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First Substitute H.B. 115

Representative Paul Ray proposes the following substitute bill:




Sponsor: Paul Ray

             5      David LitvackSteven R. Mascaro              6     
             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill creates the Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board and transfers oversight of the
             10      Children's Trust Account from the Child Abuse Advisory Council and the Board of
             11      Child and Family Services to the Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board created by this
             12      bill.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    defines terms;
             16          .    changes the name of the Children's Trust Account to the Children's Trust Fund;
             17          .    describes how funds in the Children's Trust Fund may be used;
             18          .    creates, within the Department of Health, the Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board
             19      and lists the duties and powers of the board;
             20          .    grants the board the authority to administer the Children's Trust Fund;
             21          .    establishes membership of the board;
             22          .    provides for the organization of the board, including:
             23              .    the appointment of a chair; and
             24              .    the creation of committees;
             25          .    provides that members of the board serve without pay, but are entitled to a per diem

             26      and reimbursement for expenses;
             27          .    creates the position of executive director of the Children's Trust Fund and
             28      establishes the executive director's duties;
             29          .    provides for staff support of the board;
             30          .    eliminates the responsibility of the Child Abuse Advisory Council and the Board of
             31      Child and Family Services to oversee the Children's Trust Account or Children's
             32      Trust Fund; and
             33          .    makes technical changes.
             34      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             35          None
             36      Other Special Clauses:
             37          None
             38      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             39      AMENDS:
             40          26-2-12.5, as last amended by Chapter 202, Laws of Utah 1995
             41          62A-4a-311, as last amended by Chapter 246, Laws of Utah 2003
             42      ENACTS:
             43          26-7a-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             44          26-7a-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          26-7a-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46          26-7a-106, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             47          26-7a-107, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             48          26-7a-108, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49          26-7a-109, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             50      RENUMBERS AND AMENDS:
             51          26-7a-103, (Renumbered from 62A-4a-309, as last amended by Chapter 321, Laws of
             52      Utah 2000)
             53          26-7a-104, (Renumbered from 62A-4a-310, as renumbered and amended by Chapter
             54      260, Laws of Utah 1994)
             56      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

             57          Section 1. Section 26-2-12.5 is amended to read:
             58           26-2-12.5. Certified copies of birth certificates -- Fees credited to Children's
             59      Trust Fund.
             60          (1) In addition to the fees provided for in Section 26-1-6 , the department and local
             61      registrars authorized to issue certified copies shall charge an additional $3 fee for each certified
             62      copy of a birth certificate, including certified copies of supplementary and amended birth
             63      certificates, under Sections 26-2-8 through 26-2-11 . This additional fee may be charged only
             64      for the first copy requested at any one time.
             65          (2) The fee shall be transmitted monthly to the state treasurer and credited to the
             66      Children's Trust [Account] Fund established in Section [ 62A-4a-309 ] 62A-99-103 .
             67          Section 2. Section 62A-4a-311 is amended to read:
             68           62A-4a-311. Child Abuse Advisory Council -- Creation -- Membership --
             69      Expenses.
             70          (1) (a) There is established the Child Abuse Advisory Council composed of no more
             71      than 25 members who are appointed by the board.
             72          (b) Except as required by Subsection (1)(c), as terms of current council members
             73      expire, the board shall appoint each new member or reappointed member to a four-year term.
             74          (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(b), the board shall, at the time
             75      of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of council
             76      members are staggered so that approximately half of the council is appointed every two years.
             77          (d) The council shall have geographic, economic, gender, cultural, and philosophical
             78      diversity.
             79          (e) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             80      appointed for the unexpired term.
             81          (2) The council shall elect a chairperson from its membership at least biannually.
             82          (3) (a) Members shall receive no compensation or benefits for their services, but may
             83      receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties at
             84      the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             85          (b) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
             86          (4) (a) The council shall hold a public meeting quarterly.
             87          (b) Within budgetary constraints, meetings of the council may also be held on the call

             88      of:
             89          (i) the chair[,]; or [of]
             90          (ii) a majority of the members.
             91          (c) Thirteen members of the council shall constitute a quorum at any meeting [and the].
             92          (d) The action of the majority of the members present at a meeting shall be the action
             93      of the council.
             94          (5) The council shall advise the board on matters relating to child abuse and neglect.
             95      [The council shall also recommend to the board how funds contained in the Children's Trust
             96      Account shall be allocated.]
             97          Section 3. Section 26-7a-101 is enacted to read:

             99          26-7a-101. Title.
             100          This chapter is known as the "Children's Trust Fund."
             101          Section 4. Section 26-7a-102 is enacted to read:
             102          26-7a-102. Definitions.
             103          As used in this chapter:
             104          (1) "Board" means the Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board created in Section
             105      26-7a-106 .
             106          (2) "Child abuse and neglect" means the same as the term "child abuse or neglect"
             107      defined in Section 62A-4a-402 .
             108          (3) "Executive director" means the executive director of the Children's Trust Fund
             109      described in Section 26-7a-109 .
             110          (4) "Trust fund" means the Children's Trust Fund created under Section 26-7a-103 .
             111          Section 5. Section 26-7a-103 , which is renumbered from Section 62A-4a-309 is
             112      renumbered and amended to read:
             113           [62A-4a-309].     26-7a-103. Children's Trust Fund.
             114          (1) There shall be a restricted account within the General Fund [to] that shall be known
             115      as the Children's Trust [Account] Fund. [This account is for crediting of]
             116          (2) The trust fund shall receive:
             117          (a) allocations and contributions from government and private sources; [and from
             118      appropriate]

             119          (b) revenues received under Section 26-2-12.5 for child abuse and neglect prevention
             120      programs described in Section [ 62A-4a-305 ] 26-7a-105 ; and
             121          (c) interest earned on the trust fund.
             122          [(2)] (3) Money shall be:
             123          (a) appropriated from the [account] trust fund to the [division] board by the Legislature
             124      under [the Utah] Title 63, Chapter 38, Budgetary Procedures Act[,]; and [shall be]
             125          (b) drawn upon by the executive director of the trust fund under the direction of the
             126      board.
             127          [(3)] (4) (a) [The Children's Trust Account] Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b),
             128      the trust fund may only be used [only] to implement prevention programs described in Section
             129      [ 62A-4a-305 , and may only be allocated to entities that provide a one-to-one match,
             130      comprising a match from the community of at least 50% in cash and up to 50% in in-kind
             131      donations, which is 25% of the total funding received from the Children's Trust Account. The
             132      entity that receives the statewide evaluation contract is excepted from the cash-match
             133      provisions of this Subsection (3)] 26-7a-105 .
             134          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a):
             135          (i) at least 10% of the funds received by the trust fund during the fiscal year shall be
             136      maintained as a trust investment; and
             137          (ii) not more than 10% of the funds received by the trust fund during the fiscal year
             138      may be used for the board's administrative expenses.
             139          (5) All funds received under Subsection (2) shall be:
             140          (a) accounted for and expended in compliance with the requirements of federal and
             141      state law; and
             142          (b) available to the board to fulfill the duties of the board.
             143          Section 6. Section 26-7a-104 , which is renumbered from Section 62A-4a-310 is
             144      renumbered and amended to read:
             145           [62A-4a-310].     26-7a-104. Funds -- Transfers and gifts.
             146          On behalf of the [Children's Trust Account, the department, through the division,] trust
             147      fund, the board may accept transfers, grants, gifts, bequests, or any money made available from
             148      any source to implement this [part] chapter.
             149          Section 7. Section 26-7a-105 is enacted to read:

             150          26-7a-105. Prevention programs.
             151          Programs contracted under this chapter:
             152          (1) shall be designed to provide child abuse and neglect prevention; and
             153          (2) may include community-based programs that:
             154          (a) relate to:
             155          (i) prenatal care;
             156          (ii) perinatal bonding;
             157          (iii) child growth and development;
             158          (iv) basic child care;
             159          (v) care of children with special needs;
             160          (vi) coping with family stress;
             161          (vii) crisis care;
             162          (viii) aid to parents;
             163          (ix) child abuse education;
             164          (x) support groups for:
             165          (A) abusive or potentially abusive parents; and
             166          (B) children of a parent described in Subsection (2)(a)(x)(A);
             167          (xi) early identification of families where the potential for child abuse and neglect
             168      exists;
             169          (xii) positive youth development;
             170          (xiii) mentoring;
             171          (xiv) academic enhancement;
             172          (xv) tutoring;
             173          (xvi) literacy; or
             174          (xvii) parent education;
             175          (b) include a component designed to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of, or reduce
             176      the risk of:
             177          (i) child abuse;
             178          (ii) child neglect;
             179          (iii) sexual molestation;
             180          (iv) sexual exploitation;

