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H.C.R. 7 Enrolled






Sponsor: Michael E. Noel

                  Ralph Becker
                  DeMar Bud Bowman
                  Craig W. Buttars
                  David Clark
                  David N. Cox
                  Brad L. DeeJames R. Gowans
David L. Hogue
Brad King
Todd E. Kiser
Bradley G. Last
Steven R. MascaroKaren W. Morgan
Patrick Painter
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
David Ure
Stephen H. Urquhart                  
                  LONG TITLE
                  General Description:
                      This concurrent resolution of the Legislature and the Governor strongly urges the
                  Federal Government not to resume nuclear testing at its Nevada Test Site.
                  Highlighted Provisions:
                      This resolution:
                      .    recalls the devastation caused to the health of thousands of citizens by previous
                  nuclear testing at the Federal Government's Nevada Test Site; and
                      .    strongly urges the Federal Government not to resume nuclear testing at its Nevada
                  Test Site.
                  Special Clauses:
                  Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
                      WHEREAS, nuclear testing began at the Federal Government's Nevada Test Site in
                      WHEREAS, according to the United States Department of Energy's Nevada Operations
                  Office, 45 of the 515 announced nuclear weapons tests that occurred between 1961 and 1984
                  released radioactivity beyond the testing site;

                      WHEREAS, many Utahns and many other citizens living downwind of those tests
                  suffered as a result of being "active participants" in the nation's nuclear testing program;
                      WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of Utah supports a strong military defense, but
                  not at the expense of its citizens through renewed nuclear testing;
                      WHEREAS, as part of its recognition of the 50th Anniversary of nuclear testing at the
                  Nevada Test Site in the 2001 General Session, the 54th Legislature of the state of Utah expressed
                  "the fervent desire and commitment to assure that such a legacy will never be repeated";
                      WHEREAS, surviving "downwinders" who continue to suffer today know their fight
                  against renewed nuclear testing will not benefit them personally because it is too late for them;
                      WHEREAS, surviving downwinders fight renewed nuclear testing for the sake of their
                  children and grandchildren;
                      WHEREAS, a resumption of nuclear testing at the Federal Government's Nevada Test
                  Site would mean a return to the mistakes and miscalculations of the past which have marred
                  many Utahns;
                      WHEREAS, a resumption of nuclear testing essentially means the creation of a new
                  generation of downwinders;
                      WHEREAS, a resumption of nuclear testing at the Federal Government's Nevada Test
                  Site would verify the axiom that those who fail to learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed
                  to repeat them;
                      WHEREAS, the resumption of nuclear testing at the Federal Government's Nevada Test
                  Site would signify a dramatic step backward in the United States of America's resolve to learn
                  from its tragic nuclear testing legacy;
                      WHEREAS, the "Wind Wall" is a planned monument to pay tribute to the people who
                  lost their lives to nuclear testing, those who are battling downwinder-related diseases now, and
                  for those who have lost loved ones because of nuclear testing;
                      WHEREAS, it is intended that the Wind Wall be placed in or near Washington County,
                  Utah, as residents of that county were the most impacted by nuclear fallout; and
                      WHEREAS, the state of Utah has an obligation to its citizens, especially those who have

                  suffered so much, to do all in its power to ensure that the lingering wounds from nuclear testing
                  are not reopened to afflict both current and future generations:
                      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
                  Governor concurring therein, strongly urge that the United States Government not resume
                  nuclear testing at its Federal Government's Nevada Test Site.
                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the President of
                  the United States, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Majority
                  Leader of the United States Senate, Downwinders, Inc., and the members of Utah's congressional

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