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Friday, February 13, 2004

Members Present:    Rep. Craig W. Buttars, Chair
    Rep. Darin G. Peterson, Vice Chair
    Rep. Eli H. Anderson
    Rep. Roger E. Barrus
    Rep. David N. Cox
    Rep. Margaret Dayton     Rep. Glenn A. Donnelson     Rep. James R. Gowans
    Rep. Bradley T. Johnson
    Rep. Michael E. Noel
    Rep. Michael R. Styler
    Rep. David Ure

Members Absent:    Rep. Stephen H. Urquhart

Members Excused:    Rep. Jackie Biskupski

Staff Present:
    Brian Allred, Policy Analyst
            Bethany Brady, Committee Secretary
Note:     A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Buttars called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Donnelson moved to adopt the committee meeting minutes of February 11, 2004. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Cox, Rep. Johnson, Rep. Noel, Rep. Styler, and Rep. Ure absent for the vote.

1st Sub. S.B. 138    Fishing and Hunting License Amendments (Sen. D. Gladwell)

Sen. Gladwell introduced the bill with the assistance of Miles Moretti, Division of Wildlife Resources.

MOTION:    Rep. Peterson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Cox, Rep. Dayton, Rep. Johnson, and Rep. Styler absent for the vote.

H.B. 138    Trespassing on State Park Lands (Rep. S. Allen)

Rep. Allen introduced the bill with the assistance of Pat Nolan, Attorney General's Office, and Steve Roberts, State Parks and Recreation. They responded to questions from the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Peterson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Johnson absent for the vote.

H.B. 158    Water Shares in a Municipal Water Company (Rep. G. Hughes)

Rep. Hughes introduced the bill with the assistance of Rick Campbell, Chairman of Public Service Commission, and Rep. LaVar Christensen.

Spoke to the bill:    Fred Finlinson, Summit Water
            Margaret Bird, citizen
            Charlie Evans, Draper City

MOTION:    Rep. Peterson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

1st Sub. H.B. 119    Fencing Responsibilities with Greenbelt or Conservation Easement (Rep. D. Ure)

The bill was not discussed in committee.

H.B. 283    Department of Agriculture and Food Amendments (Rep. D. Ure)

MOTION:    Rep. Ure moved to adopt 1st Substitute HB 283. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Johnson and Rep. Noel absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Ure moved to amend the bill as follows:

        Page 16, Line 471: after the word "the" insert "registration of weights and measures users and" and after "issuance of" delete "a weights and measures"

        Page 16, Line 472: delete "registration to" and insert "certification of" and before "to" delete "users" and insert "devices"

        The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Johnson and Rep. Noel absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Ure moved to amend the bill as follows:

        Page 17, Line 498:     after "users;" delete "and"
        Page 17, Line 499:     after "date" delete "." and insert "; and"
        Page 17, Line 499:     after Line 499 insert "(c) the number and type of weights                 devices to be certified."

        The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Johnson and Rep. Noel absent for the vote.
Rep. Ure introduced the bill with the assistance of Chris Surnich, Department of Food and Agriculture.

Spoke to the bill:    Wes Quinton, Utah Farm Bureau
            Jim Olsen, Utah Food Industry Association

MOTION:    Rep. Gowans moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Barrus, Rep. Dayton, and Rep. Donnelson voting in opposition and Rep. Johnson and Rep. Noel absent for the vote.

H.B. 146    County Cooperative Agreements with State for Fire Protection (Rep. C. Buttars)

Bill was not discussed in committee.

H.B. 349    Department of Agriculture and Food Audit Requirements (Rep. C. Buttars)

Bill was not discussed in committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Donnelson moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Buttars adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m.


                     Rep. Craig W. Buttars, Chair