             181          (v) medical neglect; or
             182          (vi) educational neglect;
             183          (c) the board may consider potentially effective in reducing the incidence of family
             184      problems leading to child abuse or neglect; or
             185          (d) are designed to establish and assist community resources that prevent child abuse
             186      and neglect.
             187          Section 8. Section 26-7a-106 is enacted to read:
             188          26-7a-106. Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board -- Creation and membership --
             189      Appointments -- Terms -- Removal -- Nominating committee -- Executive committee --
             190      Subcommittees.
             191          (1) There is created within the Department of Health the Utah Child Abuse Prevention
             192      Board.
             193          (2) Subject to Subsection (3), the board is composed of 11 voting members as follows:
             194          (a) subject to Subsection (4):
             195          (i) the executive director of the Department of Workforce Services;
             196          (ii) the director of the Division of Community and Family Health Services within the
             197      Department of Health;
             198          (iii) the director of the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health within the
             199      Department of Human Services;
             200          (iv) the director of the Division of Child and Family Services within the Department of
             201      Human Services; and
             202          (v) the state superintendent of the Office of Education;
             203          (b) one member:
             204          (i) nominated by the chair of the Board of Child and Family Services within the
             205      Department of Human Services; and
             206          (ii) appointed by the Board of Child and Family Services within the Department of
             207      Human Services;
             208          (c) one member:
             209          (i) nominated by the chair of the Child Abuse Advisory Council within the Department
             210      of Human Services; and
             211          (ii) appointed by the Child Abuse Advisory Council within the Department of Human

             212      Services; and
             213          (d) as provided in Subsection (5), four members, nominated by the nominating
             214      committee, and appointed by the governor, representing each of the following:
             215          (i) one member representing private hospitals specializing in the care of children;
             216          (ii) two members representing nonprofit organizations that have a primary purpose of
             217      preventing child abuse and neglect; and
             218          (iii) one:
             219          (A) family practice physician;
             220          (B) pediatrician;
             221          (C) physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology; or
             222          (D) psychiatrist.
             223          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (5), if any of the positions or entities described in
             224      Subsections (2)(a) through (c) cease to exist, the position shall be filled by a person:
             225          (i) representing a position or entity similar to the position or entity that has ceased to
             226      exist;
             227          (ii) nominated by the nominating committee described in Subsection (5); and
             228          (iii) appointed by the governor.
             229          (b) Subject to Subsection (3)(c), a member appointed by the governor shall serve a
             230      three-year term.
             231          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(b), the executive committee of the board, described
             232      in Subsection (6), may adjust the length of the terms of the initial members to ensure that
             233      approximately 1/3 of the members appointed by the governor are appointed each year.
             234          (d) Members appointed by the governor may be removed:
             235          (i) by the governor for cause; or
             236          (ii) for an ethical violation, under the bylaws established in Subsection
             237      26-7a-108 (1)(a)(i)(C).
             238          (e) Members appointed by the governor may not serve more than five consecutive
             239      terms.
             240          (f) If a vacancy occurs in a position appointed by the governor, the governor shall
             241      appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the member being replaced.
             242          (4) A person described under Subsection (2)(a) may designate another person to serve

             243      as a member of the board in that person's place.
             244          (5) (a) The nominating committee of the board is created as follows:
             245          (i) subject to Subsection (5)(a)(ii), the nominating committee shall consist of five
             246      members of the board appointed by the board;
             247          (ii) the members of the initial nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board
             248      of Child and Family Services within the Department of Human Services; and
             249          (iii) after all initial members of the board are appointed, the initial nominating
             250      committee described in Subsection (5)(a)(ii) is dissolved and replaced by the nominating
             251      committee described in Subsection (5)(a)(i).
             252          (b) The nominating committee described in Subsection (5)(a) shall nominate for
             253      appointment by the governor to the board, the members described in Subsections (2)(d) and
             254      (3)(a).
             255          (c) In nominating members of the board, the nominating committee shall take into
             256      account the community's geographic, professional, cultural, and socio-economic diversity.
             257          (d) (i) The governor must appoint or reject the nomination of a person nominated by
             258      the nominating committee described in this Subsection (5) within 60 days of the day on which
             259      the governor is notified, in writing, of the nomination.
             260          (ii) If the governor does not appoint or reject a nominee within the time described in
             261      Subsection (5)(d)(i), the nominee shall be considered appointed by the governor.
             262          (6) The board shall establish an executive committee consisting of as many of the
             263      board's members as the board considers appropriate.
             264          (7) The board may establish subcommittees to assist the board in accomplishing the
             265      duties described in Section 26-7a-108 .
             266          Section 9. Section 26-7a-107 is enacted to read:
             267          26-7a-107. Action of the Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board -- Appointment of
             268      chair -- Meetings -- Members serve without compensation -- Reimbursement for
             269      expenses.
             270          (1) (a) A majority of the members of the board constitute a quorum.
             271          (b) The action of a majority of a quorum constitutes the action of the board.
             272          (2) The board shall appoint one of its members as chair.
             273          (3) (a) The chair shall call and hold meetings of the board at least bimonthly.

