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Room 223 - State Capitol Building

February 3, 2004

COMMITTEE MEMBERS:    Rep. Kory M. Holdaway, Chair
                Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Vice Chair
            Rep. Ralph Becker
            Rep. D. Gregg Buxton
            Rep. Brad L. Dee
            Rep. Carl W. Duckworth
            Rep. Ann W. Hardy
            Rep. Joseph G. Murray

MEMBERS ABSENT:    Rep. Duane E. Bourdeaux        
        Rep. David L. Hogue

STAFF PRESENT:    Joseph Wade, Policy Analyst
        Karen Holt, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Vice-chair Barrus called the meeting to order at 4:14 p.m.

Motion:    Rep. Holdaway moved to adopt the minutes of January 30, 2004. The motion passed              unanimously with a vote of 6-0-4, with Reps. Becker, Bourdeaux, Dee and Hogue absent         for the vote.

H.B. 111    Municipal Government Amendments (Rep. W. Harper)

Motion:    Rep. Buxton moved to delete in title and body H.B. 111 and to replace it with 1st Substitute         H.B. 111. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-0-4, with Reps. Becker,              Bourdeaux, Dee and Hogue absent for the vote.     

Rep. Harper introduced the substitute bill.

Julie Fisher, Fruit Heights, spoke for the bill.
Eileen Moss, Fruit Heights, spoke for the bill.
Virginia Loader, Taylorsville City Recorder, spoke to the bill.
Sarah Wilhelm, Utah Issues, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Steve Erickson, Utah Housing Coalition, spoke to the bill.
Jodi Hoffman, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke to the bill.
Taz Biesinger, Home Builders Association, spoke for the bill.

Motion:    Rep. Becker made a motion to adopt the following amendment:

        Remove from the bill all amendments made to the moderate income housing provisions by         deleting from the bill lines 19, 20, and 41, and lines 329 through 390.

Substitute Motion:    Rep. Holdaway moved to adopt the following amendments:

1.    Page 12, Lines 353 through 355 :    

             353          (3) [Before December 31, 1998, each municipal] The legislative body of each city of
             354      the first, second, [ [ or ] ] third
  , or fourth       class shall, as part of its general plan, adopt a plan for moderate

             355      income housing within that municipality.

2.    Page 13, Lines 373 through 377 :    

             373          (5) (a) After adoption of a plan for moderate income housing under Subsection (3), the
             374      legislative body of each city [that is located within a county of the first or second class and of
             375      each other city] of the first, second,
[[   or   ]] third      [[   [   ]] , or fourth      [[   ]   ]] class shall annually:

             376          (i) review the plan and its implementation; and
             377          (ii) prepare a report setting forth the findings of the review.

3.    Page 13, Lines 387 through 390 :    

             387          (c) The legislative body of each city [that is located within a county of the first or
             388      second class and of each other city] of the first, second,
[[   or   ]] third      [[   [   ]] , or fourth      [[   ]   ]] class shall send a

             389      copy of the report under Subsection (5)(a)(ii) to the Department of Community and Economic
             390      Development and the association of governments in which the municipality is located.

The substitute motion passed with a vote of 7-1-2, with Reps. Barrus, Buxton, Dee, Duckworth, Hardy, Holdaway and Murray voting yes, and Rep. Becker voting no, with Reps. Bourdeaux and Hogue absent for the vote.

Motion:    Rep. Dee moved that the committee report a favorable recommendation on 1st Substitute         H.B. 111 as amended. The motion passed with a vote of 7-1-2, with Reps. Barrus, Buxton,         Dee, Duckworth, Hardy, Holdaway and Murray voting yes, and Rep. Becker voting no, with         Reps. Bourdeaux and Hogue absent for the vote.

Motion:    Rep. Holdaway moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting              adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

                    Kory M. Holdaway, Chair