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Members Present:    Sen. Curtis Bramble, Chair
    Sen. Ron Allen
    Sen. Gregory Bell
    Sen. Leonard M. Blackham
    Sen. Mike Dmitrich
    Sen. David Gladwell.
    Sen. Howard A. Stephenson
    Sen. Michael Waddoups

Staff Present:    Bryant Howe, Policy Analyst
    Jeanne Wride, Committee Secretary
Public Speakers Present:    Lee Peacock, Utah Petroleum Association
    Bruce Johnson, Utah State Tax Commission
    Craig Bickmore, Utah Automobile Dealers Association
    Bob Portlock, Senior Coalition
    Linda Hilton, Coalition of Religous Services
    Mike Jerman, Utah Taxpayers Association
    Tom Peterson, Utah State Office of Prosicuters
    Mike Katsanevas, Pawnbroker
    Christina Walters, Utah Council on Victim of Crime
    Jane Silverbackford, Cash America
    Roger Ball, Utah Committee of Consumer Services

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed withthe committee minutes.

    Chair Bramble called the meeting to order at 4:20 p.m.
1.     S.B. 191 OIL AND GAS RELATED TAXES AND FEES (Sen. B. Evans)

Sen. Evans presented the bill to the committee.

    Lee Peacock, Utah Petroleum Association, and Bruce Johnson, Utah State Tax Commission,     spoke to the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Gladwell moved to pass S. B. 191 out of committee with a favorable     recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

2.     S.B. 31 SALES AND USE TAX AMENDMENTS (Sen. E. Mayne)

Sen. Mayne presented the bill to the committee.

    Craig Bickmore, Utah Automobile Dealers Association; Bob Portlock, Senior Coalition; and     Linda Hilton, Coalition of Religeous Services; spoke in favor of the bill. Mike Jerman, Utah
    Taxpayers Association, spoke in opposition.     
     MOTION: Sen. Stephenson moved to consider the next item on the agenda..

    The motion passed unanimously.     
3.     S.B. 192 LOAN TRANSACTIONS AMENDMENTS (Sen. M. Waddoups)

    Sen. Waddoups presented the bill to the committee.

     MOTION: Sen. Waddoups moved to amend S.B. 192 as follows:

1.    Page 1, Lines 7 through 9 :    

             7      General Description:
             8          This bill creates the Pawnshop Transaction Information Act within the Department of
     Financial Institutions   ]]
  Commerce       . The bill establishes record keeping and reporting requirements

2.    Page 2, Line 44 :    

             44          .    creates a Pawnshop Advisory Board within the Department of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       ;

3.    Page 2, Lines 56 through 57 :    

             56      Other Special Clauses:
             57          This bill provides an effective date
  and a repeal date       .

4.    Page 6, Lines 180 through 181 :    

             180      account.
  (4)(a) Any entity submitting a bid to create, maintain, and operate the database pursuant to the request for proposal conducted by the Division of Purchasing and General Services a\may not hold any financial or operating interest in any pawnshop in any state.

    (b) The division of Purchasing and General Services, in conjunction with the Pawnshop Advisory Board, shall verify before a bid is awarded that the selected entity meets the requirements of Subsection (4)(a).

    (c) If any entity is awarded a bid under this Subsection (4) and is later found to hold any interest in violation of Subsection (4)(a), the award is subject to being opened again for request for proposal.  

             181          Section 6. Section 13-32a-106 is enacted to read:

5.    Page 8, Lines 215 through 216 :    

             215          (8) All civil penalty payments under Subsection (7) shall be remitted to the Department
             216      of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       , which shall deposit the fees in the account.

6.    Page 8, Line 225 :    

             225      penalty of $50 a day to the Department of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       for each daily report required

7.    Page 11, Lines 314 through 317 :    

             314          (1) On and after January 1, 2005, each pawnshop in operation shall annually pay $250
             315      to the Department of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       , to be deposited in the account.

