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H.B. 177 Enrolled





Sponsor: Margaret Dayton

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill amends wildlife license refund provisions to provide for a refund if a person
                  becomes ill or suffers an injury that precludes that person from being able to participate
                  in the activity for which the license, certificate, or permit was issued.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    amends wildlife license refund provisions to provide for a refund if a person
                  becomes ill or suffers an injury that precludes that person from being able to
                  participate in the activity for which the license, certificate, or permit was issued.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      23-19-38, as last amended by Chapter 140, Laws of Utah 1998
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 23-19-38 is amended to read:
                       23-19-38. Sales of licenses, certificates, or permits final -- Exceptions --
                  Reallocation of surrendered permits.
                      (1) Sales of all licenses, certificates, or permits are final, and no refunds may be made
                  by the division except as provided in Subsection (2).

                      (2) The division may refund the amount of the license, certificate, or permit if:
                      (a) the division or the Wildlife Board discontinues the activity for which the license,
                  certificate, or permit was obtained;
                      (b) the division determines that it has erroneously collected a fee;
                      (c) (i) [a] the person [is not able to participate in a permitted activity due to illness or
                  injury] to whom the license, certificate, or permit is issued becomes ill or suffers an injury that
                  would preclude that person from being able to participate in the activity for which the license,
                  certificate, or permit was obtained;
                      (ii) the person furnishes verification of illness or injury from a physician; [and]
                      (iii) the person does not actually participate in the activity for which the license,
                  certificate, or permit was obtained; and
                      [(iii)] (iv) the license, certificate, or permit is surrendered before the end of the season for
                  which the permit was issued [begins]; or
                      (d) the person to whom the license, certificate, or permit is issued dies prior to that
                  person's being able to participate in the activity for which the license, certificate, or permit was
                      (3) The division director may reallocate surrendered permits in accordance with rules
                  adopted by the Wildlife Board.

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