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February 24, 2004
Room 129, State Capitol Building

MEMBERS PRESENT:    Rep. Margaret Dayton, Chair
        Rep. Merlynn T. Newbold, Vice Chair
        Rep. LaVar Christensen
        Rep. John Dougall
        Rep. James A. Ferrin
        Rep. James R. Gowans
        Rep. Ann W. Hardy
        Rep. Kory M. Holdaway
        Rep. David L. Hogue
        Rep. Gregory H. Hughes
        Rep. Bradley T. Johnson
        Rep. Brad King
        Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
        Rep. Loraine T. Pace
        Rep. LaWanna Shurtliff        
STAFF PRESENT:    Constance C. Steffen, Policy Analyst
        Cindy Baker, Committee Secretary

Note: List of visitors and copy of handouts are filed with committee minutes.

Chair Dayton called the meeting to order at 7:33 a.m. and welcomed committee members.

MOTION:    Rep. Ferrin moved to accept the minutes of February 13, 16, and 19, 2004. The     motion passed unanimously with Rep. Christensen, Rep. Dougall, Rep. Hogue,     Rep. Hughes, Rep. Newbold, Rep. Moss and Rep. Shurtliff absent for the vote.

S.C.R. 4    Resolution Recognizing 50th Anniversary of Landmark Case of Brown V. Board of Education (Sen. J. Evans)

MOTION:    Rep. Holdaway moved to pass out S.C.R 4 with a favorable recommendation.     The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Dougall, Rep. Hogue, Rep. Hughes
    Rep. Newbold, and Rep. Shurtliff absent for the vote.

H.B. 107    Appropriation to Meet Highly Qualified Teacher Standards (Rep. K. Holdaway)

Rep. Holdaway introduced H.B.107 and said that this bill creates a grant program to help pay
expenses of teachers in meeting federal highly qualified teacher requirements.

The following spoke in favor of the bill:
Susan Kusiak, Utah Education Association

The following spoke to the bill:
Geoff Leonard, Utah School Employees Association

MOTION:    Rep.Johnson moved to pass H.B.107 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep.     Dayton, Rep. Hughes, and Rep. Ferrin voting in opposition and Rep. Dougall and     Rep.Newbold, absent for the vote.

S.B. 40    Cesar Chavez Scholarship Program (Sen. J. Evans)

Sen. Evans introduced S.B.40 and said th bill creates within an existing state financial aid program, the Cesar Chavez Scholarship Program.

MOTION:    Rep. King moved to pass S.B.40 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep.     Pace voting in opposition and Rep. Dougall absent for the vote.

S.B. 154    School Building Legislative Task Force (Sen. H. Stephenson)

MOTION:    Rep. Ferrin moved to pass S.B.154 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep.
    Pace and Rep. Shurtliff voting in opposition and Rep. Dougall absent for the vote.

H.B. 224    Repeal of Public Education Amendments (Rep. J. Buffmire

Rep. Buffmire introduced H.B.224 and said the bill repeals amendments to the Public Education Code and Elections Code made in S.B.154, Public Education Amendments, of the 2003 General Session.

MOTION:    Rep. Holdaway moved to delete line 26 and reinstate the original language in lines     165 through 169 and renumber accordingly. The motion passed unanimously with     Rep. Dougall absent for the vote.

The following spoke in favor of the bill:
Gary Cameron, Utah School Boards Association and Utah School Superintendents Association
Pat Rusk, Utah Education Association

The following spoke in opposition to the bill:
Tom Bingham, President of Utah Business Coalition

MOTION:    Rep. Ferrin moved to move to the next item on the agenda.

MOTION:    Rep. King moved to pass H.B.224 out with a favorable recommendation.. The     motion failed with Rep. Gowans, Rep. Moss, Rep. Shurtliff, Rep. Hogue,          Rep.King, Rep. Holdaway, and Rep. Pace voting in favor of the motion.

MOTION:    Rep. Ferrin moved to adjourn. The motion passed with Rep. Gowans, Rep. Moss,     Rep. Shurtliff, and Rep. King voting in opposition.

Chair Dayton adjourned the meeting at 9:01 a.m.

            ____________________________                 Rep. Margaret Dayton, Chair