H.R. 1 to H.R. 12

| | Overall Bill List

H.R. 1 -- House Rules Resolution - Lobbyist Code of Ethics Amendments (Rep. Ure, D.)
Last Update: 3 March 2005, 1:52 AM
H.R. 2 -- Resolution Supporting Permanent Repeal of Federal Inheritance Tax (Rep. Morley, M.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:24 PM
H.R. 3 -- Resolution Supporting Congressional Privatization of Social Security (Rep. Morley, M.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:26 PM
H.R. 4 -- Resolution Urging United States Senate Support of President's Supreme Court Nominees (Rep. Morley, M.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:27 PM
H.R. 5 -- House Rules Resolution - Oral Declaration of Conflict of Interest (Rep. Ure, D.)
Last Update: 3 March 2005, 1:56 AM
H.R. 6 -- House Rules Resolution - Electronic Voting Board (Rep. Ure, D.)
Last Update: 15 March 2005, 7:41 AM
H.R. 7 -- House Rules Resolution - Minority Report (Rep. Ure, D.)
Last Update: 17 February 2005, 5:19 PM
H.R. 7 Second Substitute -- House Rules Resolution - Committee Report (Rep. Ure, D.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:29 PM
H.R. 8 -- Resolution Encouraging State Research Universities to Focus on Enhancing State Trust Lands (Rep. Hutchings, E.)
Last Update: 3 March 2005, 1:56 AM
H.R. 9 -- House Resolution Discouraging Participation in Free Trade Areas of the Americas (Rep. Donnelson, G.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:33 PM
H.R. 10 -- Resolution Supporting Participation of Taiwan in World Health Organization (Rep. Last, B.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:35 PM
H.R. 11 -- Resolution Urging Congress to Pass Balanced Budget Amendment (Rep. Hansen, N.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:37 PM
H.R. 12 -- Resolution Honoring Hollace (holly) Parker (Rep. Holdaway, K.)
Last Update: 5 April 2005, 1:38 PM

| | Overall Bill List

Last Revised: 5 April 2005, 2:28 PM