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H.B. 59





Sponsor: Carol Spackman Moss

             6      LONG TITLE
             7      General Description:
             8          This bill amends the section of the Cohabitant Abuse Procedures Act that provides for
             9      an enhanced offense and penalty for a subsequent domestic violence offense.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    defines terms;
             13          .    provides an enhancement for a domestic violence offense that:
             14              .    is committed within five years after a conviction for a qualifying domestic
             15      violence offense; or
             16              .    a person is convicted of within five years after a conviction for a qualifying
             17      domestic violence offense;
             18          .    clarifies that a plea of guilty or no contest that is held in abeyance is the equivalent
             19      of a conviction for purposes of enhancing a subsequent domestic violence offense
             20      and penalty, regardless of whether the offense pled to is reduced or dismissed after
             21      the plea is held in abeyance; and
             22          .    makes technical changes.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:
             26          None
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             28      AMENDS:
             29          77-36-1.1, as last amended by Chapter 296, Laws of Utah 1999
             31      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             32          Section 1. Section 77-36-1.1 is amended to read:
             33           77-36-1.1. Enhancement of offense and penalty for subsequent domestic violence
             34      offenses.
             35          [(1) When an offender is convicted of any]
             36          (1) For purposes of this section, "qualifying domestic violence offense" means:
             37          (a) a domestic violence offense in Utah[, or is convicted]; or
             38          (b) an offense in any other state, or in any district, possession, or territory of the United
             39      States, [of an offense] that would be a domestic violence offense under Utah law[, and is
             40      within a five-year period after the conviction subsequently charged with a domestic violence
             41      offense that is a misdemeanor, the offense charged and the punishment for that subsequent
             42      offense may be enhanced by one degree above the offense and punishment otherwise provided
             43      in the statutes described in Section 77-36-1 ].
             44          (2) A person who is convicted of a domestic violence offense is:
             45          (a) guilty of a class B misdemeanor if:
             46          (i) the domestic violence offense described in this Subsection (2) is designated by law
             47      as a class C misdemeanor; and
             48          (ii) (A) the domestic violence offense described in this Subsection (2) is committed
             49      within five years after the person is convicted of a qualifying domestic violence offense; or
             50          (B) the person is convicted of the domestic violence offense described in this
             51      Subsection (2) within five years after the person is convicted of a qualifying domestic violence
             52      offense;
             53          (b) guilty of a class A misdemeanor if:
             54          (i) the domestic violence offense described in this Subsection (2) is designated by law
             55      as a class B misdemeanor; and
             56          (ii) (A) the domestic violence offense described in this Subsection (2) is committed
             57      within five years after the person is convicted of a qualifying domestic violence offense; or
             58          (B) the person is convicted of the domestic violence offense described in this

             59      Subsection (2) within five years after the person is convicted of a qualifying domestic violence
             60      offense; or
             61          (c) guilty of a felony of the third degree if:
             62          (i) the domestic violence offense described in this Subsection (2) is designated by law
             63      as a class A misdemeanor; and
             64          (ii) (A) the domestic violence offense described in this Subsection (2) is committed
             65      within five years after the person is convicted of a qualifying domestic violence offense; or
             66          (B) the person is convicted of the domestic violence offense described in this
             67      Subsection (2) within five years after the person is convicted of a qualifying domestic violence
             68      offense.
             69          [(2)] (3) For purposes of this section, a plea [in abeyance is considered a conviction] of
             70      guilty or no contest to any qualifying domestic violence offense in Utah which plea is held in
             71      abeyance under Title 77, Chapter 2a, Pleas in Abeyance, is the equivalent of a conviction, even
             72      if the charge has been subsequently reduced or dismissed in accordance with the plea in
             73      abeyance agreement.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-28-04 11:19 AM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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