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Room 305, State Capitol

February 16, 2004

Members Present:    Rep. David Clark, Chair    
    Rep. Ann W. Hardy, Vice Chair     Rep. Eli H. Anderson
    Rep. Ron Bigelow
    Rep. Judy Ann Buffmire
    Rep. James A. Ferrin     Rep. Rebecca Lockhart
    Rep. Merlynn T. Newbold
Members Absent:    Rep. Neil A. Hansen     
Staff Present:
    Mr. Benjamin N. Christensen, Policy Analyst
    Mr. Dee S. Larsen, Associate General Counsel             Ms. Greta Rodebush, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.     

     Vice Chair Hardy called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Anderson moved to approve the minutes of January 30, 2004. The motion         passed unanimously with Rep. Bigelow, Rep. Ferrin, and Rep. Lockhart absent         for the vote.

H.B. 263    State Retirement System Amendments (Rep. B. King)

Representative King explained the bill to the committee.

Robert Newman, Executive Director, Utah Retirement Systems, spoke to the bill.

Jim Eldredge , Utah Education Association, and Corey Landeen, Utah Public Employees Association, spoke in support of the bill.

MOTION:    Representative Clark moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed         unanimously with Representative Ferrin and Representative Lockhart absent for         the vote.

Vice Chair Hardy informed the committee that HB 290 Insurance and Retirement for Charter School Employees (Rep. M. Newbold) had been heard earlier in another committee and will not be heard again at this meeting.

H.B. 108    Insurance and Retirement for Charter School Employees (Rep. M. Newbold)

Representative Newbold explained the bill to the committee.

Robert Newman, Utah Retirement Systems, spoke to the bill.

Jeff Leonard, Utah School Employees Association, spoke in opposition to the bill.

Jim Eldredge, Utah Education Association, expressed some concerns with the bill.

Julie Adamic, Director, John Hancock Charter School, and Max Meyer, Business Manager, American Preparatory Academy of Draper, spoke in favor of the bill.

MOTION:    Representative Ferrin moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed         with Representative Anderson, Representative Bigelow, and Representative         Buffmire voting in opposition.

MOTION:    Representative Clark moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.

Vice Chair Hardy adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

                    Rep. David Clark, Chair