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H.B. 208 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Paul Ray

Senate Sponsor: David L. Thomas

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill clarifies the disposition of property that comes into the possession of peace
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    adds intangible property to the definition of property;
                      .    requires that the agency make a diligent effort to return property no longer needed to
                  its lawful owner as soon as possible;
                      .    allows a person whose property has been seized as evidence to petition the court for
                  its return; and
                      .    allows the court to determine disposition of property after giving notice to the
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      77-24-1, as last amended by Chapter 104, Laws of Utah 1995
                      77-24-1.5, as last amended by Chapter 156, Laws of Utah 1998
                      77-24-2, as last amended by Chapter 118, Laws of Utah 2003
                      77-24-4, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1992

                      77-24-5, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1992
                      77-24a-1, as repealed and reenacted by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1992
                      77-24a-5, as last amended by Chapter 10, Laws of Utah 1992
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 77-24-1 is amended to read:
                       77-24-1. Definitions.
                      As used in this chapter:
                      [(1) "Custodial property" means tangible property:]
                      [(a) that comes into the possession of a peace officer through execution of a search
                      [(b) that comes into the possession of a peace officer pursuant to an arrest of a person,
                  with or without a warrant;]
                      [(c) that he received or took as evidence in connection with any public offense; or]
                      [(d) that comes into the possession of a municipal or county animal control officer.]
                      [(2)] (1) "Intangible property" means:
                      (a) money, checks, drafts, deposits, interest, dividends, and income;
                      (b) credit balances, customer overpayments, gift certificates, security deposits, refunds,
                  credit memos, unpaid wages, unused airline tickets, and unidentified remittances;
                      (c) stocks and other intangible ownership interests in business associations;
                      (d) money deposited to redeem stocks, bonds, coupons, and other securities or to make
                      (e) amounts due and payable under the terms of insurance policies; and
                      (f) amounts distributable from a trust or custodial fund established under a plan to
                  provide health, welfare, pension, vacation, severance, retirement, death, stock purchase, profit
                  sharing, employee savings, supplemental unemployment insurance, or similar benefits.
                      (2) "Property" means any tangible or intangible property that is not seized for forfeiture
                  pursuant to Title 24, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform Forfeiture Procedures Act, that:

                      (a) comes into the possession of a peace officer through execution of a search warrant;
                      (b) comes into the possession of a peace officer pursuant to an arrest of a person, with or
                  without a warrant;
                      (c) is received or taken as evidence in connection with any public offense; or
                      (d) comes into the possession of a municipal or county animal control officer.
                      (3) "Tangible property" means all property that is not intangible property.
                      Section 2. Section 77-24-1.5 is amended to read:
                       77-24-1.5. Safekeeping by officer pending disposition -- Records required -- Stray
                      (1) Each peace officer shall:
                      (a) hold [custodial] all property in safe custody:
                      (i) until it is received into evidence; or
                      (ii) if it is not used as evidence, until it can be disposed of as provided in this chapter;
                      (b) maintain a proper record of the [custodial] property that identifies:
                      (i) the owner of the [custodial] property, if known; and
                      (ii) the case for which it was taken or received and is being held.
                      (2) (a) Each municipal or county animal control officer shall hold any unidentified or
                  unclaimed stray dog or stray cat in safe and humane custody for a minimum of three working
                  days after the time of impound prior to making any final disposition of the animal, including:
                      (i) placement in an adoptive home or other transfer of the animal, which shall be in
                  compliance with Title 10, Chapter 17, Municipal Animal Shelter Pet Sterilization Act, or Title
                  17, Chapter 42, County Animal Shelter Pet Sterilization Act; or
                      (ii) euthanasia.
                      (b) An unidentified or unclaimed stray dog or stray cat may be euthanized prior to the
                  completion of the three working day minimum holding period to prevent unnecessary suffering
                  due to serious injury or disease, if the euthanasia is in compliance with written established
                  agency or department policies and procedures, and with any local ordinances allowing the

