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S.B. 1
This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill
on Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 4:50 PM by rday. -->
This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Mon, Feb
28, 2005 at 5:33 PM by chopkin. -->
Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard
General Description:
This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the use and
operation of state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004 and ending June 30, 2005.
Highlighted Provisions:
This bill:
. provides budget increases and decreases for the use and support of certain state agencies;
. provides budget increases and decreases for other purposes as described;
. provides intent language.
Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2005:
. $79,479,600 from the General Fund;
. $1,669,900 from the Uniform School Fund;
. $58,728,900 from income tax revenue;
. $9,758,800 from various sources as detailed herein.
Other Special Clauses:
This bill takes effect immediately.
Utah Code Sections Affected:
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
Section 1. Under the terms and conditions of Section 63-38-3, the following sums of money
are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts previously
appropriated, out of the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government
of the State of Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004 and ending June 30, 2005. This is an
addition to or a subtraction from amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2005.
34 Governor's Office
35 Item 1 To Governor's Office
36 From General Fund, One-time 126,000
37 Schedule of Programs:
38 Administration 126,000
39 The Legislature intends that funds provided for the
40 Governors Office shall not lapse.
41 Attorney General
42 Item 2 To Attorney General
43 From General Fund, One-time 449,300
44 From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund (449,300)
45 The Legislature intends that funds provided for the
46 Attorney General shall not lapse.
47 Item 3 To Attorney General - Contract Attorneys
48 From General Fund, One-time 99,200
49 Schedule of Programs:
50 Contract Attorneys 99,200
51 The Legislature intends that funds provided for Contract
52 Attorneys shall not lapse.
53 Utah Department of Corrections
54 Item 4 To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
55 From General Fund, One-time 1,495,400
56 Schedule of Programs:
57 Institutional Operations Draper Facility 1,495,400
58 It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for
59 Programs and Operations shall not lapse.
60 Item 5 To Utah Department of Corrections - Jail Contracting
61 From General Fund, One-time 250,000
62 Schedule of Programs:
63 Jail Contracting 250,000
64 It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for Jail
65 Contracting shall not lapse.
66 Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
67 Item 6 To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice
68 Services - Programs and Operations
69 From General Fund, One-time 750,000
70 Schedule of Programs:
72 Rural Programs 187,500
73 It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for
74 Programs and Operations shall not lapse.
75 Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
76 Item 7 To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
77 It is the intent of the Legislature that the Administrative
78 Office of the Courts: 1) reimburse up to $100,000 to any
79 private nonprofit organization that, in reliance on
80 representation that certain legal expenses for domestic violence
81 would be reimbursed, has incurred expenses for: (a) legal
82 advice for low income family members and low income
83 victims of domestic violence about family law matters; and (b)
84 legal representation in family law matters in Utah district or
85 juvenile courts to low income family members and low income
86 victims of domestic violence. 2) before reimbursing the
87 monies to the private organization, obtain a written, signed,
88 and dated certification from the organization that the monies
89 were used or will be used exclusively to provide the services of
90 1(a) and 1(b).
91 Item 8 To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness
92 Fees
93 From General Fund, One-time 145,900
94 Schedule of Programs:
95 Jury, Witness, and Interpreter 145,900
96 It is the intent of the Legislature that the funds for Jury,
97 Witness and Interpreter shall not lapse.
98 Department of Public Safety
99 Item 9 To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
100 From General Fund, One-time 483,300
101 From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support 101,300
102 Schedule of Programs:
103 Department Commissioner's Office 483,300
104 Fire Marshall - Fire Operations 101,300
105 The Legislature intends that funds provided for Public
106 Safety Programs and Operations shall not lapse.
107 Capital Facilities & Administrative Services
108 Capitol Preservation Board
110 From General Fund, One-time 117,000
111 Schedule of Programs:
112 Capitol Preservation Board 117,000
113 Department of Administrative Services
114 Item 11 To Department of Administrative Services - Automated
115 Geographic Reference Center
116 The Legislature intends that funds provided for the
117 Automated Geographic Reference Center in FY 2005 shall not
118 lapse.
