative - to study the establishment of a Utah
82 Supercomputer and Networking Initiative in connection with the Board of Regents.
83 23. Tuition Assistance for National Guard Members - to study tuition assistance or a
84 waiver for National Guard members seeking higher education.
85 24. Auditor Access to Information - to study access to information by the Legislative
86 Auditor General.
87 25. Citizen's Clean Election - to study Arizona's Clean Election statute and determine
88 the feasibility of enacting similar changes in Utah law.
89 26. Coordination of State Policies - to study the coordination of state policies through
90 various state agencies.
91 27. Electing President by Popular Vote - to study repealing the electoral college vote
92 and electing the President by popular vote.
93 28. Federal Research Committee - to study the creation of a Federal Research
94 Committee (S.B. 181).
95 29. Governmental Immunity - to study whether an offer of judgment should be
96 required of an employee who is defended by the government.
97 30. GRAMA Revisions - to study and address issues related to access and
98 classification of records (H.B. 287).
99 31. Impacts Related to the Senior Population - to study the impact of population
100 growth in the senior population and the impacts on all facets of state government.
101 32. Initiative Costs - to study issues related to initiative cost requirements.
102 33. Office Space for Legislators - to study whether legislators should be provided with
103 office space in state office buildings around the state.
104 34. Procurement and Health Care Benefits - to study procurement code requirements
105 of health care benefits (S.B. 101, 2003 General Session).
106 35. Property Rights Ombudsman - to study whether the role or duties of the property
107 rights ombudsman should be changed.
108 36. Public Officer and Employee Ethics - to study removing an exception in the Utah
109 Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act regarding participation in transactions where the
110 employee has an interest (S.B. 236).
111 37. Uncollectible Debts Owed the State - to study whether the state should sell debts
112 considered uncollectible to a private vendor.
113 38. Voting by Undocumented Aliens - to study sufficient safeguards in Utah law to
114 prevent undocumented aliens from registering to vote.
115 39. Access to Medical Information - to study how the Legislature can enable Utahns to
116 get information on the complication rate, mortality rate, and malpractice or error rate for
117 individual hospitals and doctors, prices of medical procedures and services, and whether
118 doctors and hospitals are up-to-date and adhering to the more than 1,200 published guidelines
119 for medical care.
120 40. Acupuncture by Chiropractors - to study defining the practice of acupuncture by
121 chiropractors (S.B. 249).
122 41. Any Willing Provider - to study the Any Willing Provider concept (S.B. 216).
123 42. Arrears in Paternity Cases - to study the establishment of arrears in paternity cases.
124 43. Asset Test for Medicaid Eligibility - to study the elimination of the asset test for
125 Medicaid eligibility (H.B. 244).
126 44. Bleeding Disorders in Children - to study unique challenges and costs for families
127 of children with bleeding disorders with the objective of securing insurance coverage while
128 allowing the family to retain assets and income.
129 45. Charity Care - to study issues related to charity care.
130 46. Chiropractic Training in Acupuncture - to study the amount of training
131 chiropractic physicians should have before they can engage in the practice of acupuncture.
132 47. Choice of Health Care - to study prohibiting unfair competition by a health insurer
133 who owns hospitals and employs health care providers in certain markets (H.B. 331).
134 48. Cost of Health Care for Bleeding Disorders - to study the cost of health care for
135 people with bleeding disorders, including health insurance and possible Medicaid coverage.
136 49. Cost of Insurance Coverage - to study and determine the reasonable cost for
137 requiring the responsible parent to have insurance coverage.
138 50. Coverage for Bleeding Disorders - to study an insurance cap and funding issues
139 related to bleeding disorders.
140 51. DCFS Involvement in Protective Orders - to study the involvement of the Division
141 of Child and Family Services in the issuing of child protective orders.
142 52. DCFS Ombudsman Changes - to study ombudsman changes in the Division of
143 Child and Family Services (S.B. 54).
144 53. Dental School Tuition - to study the subsidizing of tuition for some students at
145 Creighton University School of Dentistry.
146 54. Guardian Ad Litem - to study the duties and functions of the Guardian Ad Litem
147 Office.
148 55. Health Insurance Reimbursement for Emergencies - to study health insurance
149 reimbursement for emergency room trauma level 1 and level 2 visits and whether the insurance
150 discount for level 1 trauma cases should be discontinued.
151 56. Hunger - to study issues related to hunger in Utah.
152 57. Limited Health Plans - to study audits of limited health plans.