                      (c) An unidentified or unclaimed stray dog or stray cat shall be returned to its owner
                      (i) proof of ownership;
                      (ii) compliance with requirements of local animal control ordinances; and
                      (iii) compliance with Title 10, Chapter 17, Municipal Animal Shelter Pet Sterilization
                  Act, or Title 17, Chapter 42, County Animal Shelter Pet Sterilization Act.
                      Section 3. Section 77-24-2 is amended to read:
                       77-24-2. Property not needed as evidence -- Return procedure.
                      (1) [Custodial property] Property which is not needed as evidence shall be returned to the
                  owner, if the owner may lawfully possess it, or disposed of in accordance with this chapter [if the
                  owner may lawfully possess it].
                      (2) (a) When the peace officer or the officer's employing agency becomes aware that the
                  property is not needed as evidence, the officer or the agency shall [advise] inform the prosecuting
                  attorney that the property is not needed and [shall] provide a description and details of
                      (b) When the prosecuting attorney is [advised] informed or otherwise becomes aware
                  that the property is not needed as evidence, the prosecutor shall authorize release of the property
                  to the owner.
                      (c) When the peace officer or the officer's employing agency becomes aware that any
                  property is to be returned to its owner, the officer or employing agency shall exercise due
                  diligence in attempting to notify the rightful owner that the property is to be returned.
                      (d) If the property is a weapon, the peace officer shall dispose of it in accordance with
                  Section 76-10-525 .
                      [(c)] (e) (i) Upon proof of ownership and of lawfulness of possession satisfactory to the
                  evidence custodian, the custodian shall release the property to the owner.
                      (ii) If the evidence custodian is unable to locate an owner of the property or if the owner
                  is not entitled to lawfully possess the property, the agency having custody of the property shall

                  dispose of the property in accordance with Section 77-24-4 .
                      (3) (a) When [custodial] property is received in evidence, the clerk of the court last
                  receiving it shall retain the property or the clerk shall return the property to the custody of the
                  peace officer. The property shall be retained by the clerk or the officer until all direct appeals
                  and retrials are final, at which time the property shall be returned to the owner in accordance with
                  this chapter. If the property was seized for forfeiture, it shall be held and disposed of as provided
                  in Title 24, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform Forfeiture Procedures Act.
                      (b) If the prosecuting attorney considers it necessary to retain control over the evidence,
                  in anticipation of possible collateral attacks upon the judgment or for use in a potential
                  prosecution, he may decline to authorize return of the property to the owner.
                      Section 4. Section 77-24-4 is amended to read:
                       77-24-4. Disposition of property.
                      (1) As used in this section, "public interest use" includes:
                      (a) use by a government agency as determined by the legislative body of the agency's
                  jurisdiction; and
                      (b) donation to a bona fide charity.
                      (2) If the [custodial] property is not claimed by the owner [before the expiration of three
                  months from the receipt of notice] following the notice or attempted notice required in Section
                  77-24-2 , or if the owner is unknown and no claim of ownership has been made, the agency
                  having possession of the [custodial] property may [either]:
                      (a) appropriate the property [for] to public interest use as provided in Subsection (3); [or]
                      (b) sell the property at public auction, as provided by law and appropriate the proceeds
                  of the sale to [its own] public interest use[.]; or
                      (c) destroy the property if unfit for sale.
                      (3) Before appropriating the [custodial] property [for] to public interest use, the agency
                  having possession of the property shall obtain from the legislative body of its jurisdiction:
                      (a) permission to appropriate the property to public interest use; and
                      (b) the designation and approval of the public interest use of the property.