119 Item 12 To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM
120 Administration
121 From General Fund, One-time 150,000
122 Schedule of Programs:
123 DFCM Administration 150,000
124 The Legislature intends that the $150,000 General Fund
125 one-time appropriation shall not lapse.
125a H.It is the intent of the Legislature that the Department
125b spend this money to conduct a feasibility study to
125c determine whether or not to move the state prison at
125d Draper to another location. It is also the intent of the
125e Legislature that the Department, in expending the money to
125f conduct the feasibility study, ensure that the process:
125g allows substantial opportunity for public review and
125h comment; gives due consideration to those public comments
125i and recommendations in the preparations and final
125j recommendations of the study; allows opportunities for all
125k interested parties to submit written comments on any draft
125l Request for Proposals; includes public hearings on the
125m draft report and recommendations in each community
125n affected by the recommendations contained in the draft
125o report; and allows opportunities for interested parties to
125p submit oral or written comments to the draft report at
125q those public hearings.. H
126 Item 13 To Department of Administrative Services - Finance
127 Administration
128 From General Fund, One-time 50,000
129 Schedule of Programs:
130 Financial Reporting 50,000
131 The Legislature intends that the $50,000 General Fund
132 one-time appropriation shall not lapse.
134 From General Fund, One-time 3,000,000
135 Schedule of Programs:
136 LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Fund 3,000,000
137 It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the LeRay
138 McAllister Fund shall not lapse.
139 Item 15 To Department of Administrative Services - Purchasing
140 It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for Purchasing
141 shall not lapse and that those funds shall be used for electronic
142 commerce.
143 Item 16 To Department of Administrative Services - Office of Child
144 Welfare Parental Defense
145 It is the intent of the Legislature that funds for the Office of
146 Child Welfare Parental Defense shall not lapse and that those
148 Department of Administrative Services Internal Service Funds
149 Item 17 To Department of Administrative Services - Division of
150 Information Technology Services
151 The Legislature intends that, under the terms and
152 conditions of Utah Code Annotated 63-38-8.2, $1,347,000 in
153 capital outlay authority granted to the Division of Information
154 Technology Services for Fiscal Year 2005 shall not lapse. The
155 Legislature intends that this authority will be used for the
156 following projects: Campus Network Expansion; Intrusion
157 Protection System; Microwave Expansion; RACF/UMD
158 Integration; WAN Access Upgrades; WAN Distribution
159 Upgrades.
160 Capital Budget
161 Item 18 To Capital Budget - Capital Development
162 From General Fund, One-time H. [
163 From Income Tax, One-time 48,488,000
164 Schedule of Programs:
165 CPB State Capitol Building 50,000,000
166 UU Marriott Library H. [
166a [
166b University of Utah Marriott Library be expended on furniture and
166c fixtures at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts. .S
166d Utah Museum of Fine Arts 465,000
166e Veteran's Nursing Home 4,500,000 .H
167 Item 19 To Capital Budget - Property Acquisition
168 From Income Tax, One-time H. [
169 Schedule of Programs:
170 BATC Bourns Building H. [
171 State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
172 Item 20 To State Board of Bonding Commissioners - Debt Service
173 From Uniform School Fund, One-time 1,682,400
174 Schedule of Programs:
175 Debt Service 1,682,400
176 Restricted Revenue - Capital Facilities & Administrative Services
177 Item 21 To General Fund Budget Reserve Account
178 From General Fund, One-time H. [
179 Schedule of Programs:
180 General Fund Budget Reserve Account H. [
181 Commerce & Revenue
182 Utah State Tax Commission
183 Item 22 To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
184 It is the intent of the legislature that the Utah State Tax
186 implementing Streamlined Sales Tax legislation.
187 Department of Workforce Services
188 Item 23 To Department of Workforce Services
189 The Legislature does not intend to lapse $3,000,000
190 appropriated in Fiscal Year 2005 from the General Fund
191 Restricted - Special Administrative Expense fund for the
192 Electronic resource Eligibility Project (eREP).
193 Labor Commission
194 Item 24 To Labor Commission
195 From General Fund, One-time 23,600
196 Schedule of Programs:
197 Administration 23,600
198 Under the terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code
199 Annotated, Item 79 of Chapter 256 is made nonlapsing with the
200 use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following: $50,000
201 for computer equipment and software.