153 58. Maternity Health Care - to study requiring accident and health insurers to cover
154 infertility treatment when the insurer offers maternity coverage (S.B. 221).
155 59. Medicaid Reimbursement - to study Medicaid reimbursement rates for dentists.
156 60. Medical Reserve Corps - to study issues related to the development of a Medical
157 Reserve Corps in Utah to provide additional medical services in times of disaster.
158 61. Midwifery - to study whether the state should license certified direct-entry
159 midwives.
160 62. Pharmaceutical Cost Reduction - to study benefits to consumers of dispensing,
161 where appropriate, generic drugs (1st Sub. H.B. 69).
162 63. Prescription Drug Pricing Data - to study consumer access to prescription drug
163 pricing data.
164 64. Prescription Drugs for Seniors - to study Arizona's CoppeRX prescription drug
165 program, which offers discounts on generic and brand name prescription drugs for seniors.
166 65. Protective Custody of Abused, Neglected, or Dependent Children - to study the
167 process followed by peace officers and Division of Child and Family Services workers in both
168 the determination to take a child into protective custody and the manner in which the custody is
169 effected (1st. Sub. H.B. 151).
170 66. Public Reporting of Medical Data - to study the need for periodic public reporting
171 of morbidity and mortality rates for all hospitals and doctors, with breakdowns by appropriate
172 category; prices for all procedures or services offered by pharmacies, doctors, and hospitals;
173 maximum allowable charge that each insurance company makes for all procedures and
174 diagnosis-related groups; hospital error rates; and all malpractice payments over $50,000 made
175 by any health care provider, including hospitals.
176 67. Reporting of Electro Shock Therapy - to study whether to require physicians to
177 report their use of electro shock therapy (H.B. 257).
178 68. Adoption Law - to study adoption law revisions (H.B. 276).
179 69. Child Support Arrearages and Parental Rights - to study whether child support
180 arrearages should be divested at the time of the termination of parental rights, as Section
181 78-3a-413 seems to indicate, or whether parents whose parental rights have been terminated
182 pay child support arrearages as debt.
183 70. Child Support Termination - to study the abatement or termination of child support
184 when children are alienated from the noncustodial parent by the custodial parent.
185 71. Custodial and Noncustodial Parents - to study issues related to custodial and
186 noncustodial parents.
187 72. Division of Property in Divorce - to study whether marital property is equitably
188 divided in cases of divorce.
189 73. Divorce Decrees if Trial Delayed - to study whether Utah judges should be
190 authorized to issue a divorce decree, including issues of custody and division of property, when
191 the parties have exceeded trial deadlines from one year of filing for the divorce.
192 74. Duration of Child Support - to study whether the Office of Recovery Services
193 should be required to collect on unpaid child support until the last child is 26.
194 75. Impact of Child Support on Driver License Privileges - to study the administrative
195 suspension of driver licenses for failure to pay child support.
196 76. Justice Court Appeals - to study the rights of appeal from Justice (municipal)
197 Courts.
198 77. Marriage Preparation Education - to study ways to encourage married couples to
199 engage in education on issues critical to achieving marriage longevity and reducing discord and
200 divorce (H.B. 7).
201 78. Mediation in Divorce - to study the expansion of the mediation program in
202 divorces involving children.
203 79. Privacy of Radio Frequency - to study rights of privacy related to radio frequency
204 identification.
205 80. Recall Election Process - to study the recall of elected officials (H.B 316 and
206 H.J.R. 14).
207 81. Referendum and Election - to study municipal referendum and election processes.
208 82. Termination of Parental Rights Related to Child Support - to study clarifying the
209 intent of the statutory language on the termination of parental rights regarding the collection of
210 previously accrued arrears in child support.
211 83. Abandoned Vehicles - to study the increasing problems caused by illegally
212 abandoned vehicles.
213 84. Asset Forfeiture - to study whether federal seizures are conducted in accordance
214 with state forfeiture procedures and whether the resultant proceeds pass through the
215 state-mandated redistribution scheme.
216 85. Background Checks for Those in Contact with Children - to study cost-effective
217 methods of conducting criminal background checks on government employees and others who
218 have contact with children and the general public.
219 86. Counterfeiting Medical Devices - to study issues related to the counterfeiting of
220 medical devices.
221 87. Cross Burning - to study prohibitions against burning crosses in certain locations
222 (H.B. 246).
223 88. Funding Treatment for Sex Offenders - to study how treatment is currently funded
224 and how to address needs.
