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H.B. 16






Sponsor: Neal B. Hendrickson

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill repeals the Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    repeals the Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission; and
             13          .    makes technical changes.
             14      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             15          None
             16      Other Special Clauses:
             17          None
             18      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             19      AMENDS:
             20          41-6-142, as enacted by Chapter 242, Laws of Utah 1979
             21      REPEALS:
             22          41-15-1, as enacted by Chapter 71, Laws of Utah 1963
             23          41-15-2, as enacted by Chapter 71, Laws of Utah 1963
             24          41-15-3, as last amended by Chapter 9, Laws of Utah 1975, First Special Session
             25          41-15-4, as last amended by Chapter 120, Laws of Utah 1994
             26          41-15-5, as enacted by Chapter 71, Laws of Utah 1963
             27          41-15-6, as enacted by Chapter 71, Laws of Utah 1963

             28          41-15-7, as enacted by Chapter 71, Laws of Utah 1963
             29          41-15-8, as enacted by Chapter 71, Laws of Utah 1963
             30          41-15-9, as last amended by Chapter 120, Laws of Utah 1994
             31          41-15-10, as last amended by Chapter 120, Laws of Utah 1994
             32          41-15-11, as last amended by Chapter 120, Laws of Utah 1994
             33          41-15-12, as enacted by Chapter 71, Laws of Utah 1963
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 41-6-142 is amended to read:
             37           41-6-142. Department to adopt standards for lights and other equipment --
             38      Compliance with federal standards -- Trademark or brand name.
             39          [(a)] (1) The department shall adopt standards for lamps, reflectors, hydraulic brake
             40      fluids, seat belts, safety glass, emergency disablement warning devices, studded tires,
             41      motorcyclist helmets, eye protection devices and red rear bicycle reflectors.
             42          [(b)] (2) The department may adopt standards for safety equipment that must comply
             43      with standards of the United States Department of Transportation.
             44          [(c)] (3) All standards adopted under Subsections [(a)] (1) and [(b)] (2) shall conform,
             45      insofar as possible, with standards issued by the United States Department of Transportation
             46      and other federal agencies. If no federal standard is applicable, standards adopted by the
             47      department may conform with standards issued or endorsed by any recognized organization or
             48      agency such as, but not limited to, the [Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission,] American
             49      National Standards Institute and Society of Automotive Engineers; provided, however, that
             50      where any such standards adopted by the department either prohibit or require the sale or use of
             51      any equipment, device, or system, not prohibited or required under any federal standard, such
             52      standards shall only be adopted to abate a proven safety hazard caused by the use or lack of
             53      such equipment, device, or system, on vehicles operated within the state [of Utah], and shall,
             54      insofar as possible, be consistent with requirements adopted by other states.
             55          [(d)] (4) The department may adopt standards by reference provided the department
             56      makes copies of the standards available to any person requesting them.
             57          [(e)] (5) Any equipment described in Section 41-6-141.5 or any package containing the
             58      equipment shall bear the manufacturer's trademark or brand name unless it complies with

             59      identification requirements of the United States Department of Transportation or other federal
             60      agencies.
             61          Section 2. Repealer.
             62          This bill repeals:
             63          Section 41-15-1, Ratification.
             64          Section 41-15-2, Text of compact.
             65          Section 41-15-3, Department of Transportation to promote public safety.
             66          Section 41-15-4, Existing laws on equipment requirements -- When superseded.
             67          Section 41-15-5, Legislative approval of rules of Vehicle Equipment Safety
             68      Commission required.
             69          Section 41-15-6, Appointment of commissioner on Vehicle Equipment Safety
             70      Commission -- Designation and authority of alternate.
             71          Section 41-15-7, Coverage of employees of Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission
             72      under Public Employees Retirement System.
             73          Section 41-15-8, Cooperation of departments, agencies and officers of state.
             74          Section 41-15-9, Filing of documents with Department of Transportation.
             75          Section 41-15-10, Submission of budgets to Department of Transportation.
             76          Section 41-15-11, Inspection of accounts of Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission.
             77          Section 41-15-12,"Executive head" defined.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-7-04 8:43 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Interim Committee Note
    as of 12-07-04 2:10 PM

The Government Operations Interim Committee recommended this bill.

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