202 Insurance Department
203 Item 25 To Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration
204 Under the terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code
205 Annotated, Item 85 of Chapter 256 is made nonlapsing with the
206 use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following: $120,000
207 for computer equipment and software, and $10,000 for
208 employee training.
209 Public Service Commission
210 Item 26 To Public Service Commission
211 The Legislature does not intend to lapse the appropriation
212 made by the passage of S. B. 1, Appropriations Act, 2004
213 General Session , Item 89.
214 Revenue - Commerce & Revenue
215 Item 27 To General Fund
216 From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund 449,300
217 Schedule of Programs:
218 General Fund, One-time 449,300
219 Economic Development & Human Resources
220 Department of Community & Economic Development
221 Item 28 To Department of Community & Economic Development -
222 Business and Travel Development
224 Schedule of Programs:
225 Science and Technology 250,000
226 It is the intent of the legislature that funding for Division of
227 Business and Economic Development be non-lapsing. This
228 intent supercedes intent language found in Senate Bill 1, Item
229 99, of the 2004 General Session.
230 It is the intent of the legislature that funding for Travel
231 Council be non-lapsing. This intent supercedes intent language
232 found in Senate Bill 1, Item 100, of the 2004 General Session.
233 It is the intent of the Legislature that $250,000 General
234 Fund one-time funding appropriated in this item be used to
235 fund the Manufacturer's Extension Partnership.
236 It is the intent of the Legislature that funding for Business
237 and Travel Development be nonlapsing.
238 Item 29 To Department of Community & Economic Development -
239 Housing and Community Development
240 From Dedicated Credits Revenue 608,700
241 Schedule of Programs:
242 Ethnic Office 25,000
243 Museum Services 33,700
244 Weatherization Assistance 550,000
245 Restricted Revenue - Economic Development & Human Resources
246 Item 30 To Industrial Assistance Fund
247 From General Fund, One-time 4,442,800
248 Schedule of Programs:
249 Industrial Assistance Fund 4,442,800
250 Health & Human Services
251 Department of Health
252 Item 31 To Department of Health - Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
253 Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1, the Legislature intends
254 to make nonlapsing item 114, Chapter 256, Laws of Utah 2004.
255 Expenditure of these funds is limited to $200,000 for
256 laboratory equipment, computer equipment and/or software,
257 and building improvements.
258 Item 32 To Department of Health - Community and Family Health
259 Services
260 It is the intent of the Legislature that $75,000 of
262 purchase flu vaccine.
263 Item 33 To Department of Health - Medical Assistance
264 From General Fund, One-time 500,000
265 From Federal Funds 1,288,300
266 Schedule of Programs:
267 Medicaid Base Program 1,788,300
268 Department of Human Services
269 Item 34 To Department of Human Services - Executive Director
270 Operations
271 If funds are available, the Foster Care Citizens Review
272 Board is authorized to not lapse funds at the end of FY 2005.
273 These funds are to be used solely for one-time development,
274 maintenance, and upgrading of computer software and
275 equipment and for recruitment, training and retention of
276 volunteers.
277 Item 35 To Department of Human Services - Drug Courts/Boards
278 It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for
279 Drug Courts and Drug Boards from the Tobacco Settlement
280 Restricted Account for FY 2005 be non-lapsing.
281 Item 36 To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse
282 and Mental Health
283 From General Fund, One-time 1,694,400
284 Schedule of Programs:
285 State Hospital 1,328,700
286 Local Substance Abuse Services 365,700
287 If funds are available, the Division of Substance Abuse and
288 Mental Health is authorized to not lapse up to $65,000 at the
289 end of FY 2005. These funds are to be used for the purchase of
290 computer equipment and software, capital equipment or
291 improvements, and equipment or supplies.
292 Item 37 To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family
293 Services
294 From General Fund, One-time 801,200
295 From Federal Funds 710,200
296 From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance (210,800)
297 Schedule of Programs:
298 Adoption Assistance 1,300,600
300 Services is authorized to not lapse up to $50,000 at the end of
301 FY 2005. These funds are to be used for the purchase of
302 computer equipment and software.