* * * Some lines not shown * * *

             317      use of the database shall annually pay to the Department of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       a fee of $2

8.    Page 11, Line 325 :    

             325          (1) There is created within the Department of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       the Pawnshop

9.    Page 12, Line 346 :    

             346          (4) (a) Each
[[   pawnshop   ]]        pawnbroker       in operation as of January 1 shall ensure

10.    Page 12, Lines 365 through 366 :    

             365      shall be paid to the Department of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       , which shall deposit them in the

             366      account.

11.    Page 12, Line 367 through Page 13, Line 369 :    

             367          (b) The Legislature may appropriate the funds in this account

to the board for the costs

             368      of providing training required under this chapter, costs of the central database created in
             369      Section 13-32a-105 , and for costs of operation of the board
  ; and

(ii) to the Department of Commerce for management of fees and penalties paid under this chapter  

12.    Page 13, Lines 370 through 371 :    

             370          (c) The board shall account to the Department of
[[   Financial Institutions   ]]        Commerce       for

             371      expenditures.

13.    Page 21, Lines 633 through 634 :    

             633          This bill takes effect on January 1, 2005, except that Section 13-32a-105 takes effect on
             634      December 1, 2004.
  Section 18. Repeal date.

    This bill is repealed on May 2, 2005.  

The motion passed unanimously.

Tom Peterson, Utah State Office of Prosecuters; Mike Katsanevas, Pawnbroker; and Christina Walters, Utah Council on Victims of Crime, spoke in favor of the bill. Jane Silverbackford, Cash America, spoke to the bill.
    MOTION: Sen. Bell moved to pass S.B. 192, as amended, out of committee with a     favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Gladwell and Sen. Stephenson absent for the vote.

4.      2nd SUB H.B. 36 MANAGEMENT ENHANCEMENT, AND FUNDING OF 911 (Rep.     B. Dee)

Rep. Dee presented the bill to the committee.

Sen. Blackham moved to amend 2nd Sub. H.B. 36 as follows:

1.    Page 2, Line 39 :    

             39          .    $
[[  3.2   ]]       3.9       million from the Statewide Unified E-911 Emergency Service Fund to the Utah

2.    Page 4, Line 103 :    

             103      Subsection (2)
[[  (c)   ]]       (b)(i)       , that association shall select the person to represent it on the commission;

3.    Page 8, Lines 223 through 224 :    

             223          (A) the reimbursement under this Subsection (1)(b) does not exceed the
[[  percentage

             224      established by the Utah 911 Committee in accordance with  
  amount allowed by       Subsection 53-10-602 (3);

4.    Page 8, Line 227 :    

             227      the committee;

5.    Page 10, Line 298 :    

             298      Subsection
[[  53-1-604 (2)(b)   ]]       53-10-604(2)(b)       , shall be deposited monthly in the statewide unified E-911

6.    Page 15, Line 458 :    

             458          (1) $
[[  3.2   ]]       3.9       million from the Statewide Unified E-911 Emergency Service Fund for fiscal

7.    Page 16, Line 477 :    

             477      charge in Subsection 69-2-5.6 (1) from
[[  14   ]]       13       cents per month to 8 cents per month.

The motion passed with Sen. Bell, Sen. Gladwell, and Sen. Stephenson absent for the     vote.

Roger Ball, Utah Committee of Consumer Services, spoke in opposition to the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Dmitrich moved to pass 2nd Sub. H.B. 36 out of committee with a favorable     recommendation.

    The motion passed with Sen. Stephenson voting in opposition and Sen. Gladwell and Sen.     Bell absent for the vote.

     MOTION: Sen. Blackham moved to adjourn.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Gladwell and Sen. Bell absent for the vote.

    Chair Bramble adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m.

    Minutes recorded by Jeanne Wride, Committee Secretary

            Sen. Curtis Bramble, Committee Chair