225 89. Notice of Child Protective Orders - to study whether child protective orders should
226 be reported to UBCI so probation officers can determine whether the orders have been violated
227 by probationers.
228 90. Pound Seizure - to study Utah's pound seizure law.
229 91. Recodifying Youth Corrections - to study the recodification of Utah Code Title
230 62A, Chapter 7, Youth Corrections.
231 92. Traffic Accident Response - to study whether exceptions should be allowed to the
232 current tow truck rotation system, administered by the Department of Public Safety, to allow an
233 officer to use a closer tow truck to clear the accident to restore the traffic flow (H.B. 212).
234 93. Transmitting Computer Viruses - to study the crime of transmitting computer
235 viruses.
236 94. Unsolicited Pornographic E-mail - to study ways to stop unsolicited pornographic
237 e-mail.
238 95. Waiver of Claims - to study issues related to the waiver of claims by minors.
239 96. Weapons Law Exemptions - to study exemptions to weapons laws related to an off
240 duty police officer.
241 97. Animal Diseases - to study preventive steps to address various animal diseases.
242 98. Animal Feeding Issues - to study total daily maximum load as it relates to water
243 pollutants, animal feeding operations, and confined animal feeding operations.
244 99. Bottle Recycling - to study requiring a deposit on the purchase of certain beverage
245 containers, providing for a refund of the container deposit, and other recycling issues (H.B.
246 338).
247 100. Brine Shrimp Royalties - to study issues related to brine shrimp royalties on the
248 Great Salt Lake.
249 101. Brownfield Legislation - to study legislation related to preparing land for reuse.
250 102. Cache Valley and St. George Air Quality - to study issues related to Cache Valley
251 and St. George air quality.
252 103. Drainage Water Rights - to study what effect wells, diversions, or development
253 have when a water right includes an entire drainage.
254 104. Fees for Imported Waste - to study whether to require municipal and county
255 landfills to pay the same fees as commercial landfills if they accept waste generated beyond
256 their boundaries.
257 105. Filing and Perfecting of Water Rights - to study changes to water appropriation
258 provisions to provide an application of beneficial use for public agencies (H.B. 104).
259 106. Ground Water Management - to study cases where more water than the safe
260 annual yield of an aquifer could be withdrawn based on existing water rights.
261 107. Impact of Wildlife - to study codes for building in high risk areas and other
262 impacts of wildlife.
263 108. Livestock Identification Program - to study the impact to the state of the national
264 livestock identification program.
265 109. Nuclear Waste Transportation - to study high level nuclear waste transportation.
266 110. Participation in Federal Programs - to study the federal programs in which the
267 Department of Natural Resources participates.
268 111. Pesticide Misuse - to study the effects of pesticide spraying on beekeeping
269 businesses.
270 112. Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund - to study whether to privatize the Petroleum
271 Storage Tank Trust Fund.
272 113. Solvency of Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund - to study the solvency of the
273 Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund.
274 114. Subdivision Development Partnership - to study environmental, wastewater, and
275 drinking water issues related to subdivision development partnerships.
276 115. Test Wells - to study the appropriate use of test wells (for water) to make sure
277 they are used properly to test for location and quality of water, but not used to improperly
278 appropriate water.
279 116. Water Rights Transfer - to study ways to help water companies and their
280 members against suits for denying water rights transfer requests.
281 117. Watershed Management - to study issues related to watershed management.
282 118. Wildfires - to study issues related to wildfires.
283 119. Wildlife - to study issues related to wildlife, including costs, sensitive species,
284 and building codes.
285 120. Associations of Governments - to study placing in state statute the existing seven
286 associations of governments.
287 121. County Option Funding for Botanical, Cultural, Recreational, and Zoological
288 Organizations or Facilities - to study changing the definition of "recreational facility" to include
289 a "cultural facility" and defining "cultural facility" (H.B. 125).
290 122. County Powers to Condemn Water - to study whether counties should have the
291 power of eminent domain in order to allow them, or special districts established by them, to
292 condemn water rights.
293 123. County Recorder Amendments and GRAMA Revisions - to study changing
294 certain county recorder fees and establishing that placing endorsements, references, or other
295 notes on an instrument of record is not a prohibited act, and review what changes should be
296 made to GRAMA (S.B. 116 and H.B. 287).
297 124. GIS and Political Subdivision Boundaries - to study ways county surveyors,
298 county recorders, and others might coordinate with the state to improve the accuracy of
299 cadastral and political subdivisions boundary Geographic Information System information.
