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H.J.R. 8 Enrolled
General Description:
This joint rules resolution provides guidelines for using legislative seals.
Highlighted Provisions:
This resolution:
. authorizes legislators to use the legislative seals on materials for official legislative
. prohibits the use of legislative seals in campaign materials and when a person's
legislative service ends;
. authorizes the Senate and House to provide a member, upon request, a copy of the
Senate or House seal; and
. requires legislators, in using legislative seals, to protect the reputation and integrity
of the legislative institution.
Special Clauses:
This resolution provides an immediate effective date.
Legislative Rules Affected:
Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. JR-12.02 is enacted to read:
JR-12.02. Authorized Use of Legislative Seal.
(1) As used in this rule:
(a) "Legislative business" means activities performed by a legislator, during the
legislator's term of office that are within the course and scope of the work of a legislator.
(b) "Legislative business" includes the use of the legislative seal on letterhead,
memoranda, facsimile cover sheets, news releases, and other materials.
(c) "Legislative seal" means the emblem of the Utah State Senate or Utah House of
Representatives designed and adopted by each body to authenticate official communications of
the body or its members.
(2) (a) Each legislator shall ensure that, in using the legislative seal, the reputation and
integrity of the legislative institution is preserved.
(b) A legislator may use the legislative seal for legislative business on personalized
legislative stationary, business cards, and on other documents.
(c) The legislative seal may not be used on any political campaign materials.
(d) A person may not use the seal for any purpose once the person ceases to be a
(3) The Senate and House shall provide to a member, upon request, an electronic or
camera-ready copy of the legislative seal.
Section 2. Effective date.
This resolution takes effect upon approval by a constitutional majority vote of all
members of the Senate and House of Representatives.
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