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H.B. 266






Sponsor: Craig W. Buttars

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions related to the Quality Growth Commission.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    designates the director of the Department of Natural Resources and the
             13      commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food as commission members;
             14          .    modifies the composition of other commission members; and
             15          .    requires legislative approval for certain loans or grants of money from the LeRay
             16      McAllister Critical Land Conservation Fund.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          11-38-201, as last amended by Chapter 176, Laws of Utah 2002
             24          11-38-302, as enacted by Chapter 24, Laws of Utah 1999
             26      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             27          Section 1. Section 11-38-201 is amended to read:

             28           11-38-201. Quality Growth Commission -- Term of office -- Vacancy --
             29      Organization -- Expenses -- Staff.
             30          (1) (a) There is created a Quality Growth Commission consisting of:
             31          [(a) two persons at the state government level, one of whom shall be from]
             32          (i) the director of the Department of Natural Resources;
             33          (ii) the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Food;
             34          [(b)] (iii) six elected officials at the local government level, two of whom may not be
             35      residents of a county of the first or second class; and
             36          [(c)] (iv) five persons from the profit and nonprofit private sector, three of whom may
             37      not be residents of a county of the first or second class and no more than three of whom may be
             38      from the same political party and one of whom shall be from the residential construction
             39      industry, nominated by the Utah Home Builders Association, and one of whom shall be from
             40      the real estate industry, nominated by the Utah Association of Realtors.
             41          (b) (i) The director of the Department of Natural Resources and the commissioner of
             42      the Department of Agriculture and Food may not assume their positions on the commission
             43      until:
             44          (A) after May 1, 2005; and
             45          (B) the term of the respective predecessor in office, who is a state government level
             46      appointee, expires.
             47          (ii) The term of a commission member serving on May 1, 2005 as one of the six
             48      elected local officials or five private sector appointees may not be shortened because of
             49      application of the restriction under Subsections (1)(a)(iii) and (iv) on the number of appointees
             50      from counties of the first or second class.
             51          (2) (a) Each commission member appointed under Subsection (1)(a)(iii) or (iv) shall be
             52      appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate.
             53          (b) The governor shall select three of the six members under Subsection (1)[(b)] (a)(iii)
             54      from a list of names provided by the Utah League of Cities and Towns, and shall select the
             55      remaining three from a list of names provided by the Utah Association of Counties.
             56          (c) Two of the persons appointed under Subsection (1) shall be from the agricultural
             57      community from a list of names provided by Utah farm organizations.
             58          (3) (a) The term of office of each member is four years, except that the governor shall

             59      appoint one of the persons at the state government level, three of the persons at the local
             60      government level, and two of the persons under Subsection (1)[(c)] (a)(iv) to an initial two-year
             61      term.
             62          (b) No member of the commission may serve more than two consecutive four-year
             63      terms.
             64          (4) Each mid-term vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as
             65      an appointment under Subsection (2).
             66          (5) Commission members shall elect a chair from their number and establish rules for
             67      the organization and operation of the commission.
             68          (6) (a) No member may receive compensation or benefits for the member's service on
             69      the commission.
             70          (b) (i) A member who is not a government officer or employee may be reimbursed for
             71      reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of the member's official duties at the rates
             72      established by the Division of Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             73          (ii) A member who is a government officer or employee and who does not receive
             74      expenses from the member's agency may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the
             75      performance of the member's official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance
             76      under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             77          (c) A member may decline to be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the
             78      performance of the member's official duties.
             79          (d) A member is not required to give bond for the performance of official duties.
             80          (7) Staff services to the commission:
             81          (a) shall be provided by OPB; and
             82          (b) may be provided by local entities through the Utah Association of Counties and the
             83      Utah League of Cities and Towns, with funds approved by the commission from those
             84      identified as available to local entities under Subsection 11-38-203 (1)(a).
             85          Section 2. Section 11-38-302 is amended to read:
             86           11-38-302. Use of money in fund -- Criteria -- Administration.
             87          (1) Subject to Subsection (2), the commission may authorize the use of money in the
             88      fund, by grant or loan, to:
             89          (a) a local entity;