300 125. Land Use Development Act - to study land use procedures and changes to the
301 County and Municipal Land Use Development and Management Acts.
302 126. Land Use Management - to study the recodification of County and Municipal
303 Land Use Development and Management Acts.
304 127. Lobbyists for Cities and Counties - to study whether tax dollars should be used to
305 pay lobbyists hired by cities and counties.
306 128. Municipal Boards of Examiners - to study the establishment of county and city
307 boards of examiners (S.B. 153).
308 129. Municipal Fee Repeals - to study the repeal of fees in clerk and recorder offices.
309 130. Municipal Water Rate Variances - to study the reasons for different water rates
310 between county and city residents served by a city water utility, and options for county
311 residents served by a city water utility to increase their representation.
312 131. Prosecution Costs for Small Counties - to study the creation of a pool for
313 prosecuting capital crimes similar to the pool for capital defense costs.
314 132. Redevelopment Agencies - to study various issues relating to Redevelopment
315 Agencies.
316 133. Sewer Service Outside a Local Government Entity - to study whether to require
317 local government entities that provide sewer service to allow property outside the entity to
318 hook into sewer service without annexing if the property to be served is uphill and it would be
319 impractical to receive service from the entity in which the property is located.
320 134. Variance Requirements - to study Board of Adjustment requirements to grant a
321 variance.
322 135. Electric Generation Competitive Bids - to study the enactment of an Electric
323 Reliability and Transparency Act (S.B. 198).
324 136. Government Data Development - to study the development of key data that will
325 help legislative and executive branch agencies better address the growth of the technology
326 industry.
327 137. HELP Program Classification - to study whether the HELP program is a third
328 party transaction as described in Utah Code Section 54-4-37.
329 138. Impact of Utility Rates on Decisionmaking - to study making the economic
330 impact of utility rates a major part of Public Service Commission decisions.
331 139. Information Technology Governance - to study and review information
332 technology governance and efficiency in state government.
333 140. Internet Provider Disclosure of Information - to study the disclosure of personally
334 identifiable information by an Internet business and the importance of ensuring privacy (H.B.
335 216).
336 141. Power Plants and Transmission Corridors - to study power plants and
337 transmission corridor-related issues including additional capacity needs, siting, permitting, etc.
338 142. PSC Approval Prior to Construction - to study requiring the Public Service
339 Commission to approve projects for expansion or operation, over a certain dollar amount,
340 before construction.
341 143. Regulation of Cable Companies - to study the Public Service Commission's
342 regulation of cable companies (H.B. 167).
343 144. Security of Public Utilities - to study whether public utility security information
344 is exempted from GRAMA requirements.
345 145. Alternatives to Individual Income Tax - to study whether to replace the individual
346 income tax with a consumption tax or a flat tax.
347 146. Apportionment of Taxable Income Under the State Corporate Income Tax - to
348 study the statutory formula and when taxable income is apportioned under the state corporate
349 income tax.
350 147. Central Assessment in Property Tax Rate Calculation - to study how to include
351 changes in the value of centrally assessed firms attributable to inflation in the calculation of the
352 certified property tax calculation.
353 148. Clean Air Discounts and Tax Credits - to study the use of corporate franchise and
354 income tax credit and the individual income tax credit for a vehicle manufactured to use clean
355 fuel and the use of a clean fuel loan or grant under certain conditions (S.B. 213).
356 149. Corporate Accountability - to study requiring a person that receives certain tax
357 incentives or other financial incentives to prepare an annual public report containing the
358 amount of financial benefit the person receives (S.B. 57).
359 150. Education Access to Income Tax Monies - to study a 1996 proposition (which
360 passed) that allowed higher education to access income tax monies versus keeping monies in
361 public education.
362 151. Factors in Calculating the Property Tax Rate - to study whether to include
363 redemptions, penalties, and interest from property taxes when calculating the property tax
364 certified rate.
365 152. Fee Structure for Motor Homes - to study creating a statewide uniform fee that
366 applies exclusively to motor homes (H.J.R. 11).
367 153. Local Option Sales Tax - to study the allocation of local option sales and use
368 taxes.
369 154. North American Industrial Classification - to study how to adopt the North
370 American Industrial Classification system in the tax code.
371 155. Property Tax System - to study whether to reform the state's property tax system.
372 156. Purchase Price Reduction Coupons - to study the taxability of purchase price
373 reduction coupons.
374 157. Review of Tax Credits - to study whether tax credits should have a ten-year
375 sunset date to require the Legislature to review tax credits and affirmatively renew tax credits if
376 they are still valid.
