Download Zipped Introduced WordPerfect HB0234S01.ZIP
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First Substitute H.B. 234
6 Sheryl L. Allen
7 Roger E. Barrus
8 Duane E. Bourdeaux
9 DeMar Bud Bowman
10 David Clark
11 Stephen D. Clark
12 Tim M. Cosgrove
13 Margaret Dayton
14 John Dougall
15 Carl W. DuckworthJames A. Ferrin
James R. Gowans
Neil A. Hansen
Wayne A. Harper
Neal B. Hendrickson
David L. Hogue
Kory M. Holdaway
Fred R. Hunsaker
Bradley T. Johnson
Brad KingDavid Litvack
Steven R. Mascaro
Carol Spackman Moss
Ross I. Romero
LaWanna Lou Shurtliff
David Ure
Mark A. Wheatley
Richard W. Wheeler
Scott L Wyatt 16
18 General Description:
19 This bill creates a restricted account within the General Fund.
20 Highlighted Provisions:
21 This bill:
22 . creates a restricted account within the General Fund called the Prison Telephone
23 Surcharge Account;
24 . beginning July 1, 2006, deposits money generated from surcharges on pay
25 telephones located at state correctional facilities into the account; and
26 . specifies that the money in the restricted account may be appropriated by the
27 Legislature for prison training and education programs.
28 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
29 This bill appropriates:
30 . $100,000 from the General Fund to the the Prison Telephone Surcharge Account for
31 fiscal year 2005-06 only; and
32 . $100,000 from the Prison Telephone Surcharge Account to the Board of Regents for
33 fiscal year 2005-06 only.
34 Other Special Clauses:
35 This bill has an effective date of July 1, 2005.
36 Utah Code Sections Affected:
38 64-13-42, Utah Code Annotated 1953
40 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
41 Section 1. Section 64-13-42 is enacted to read:
42 64-13-42. Prison Telephone Surcharge Account -- Inmate and offender education
43 and training programs.
44 (1) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
45 Prison Telephone Surcharge Account.
46 (b) The Prison Telephone Surcharge Account consists of:
47 (i) beginning July 1, 2006, revenue generated by the state from pay telephone services
48 located at any correctional facility as defined in Section 64-13-1 ; and
49 (ii) interest on account monies.
50 (2) Upon appropriation by the Legislature, monies from the Prison Telephone
51 Surcharge Account shall be used for education and training programs for offenders and inmates
52 as defined in Section 64-13-1 .
53 Section 2. Appropriation.
54 (1) There is appropriated $100,000 from the General Fund for fiscal year 2005-06 only,
55 to the Prison Telephone Surcharge Account; and
56 (2) There is appropriated $100,000 from the Prison Telephone Surcharge Account for
57 fiscal year 2005-06 only, to the Board of Regents for education and training programs for
58 inmates and offenders at a correctional facility as defined in Section 64-13-1 .
59 Section 3. Effective date.
60 This bill has an effective date of July 1, 2005.
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