                      (4) A person claiming ownership of property seized as evidence in a criminal matter may
                  petition the court for its return. After sufficient notice is given to the prosecutor, the court may
                  order that the property be:
                      (a) returned to the rightful owner as determined by the court;
                      (b) applied toward restitution, fines, or fees in an amount set by the court;
                      (c) converted to public interest use; or
                      (d) destroyed.
                      (5) Property ordered returned to the rightful owner shall be returned as expeditiously as
                      Section 5. Section 77-24-5 is amended to read:
                       77-24-5. Property seized from person -- Duplicate receipts.
                      (1) When tangible or intangible property is seized with or without a warrant, the peace
                  officer seizing it shall at the time deliver a receipt to the person from whom it is taken and file a
                  duplicate in the office of the agency employing the officer.
                      (2) If the property is seized for forfeiture, a written notice pursuant to Section 24-1-4 may
                  serve as the receipt, and a duplicate filed in the office of the agency employing the officer.
                      (3) If [the] custody of the property is transferred to another police agency or the property
                  is placed in evidence, a copy of the receipt shall accompany it until disposition of the property is
                  made in accordance with applicable law.
                      Section 6. Section 77-24a-1 is amended to read:
                       77-24a-1. Definitions.
                      As used in this chapter:
                      (1) "Intangible property" includes:
                      (a) money, checks, drafts, deposits, interest, dividends, and income;
                      (b) credit balances, customer overpayments, gift certificates, security deposits, refunds,
                  credit memos, unpaid wages, unused airline tickets, and unidentified remittances;
                      (c) stocks and other intangible ownership interests in business associations;
                      (d) money deposited to redeem stocks, bonds, coupons, and other securities or to make

                      (e) amounts due and payable under the terms of insurance policies; and
                      (f) amounts distributable from a trust or custodial fund established under a plan to
                  provide health, welfare, pension, vacation, severance, retirement, death, stock purchase, profit
                  sharing, employee savings, supplemental unemployment insurance, or similar benefits.
                      (2) "Tangible property" means all property that is not intangible property.
                      (3) (a) "Unclaimed property" means [tangible] any property that comes into the
                  possession of a peace officer or law enforcement agency:
                      (i) that remains unclaimed by any person identifying himself as the owner of the
                  [tangible] property; or
                      (ii) for which no owner can be found after a reasonable and diligent search.
                      (b) "Unclaimed property" includes [tangible] any property coming into the possession of
                  the law enforcement agency [as evidence or] by delivery from persons claiming to have found the
                      (c) "Unclaimed property" does not include [tangible] property governed by Title 77,
                  Chapter 24, Disposal of Property Received by Peace Officer.
                      Section 7. Section 77-24a-5 is amended to read:
                       77-24a-5. Disposition of unclaimed property.
                      (1) (a) If the owner of any unclaimed property cannot be determined or notified, or if he
                  is determined and notified, and fails to appear and claim the property after three months of its
                  receipt by the local law enforcement agency, the agency shall:
                      (i) publish at least one notice of the intent to dispose of the unclaimed property in a
                  newspaper of general circulation within the county; and
                      (ii) post a similar notice in a public place designated for notice within the law
                  enforcement agency.
                      (b) The notice shall:
                      (i) give a general description of the item; and
                      (ii) the date of intended disposition.

                      (c) The agency may not dispose of the unclaimed property until at least eight days after
                  the date of publication and posting.
                      (2) (a) If no claim is made for the unclaimed property within nine days of publication and
                  posting, the agency shall notify the person who turned the property over to the local law
                  enforcement agency, if it was turned over by a person under Section 77-24a-3 .
                      (b) Except as provided in Subsection (4), if that person has complied with the provisions
                  of this chapter, he may take the unclaimed property if he:
                      (i) pays the costs incurred for advertising and storage; and
                      (ii) signs a receipt for the item.
                      (3) If the person who found the unclaimed property fails to take the property under the
                  provisions of this chapter, the agency shall dispose of that property and any other property that is
                  not claimed under this chapter as provided by Section 77-24-4 .
                      (4) Any person employed by a law enforcement agency who finds [tangible] property
                  may not claim or receive property under this section.

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