377 158. Sales and Use Taxes - to study whether to change certain sales and use tax
378 exemptions currently in place (S.B. 31).
379 159. Severance Tax - to study severance tax issues, including point of assessment or
380 collection, pricing and production in calculating the tax amount, and value fluctuation.
381 160. State and Corporate Income Tax - to study the corporate income tax allocation
382 formula, state income tax, and collection procedures.
383 161. Tax Treatment by Municipalities of Satellite and Cable Television Services - to
384 study issues related to taxes and fees imposed by municipalities on satellite and cable television
385 services.
386 162. Taxing Income From Military Service - to study the taxing of income received
387 from active duty military service (H.B. 117).
388 163. Telecommunications Tax - to study issues related to a telecommunications tax.
389 164. Benefits and Reimbursements - to study state employee benefits and the entire
390 reimbursement package.
391 165. Employee Benefits - to study medical and retirement benefits for part-time state
392 employees.
393 166. Retirement - to study and review all retirement plans.
394 167. Retirement and Health Systems - to study retirement and Public Employees
395 Health Plan issues.
396 168. Retirement Board Modifications - to study board membership, open meetings,
397 reports, scope of coverage, and issues such as whether the Legislature should mandate
398 investment practices and whether health benefits should be separated from pension benefits.
399 169. Retirement for Charter Schools - to study the issues and make a final
400 recommendation on whether charter schools should be included or excluded from the Utah
401 State Retirement System (H.B. 108).
402 170. State Health Plans - to study and review all state employee health plans.
403 171. Audit of Division of Motor Vehicles - to study and review the performance audit
404 of the Division of Motor Vehicles.
405 172. Bid Limit on Road Construction - to study the requirement for bid limit
406 estimating size of project on government-constructed B and C road construction.
407 173. Fund-Raising License Plates - to study issues related to fund-raising license
408 plates.
409 174. Handicap Parking Permits for Motorcycles - to study allowing persons assisting a
410 handicapped person on a motorcycle to park with them.
411 175. Notice of Traffic Laws - to study ways to inform drivers of traffic laws through
412 use of signs, website, etc. (H.B. 333).
413 176. Off-Highway Vehicles - to study issues related to off-highway vehicles.
414 177. Out-of-State Registration - to study out-of-state vehicle and R.V. registration.
415 178. Speed Lanes - to study the restructuring of speed lanes for commercial vehicles.
416 179. Toll Roads - to study the feasibility of using "hot lanes" on toll roads on portions
417 of Utah's interstate system.
418 180. Traffic Code - to study recodifying the traffic code, Title 41, Chapter 6, Traffic
419 Rules and Regulation.
420 181. Traffic School Limit - to study limiting the number of traffic school completions
421 a person can have to avoid a traffic ticket.
422 182. Uninsured and Unregistered Motorists - to study ways to reduce the number of
423 motorists who are driving with no automobile insurance and revoked registration.
424 183. Use of Photo Radar Technologies - to study current technology and costs of
425 photo red light and photo radar with the objective of providing local law enforcement with an
426 additional tool of traffic safety and enforcement and public protection from injury and fatality.
427 184. Aerospace and Aviation Development Zone - to study instrument and other
428 requirements for an airport to qualify as an Aerospace and Aviation Development Zone (S.B.
429 74).
430 185. Capital Gains Exemption for Economic Development - to study implementing a
431 state capital gains exemption for investors to create investment incentive to support technology
432 companies in the state.
433 186. Impacts on the Family Employment Program - to study the impact of "pausing the
434 clock" on the Family Employment Program.
435 187. Increasing Flow of Federal Grants to Utah - to study implementing a
436 comprehensive plan for developing higher levels of federal grant money flowing to Utah
437 business.
438 188. State Incentive Best Practices for Technology - to study best practices of other
439 states for state-sponsored incentives to aid growth of middle, early, and start-up stage
440 technology companies.
441 189. Dynamic Fiscal Notes - to study whether to incorporate truth into fiscal
442 forecasting by requiring an analysis of the benefits of tax exceptions and reductions in revenues
443 resulting from legislation in addition to the static recitation of revenue losses only.
444 190. Connecting Names to Legislation or Programs - to study the policy and whether it
445 is appropriate to connect an individual's name with legislation or a program.
446 191. Timing of Committee Report Distribution - to study distributing a hard copy of
447 House Rules Committee reports, and other committee reports, to all members of the House
448 before the vote on the reports.
Legislative Review Note
as of 3-3-04 4:19 PM
A limited legal review of this legislation raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns.