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H.B. 218 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: J. Stuart Adams

Senate Sponsor: Gregory S. Bell

                  Douglas C. Aagard
                  Sheryl L. Allen
                  Roger E. Barrus
                  D. Gregg Buxton
                  Brad L. Dee
                  Ben C. FerryJulie Fisher
Kerry W. Gibson
Neil A. Hansen
Ann W. Hardy
Fred R. Hunsaker
Bradley G. LastJoseph G. Murray
Curtis Oda
Paul Ray
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
Stephen H. Urquhart                  
                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This bill adds one juvenile judge to the second judicial district.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This bill:
                      .    increases the number of juvenile judges in the second judicial district to six.
                  Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
                  Other Special Clauses:
                  Utah Code Sections Affected:
                      78-1-2.3, as last amended by Chapter 150, Laws of Utah 2004
                  Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
                      Section 1. Section 78-1-2.3 is amended to read:
                       78-1-2.3. Number of juvenile judges and jurisdictions.
                      The number of juvenile court judges shall be:

                      (1) two juvenile judges in the First Juvenile District;
                      (2) [five] six juvenile judges in the Second Juvenile District;
                      (3) nine juvenile judges in the Third Juvenile District;
                      (4) four juvenile judges in the Fourth Juvenile District;
                      (5) two juvenile judges in the Fifth Juvenile District;
                      (6) one juvenile judge in the Sixth Juvenile District;
                      (7) two juvenile judges in the Seventh Juvenile District; and
                      (8) one juvenile judge in the Eighth Juvenile District.

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