             274          (b) One or more additional meetings may be called upon request of a majority of the
             275      board's members.
             276          (4) (a) A member of the board who is not a government employee shall receive no
             277      compensation or benefits for the member's services, but may:
             278          (i) receive per diem, and expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official
             279      duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and
             280      63A-3-107 ; or
             281          (ii) decline to receive per diem and expenses for the member's service.
             282          (b) A member of the board who is a state government officer or employee and who
             283      does not receive salary, per diem, and expenses from the member's agency for the member's
             284      service may:
             285          (i) receive per diem and expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official
             286      duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and
             287      63A-3-107 ; or
             288          (ii) decline to receive per diem and expenses for the member's service.
             289          Section 10. Section 26-7a-108 is enacted to read:
             290          26-7a-108. Powers and duties of the Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board --
             291      Services provided by the Department of Health.
             292          (1) The board shall:
             293          (a) adopt bylaws that include:
             294          (i) an ethics policy that provides for:
             295          (A) disclosure by board members of conflicts of interest;
             296          (B) recusal of a board member from participating in an action of the board when the
             297      member has a conflict of interest;
             298          (C) removal of a board member for an ethical violation; and
             299          (D) ethical standards approved by the board; and
             300          (ii) a requirement for each member to sign a "commitment to serve" that contains the
             301      duties and expectations of board members;
             302          (b) make rules, pursuant to Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             303      Act, relating to the expenditure of funds contained in the trust fund;
             304          (c) annually prepare and publish a report to the Health and Human Services Interim

             305      Committee of the Legislature:
             306          (i) on or before November 1;
             307          (ii) describing how the board fulfilled its duties during the year; and
             308          (iii) making recommendations on how the state should act to address issues relating to
             309      the prevention of child abuse and neglect;
             310          (d) facilitate the exchange of information between persons concerned with issues
             311      relating to the prevention of child abuse or neglect;
             312          (e) advise the Legislature, the governor, state agencies, and the public regarding issues
             313      relating to:
             314          (i) the trust fund; or
             315          (ii) the prevention of child abuse and neglect; and
             316          (f) administer the trust fund.
             317          (2) The board may:
             318          (a) advocate for the prevention of child abuse and neglect;
             319          (b) coordinate with private nonprofit entities to raise funds for deposit in the trust fund;
             320          (c) consistent with Subsection (3), contract with, or issue grants to, any person to
             321      establish a community-based education or service program designed to reduce the occurrence
             322      of child abuse and neglect;
             323          (d) engage in fundraising efforts; and
             324          (e) apply for grants.
             325          (3) A contract or grant described in Subsection (2)(c):
             326          (a) shall contain a provision permitting the board, or the board's designee to:
             327          (i) evaluate the program that the contract or grant relates to; and
             328          (ii) terminate the contract or grant if the board determines that the purpose of the
             329      contract or grant is not being accomplished;
             330          (b) pursuant to the requirements of law, shall be financed from:
             331          (i) the trust fund; or
             332          (ii) other funds received pursuant to this section;
             333          (c) may be awarded to:
             334          (i) existing programs; or
             335          (ii) demonstration projects; and

             336          (d) may be considered for continuation or renewal if the program is successful in
             337      accomplishing the goals of the program.
             338          (4) The Department of Health shall provide fiscal management services to the board,
             339      including payroll and accounting services.
             340          Section 11. Section 26-7a-109 is enacted to read:
             341          26-7a-109. Utah Child Abuse Prevention Board -- Executive director and staff.
             342          (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), and within appropriations from the Legislature, the
             343      board may hire an executive director and other staff that the board considers necessary and
             344      appropriate.
             345          (b) The board may not hire an executive director until the person selected by the board
             346      is confirmed by the governor.
             347          (2) The executive director shall:
             348          (a) be responsible to the board;
             349          (b) under the direction of the board, administer the duties of the board; and
             350          (c) manage the staff support for the board.
             351          (3) The executive director may hire staff to provide administrative support to the
             352      executive director and the board within the funds:
             353          (a) appropriated to the board by the Legislature for that purpose; or
             354          (b) made available for that purpose under Subsection 26-7a-103 (4)(b)(ii).

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