303 Item 38 To Department of Human Services - Division of Aging and Adult
304 Services
305 If funds are available, the Division of Aging and Adult
306 Services is authorized to not lapse up to $100,000 at at the end
307 of FY 2005. These funds are to be used for senior center
308 renovations and to assist with vehicle maintenance and
309 replacements within local area agencies on aging.
310 Higher Education
311 University of Utah
312 Item 39 To University of Utah - Education and General
313 From Income Tax, One-time 2,518,100
314 Schedule of Programs:
315 Education and General 2,518,100
316 Utah State University
317 Item 40 To Utah State University - Education and General
318 From Income Tax, One-time 1,819,600
319 Schedule of Programs:
320 Education and General 1,819,600
321 Item 41 To Utah State University - Brigham City Continuing Education
322 Center
323 From Income Tax, One-time 6,700
324 Schedule of Programs:
325 Brigham City Continuing Education Center 6,700
326 Weber State University
327 Item 42 To Weber State University - Education and General
328 From Income Tax, One-time 322,600
329 Schedule of Programs:
330 Education and General 322,600
331 Southern Utah University
332 Item 43 To Southern Utah University - Education and General
333 From Income Tax, One-time 128,800
334 Schedule of Programs:
335 Education and General 128,800
336 Item 44 To Southern Utah University - Shakespeare Festival
338 Schedule of Programs:
339 Shakespeare Festival 12,500
340 Snow College
341 Item 45 To Snow College - Education and General
342 From Income Tax, One-time 40,800
343 Schedule of Programs:
344 Education and General 40,800
345 Dixie State College of Utah
346 Item 46 To Dixie State College of Utah - Education and General
347 From Income Tax, One-time 155,200
348 Schedule of Programs:
349 Education and General 155,200
350 College of Eastern Utah
351 Item 47 To College of Eastern Utah - Education and General
352 From Income Tax, One-time 70,400
353 Schedule of Programs:
354 Education and General 70,400
355 Item 48 To College of Eastern Utah - Prehistoric Museum
356 From Income Tax, One-time 27,300
357 Schedule of Programs:
358 Prehistoric Museum 27,300
359 Utah Valley State College
360 Item 49 To Utah Valley State College - Education and General
361 From Income Tax, One-time 597,100
362 Schedule of Programs:
363 Education and General 597,100
364 Salt Lake Community College
365 Item 50 To Salt Lake Community College - Education and General
366 From Income Tax, One-time 213,400
367 Schedule of Programs:
368 Education and General 213,400
369 Utah College of Applied Technology
370 Item 51 To Utah College of Applied Technology - Dixie Applied
371 Technology Campus
372 From Income Tax, One-time 130,000
373 Schedule of Programs:
374 Dixie Appled Technology Campus 130,000
376 Applied Technology Campus
377 From Income Tax, One-time 359,300
378 Schedule of Programs:
379 Salt Lake/Tooele Appled Technology Campus 359,300
380 State Board of Regents
381 Item 53 To State Board of Regents - Student Aid
382 From Income Tax, One-time 253,600
383 Schedule of Programs:
384 New Century Scholarships 253,600
385 Natural Resources
386 Department of Natural Resources
387 Item 54 To Department of Natural Resources - Administration
388 From General Fund, One-time 2,000,000
389 Schedule of Programs:
390 Administrative Services 2,000,000
391 Item 55 To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State
392 Lands
393 From General Fund, One-time 1,020,000
394 From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management 1,077,000
395 Schedule of Programs:
396 Fire Suppression 1,300,000
397 Technical Assistance 300,000
398 Program Delivery 497,000
399 It is the intent of the Legislature that the $447,000 funding
400 increase from General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land
401 Management account for the Special Master be nonlapsing.
402 It is the intent of the Legislature that the $50,000 funding
403 increase from General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land
404 Management account for remedial action for Rozel Point Oil
405 wells be nonlapsing.
