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H.C.R. 3 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Bradley G. Last

Senate Sponsor: Thomas V. Hatch

                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor gives approval for the
                  construction and operation of a Class VI commercial landfill to receive construction
                  and demolition waste. The landfill is to be known as the Purgatory Landfill and is to be
                  operated by ONP, LLC.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This resolution:
                      .    provides that the landfill is to be located south of Washington City in Washington
                  County, Utah;
                      .    provides that the proposed landfill is to accept construction and demolition waste as
                  a Class VI landfill and that the landfill will place an emphasis in its operations on
                  recycling materials it receives;
                      .    provides that the landfill application is currently in the statutorily required approval
                  process through the Department of Environmental Quality and that this process will
                  likely not conclude prior to the end of this 2005 General Session;
                      .    provides that the required local government approval of the proposed facility has
                  been granted; and
                      .    provides that the legislative and gubernatorial approval required by statute and as
                  stated in this resolution will only take effect after the end of this 2005 General
                  Session if the granting of approval by the Department of Environmental Quality
                  takes place on or before July 1, 2005.

                  Special Clauses:
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
                      WHEREAS, ONP, LLC, desires to operate a Class VI commercial landfill to receive
                  solely construction and demolition waste, as defined in Section 19-6-102 of the Utah Code, for
                  treatment, storage, or disposal;
                      WHEREAS, the site of the proposed landfill is located south of Washington City in
                  Washington County;
                      WHEREAS, the site of the proposed landfill is a parcel of approximately 57 acres,
                  located in Section 17, Township 42 South, Range 14 West, Salt Lake Baseline and Meridian of
                  Washington County;
                      WHEREAS, Section 19-6-108 of the Utah Code requires that the applicant for authority
                  to operate a commercial landfill must receive approval from the local government and the
                  applicant has received this approval;
                      WHEREAS, Section 19-6-108 of the Utah Code also requires that an applicant for
                  authority to operate a commercial landfill receive approval from the Utah State Legislature and
                  the Governor of Utah as a part of the approval process;
                      WHEREAS, Section 19-6-108 also requires that an applicant for authority to construct
                  and operate a commercial landfill receive approval from the executive secretary of the Solid
                  and Hazardous Waste Control Board within the Department of Environmental Quality prior to
                  receiving legislative and gubernatorial approval;
                      WHEREAS, ONP, LLC has submitted a proposed operation plan for a Class VI
                  commercial construction and demolition waste landfill to the Department of Environmental
                  Quality, and the Department of Environmental Quality is in the process of preparing a draft
                  permit to be made available for public comment as part of the approval process; and
                      WHEREAS, due to the time requirements of the approval process, if the Department of
                  Environmental Quality gives final approval for the permit to ONP, LLC, it likely will be after the

                  adjournment sine die of this 2005 General Session of the Legislature:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature, the Governor concurring
                  therein, that ONP, LLC, is granted approval to construct and operate a Class VI commercial
                  construction and demolition waste landfill at the specified site to the west of Washington City in
                  Washington County, State of Utah, but only subject to and contingent upon the Department of
                  Environmental Quality having granted final approval for having issued the permit for this landfill
                  on or before July 1, 2005.

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