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Second Substitute H.R. 7
8 General Description:
9 This resolution details the process for being listed on a committee report as dissenting.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This resolution:
12 . requires notice be given to the committee if dissenting members desire to be listed
13 separately as dissenting;
14 . replaces the term "majority report" with "committee report"; and
15 . outlines the process for being listed as dissenting from a committee report.
16 Special Clauses:
17 This resolution provides an immediate effective date.
18 Legislative Rules Affected:
20 HR-24.16
21 HR-25.05
23 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
24 Section 1. HR-24.16 is amended to read:
25 HR-24.16. Voting -- Chair to Verbally Announce the Vote -- Dissenting Members
26 to be Reported.
27 (1) After the committee votes, the chair shall:
28 (a) determine whether the motion passed or failed;
29 (b) verbally announce that the motion passed or that the motion failed; and
30 (c) verbally identify by name either the committee members who voted "yes" or the
31 committee members who voted "no."
32 (2) (a) Members dissenting from a committee report may [
34 (b) If any member of the committee desires to be listed on the committee report as
35 dissenting, that committee member shall advise the committee during the meeting in which the
36 committee report was adopted.
37 (c) If any member of the committee states the member's intent to be listed on the
38 committee report as dissenting, staff for that committee shall prepare the committee report with
39 any dissenting committee member listed separately by name.
40 Section 2. HR-25.05 is amended to read:
41 HR-25.05. Second Reading Calendar.
42 (1) The Chief Clerk of the House or his designee shall read the committee report to the
43 House and this constitutes the second reading of any bill referred to in the report. Each bill
44 listed shall be read by title, unless the House suspends this requirement by a two-thirds vote.
45 (cf. HR-27.16)
46 (2) The Reading Clerk shall read the committee report.
47 (3) A motion to adopt a "favorable" committee report places the bill before the House
48 with all committee amendments. If a motion to adopt a "favorable" committee report does not
49 receive a majority vote, the bill shall be returned to the House Rules Committee.
50 (4) A majority vote of the members present is required to pass the bill on the second
51 reading calendar.
52 (5) (a) Any listing of dissenting members on a committee report shall be read by the
53 Reading Clerk and entered as part of the report in the journal.
54 Section 3. Effective date.
55 This resolution takes effect upon approval by a constitutional majority vote of all
56 members of the House of Representatives.
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