406 Item 56 To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
407 From General Fund, One-time 30,000
408 From General Fund Restricted - Boating 68,900
409 From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle 106,900
410 Schedule of Programs:
411 Park Operations 205,800
412 Item 57 To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
414 From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle (260,000)
415 Schedule of Programs:
416 Off-highway Vehicle Grants (260,000)
417 Item 58 To Department of Natural Resources - Water Rights
418 From General Fund, One-time 100,000
419 Schedule of Programs:
420 Administration 100,000
421 Department of Agriculture and Food
422 Item 59 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
423 From General Fund, One-time 150,000
424 From Department of Agriculture Data Processing Internal Service Fund 268,300
425 Schedule of Programs:
426 General Administration 268,300
427 Regulatory Services 150,000
428 It is the intent of the Legislature that the $150,000 General
429 Fund supplemental appropriation for the Regulatory Services
430 program be nonlapsing.
431 Item 60 To Department of Agriculture and Food - Loans
432 From General Fund, One-time 1,000,000
433 Schedule of Programs:
434 Agriculture Loan Program 1,000,000
435 School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
436 Item 61 To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration - School &
437 Institutional Trust Lands Administration
438 From Land Grant Management Fund 1,000,000
439 Schedule of Programs:
440 Development - Capital 1,000,000
441 Public Education
442 State Board of Education
443 Item 62 To State Board of Education - Fine Arts and Sciences
444 From Uniform School Fund, One-time (12,500)
445 Schedule of Programs:
446 Professional Outreach Programs in the Schools (12,500)
447 Revenue - Public Education
448 Item 63 To Uniform School Fund
449 From Closing Nonlasping Balances - Minimum School Program 5,000,000
450 Schedule of Programs:
452 Transportation & Environmental Quality
453 Utah National Guard
454 Item 64 To Utah National Guard - Utah National Guard
455 Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
456 Item 219 of Chapter 256 Laws of Utah 2004 is made
457 nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the
458 following: Veterans' Cemetery - $50,000 Armory Maintenance
459 - $50,000
460 Department of Transportation
461 Item 65 To Department of Transportation - Support Services
462 From Transportation Fund 43,300
463 From Federal Funds 4,800
464 Schedule of Programs:
465 Community Relations 48,100
466 Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
467 Item 223 of Chapter 256 Laws of Utah 2004 is made
468 nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the
469 following: Data Processing - $300,000
470 Item 66 To Department of Transportation - Engineering Services
471 From Transportation Fund 97,300
472 Schedule of Programs:
473 Safety Operations 97,300
474 Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
475 Item 224 of Chapter 256 Laws of Utah 2004 is made
476 nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the
477 following: Engineering Services - $100,000
478 Item 67 To Department of Transportation - Maintenance Management
479 From Transportation Fund 411,100
480 From Federal Funds (4,800)
481 Schedule of Programs:
482 District 2 454,400
483 Field Crews (48,100)
484 Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
485 Item 223 of Chapter 256 Laws of Utah 2004 is made
486 nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the
487 following: Contractual Maintenance - $100,000 Land and
488 Buildings (environmental clean up) - $200,000 Land Purchases
490 Item 68 To Department of Transportation - Construction Management
491 From Centennial Highway Program 12,162,400
492 Schedule of Programs:
493 State Construction - New 12,162,400
494 Item 69 To Department of Transportation - Region Management
495 From Transportation Fund (513,100)
496 Schedule of Programs:
497 Region 2 (454,400)
498 Region 3 (58,700)
499 Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
500 Item 225 of Chapter 256 Laws of Utah 2004 is made
501 nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the
502 following: Region Management - $100,000
503 Item 70 To Department of Transportation - Equipment Management
504 From Transportation Fund (38,600)
505 Schedule of Programs:
506 Shops (38,600)
507 Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated,
508 Item 228 of Chapter 256 Laws of Utah 2004 is made
509 nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the
510 following: Equipment Purchases - $100,000
511 Item 71 To Department of Transportation - Centennial Highway Program
512 From Centennial Highway Fund, One-time (12,162,400)
513 Schedule of Programs:
514 Centennial Highway Program (12,162,400)
515 Section 2. Effective Date.
516 If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, this bill takes effect upon
517 approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution
518 Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override.
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