             90          (b) the Department of Natural Resources created under Section 63-34-3 ;
             91          (c) the Department of Agriculture and Food created under Section 4-2-1 ; or
             92          (d) a charitable organization that qualifies as being tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3)
             93      of the Internal Revenue Code.
             94          (2) (a) The money in the fund shall be used for preserving or restoring open land and
             95      agricultural land.
             96          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b)(ii), money from the fund may not be
             97      used to purchase a fee interest in real property in order to preserve open land or agricultural
             98      land, but may be used to establish a conservation easement under Title 57, Chapter 18, Land
             99      Conservation Easement Act, or to fund similar methods to preserve open land or agricultural
             100      land.
             101          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(b)(i), money from the fund may be used to
             102      purchase a fee interest in real property to preserve open land or agricultural land if:
             103          (A) the parcel to be purchased is no more than 20 acres in size; and
             104          (B) with respect to a parcel purchased in a county in which over 50% of the land area is
             105      publicly owned, real property roughly equivalent in size and located within that county is
             106      contemporaneously transferred to private ownership from the governmental entity that
             107      purchased the fee interest in real property.
             108          (iii) Eminent domain may not be used or threatened in connection with any purchase
             109      using money from the fund.
             110          (iv) A parcel of land larger than 20 acres in size may not be divided into separate
             111      parcels smaller than 20 acres each to meet the requirement of Subsection (2)(b)(ii).
             112          (c) A county, city, town, department, or organization under Subsection (1) may not
             113      receive money from the fund unless it provides matching funds equal to or greater than the
             114      amount of money received from the fund.
             115          (d) In loaning or granting money from the fund, the commission may impose
             116      conditions on the recipient as to how the money is to be spent.
             117          (e) The commission shall give priority to requests from the Department of Natural
             118      Resources for up to 20% of each annual increase in the amount of money in the fund if the
             119      money is used for the protection of wildlife or watershed.
             120          (f) The commission may not, without the Legislature's prior approval, make a grant or

             121      loan from the fund that exceeds $1,000,000.
             122          (3) (a) If money from the fund is distributed in the form of a loan, the commission may
             123      require interest to be paid and shall establish other terms of each loan, including a repayment
             124      schedule.
             125          (b) Each payment on a loan from the fund shall be returned to the fund and shall be
             126      applied first to interest and then to principal.
             127          (4) In determining the amount and type of financial assistance to provide an entity,
             128      department, or organization under Subsection (1) and subject to Subsection (2)(f), the
             129      commission:
             130          (a) if the assistance is in the form of a loan, shall consider the borrower's ability to
             131      repay the loan; and
             132          (b) shall consider:
             133          (i) the nature and amount of open land and agricultural land proposed to be preserved
             134      or restored;
             135          (ii) the qualities of the open land and agricultural land proposed to be preserved or
             136      restored;
             137          (iii) the cost effectiveness of the project to preserve or restore open land or agricultural
             138      land;
             139          (iv) the funds available;
             140          (v) the number of actual and potential applications for financial assistance and the
             141      amount of money sought by those applications;
             142          (vi) the open land preservation plan of the local entity where the project is located and
             143      the priority placed on the project by that local entity;
             144          (vii) the effects on housing affordability and diversity; and
             145          (viii) whether the project protects against the loss of private property ownership.
             146          (5) If a county, city, town, department, or organization under Subsection (1) seeks
             147      money from the fund for a project whose purpose is to protect critical watershed, the
             148      commission shall require that the needs and quality of that project be verified by the state
             149      engineer.
             150          (6) Each interest in real property purchased with money from the fund shall be held and
             151      administered by the state or a local entity.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-21-05 2:46 PM

Based on a limited legal review, this legislation has not been determined to have a high
probability of being held unconstitutional.

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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